Omaha 2004 2-DVD set

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This topic has 11 voices, contains 27 replies, and was last updated by  mrmojohalen 3817 days ago.

August 8, 2014 at 4:04 am Quote #37743


Just transferred this from the master tapes. Back when it was filmed I didn’t have a DVD recorder. I will send the discs to a friend and he will upload them to Dime when he has a chance. One funny moment is at the beginning of “Right Now” some chick gets on stage and goes over to Sammy and Eddie and flashes her tits to the crowd. The camera is right on it. Much better audio than that shit KC show I filmed.

August 8, 2014 at 10:03 am Quote #37745

August 8, 2014 at 12:12 pm Quote #37746


I remember all the trouble you caused at the last site about this show, 2004 tour, not a highlight of VH’s career, I certainly won’t be downloading it. Goodbye.

August 8, 2014 at 1:18 pm Quote #37748



April 12, 2012 at 11:50 am

Oryo you are the reason I didn’t release Omaha on the last tour. You don’t respect filmers wishes. I’m not going to travel and spend alot of money only to have it torrented. I still do trades and would like something in return to help cover the time and expenses. But its people like you and BTB that ruin it. You think you are helping but you are only encouraging hoarding.

As far as BTB doing so much for the VH trading community, that is true. However there are other ways to get shows out besides torrenting. Look at all the pricks on Ebay and ioffer that are selling VH shows they got from torrent sites. Same artwork and all. Not to mention all the leachers that are too lazy to pick up a camera and film themselves. BTB posted he shot a show somewhere on this site yet he didn’t torrent that. Why? Does anyone on this site even have that show?

As far as keeping my shows, maybe I didn’t make myself clear. I’m not even gunna film VH in KC because of BTB. How is that helping the VH trading community? Instead I have to film Nickelback the same night. At least I won’t have to travel. I also planned on flying out to Phoenix but no way is that gunna happen now……….thanks BTB. Oh well, I prefer VH with Sammy so it won’t take long to get over. There’s plenty of shows from NYCBC (true contributors to the VH trading community) to hold me over. They might be sellers but they do good work and release their stuff. I don’t blame them for wanting a little in return to cover time and expenses. I guess some people like you just want hand outs………..cheapskate!

Sounds like you’ve had a change of heart.

August 8, 2014 at 1:36 pm Quote #37753


Am I misreading that rant? In a nutshell, he’s saying those who sell their videos help the “trading community” while those who give things away for free are harming it?

August 8, 2014 at 6:36 pm Quote #37759


Well I missed out on all the drama around this show – but as an Omaha resident who was at the show – I’m DELIGHTED to hear I’ll be able to relive it. So THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart for your willingness to share it with us. And if you could ask your friend to upload it to dropbox! Thanks!

August 8, 2014 at 7:12 pm Quote #37763


voodoo: Am I misreading that rant? In a nutshell, he’s saying those who sell their videos help the “trading community” while those who give things away for free are harming it?

That’s the way it came across to me. If that’s they way he thinks about it it’s a little strange. Anyway, i’m always appreciative of the work filmers put in no matter what their thoughts are.

August 8, 2014 at 8:24 pm Quote #37768


I think – if I read his concern from 2012 correctly – he was upset at one person in particular who didn’t respect the wishes of the tapers – and as a taper himself – he wasn’t doing this for free – he wanted something in return – which I can completely understand. He wasn’t even asking for money – it sounds like a trade would have been appreciated rather than something in exchange for nothing. But that’s the problem with bootlegging shows these days – after the first couple sales / trades – it’s all over the web – all the work is now traded for free and if your intention is to get something for your efforts other than a thank you – you’re kinda out of luck once the genie is out of the bottle and the show is widely available. There’s very little reward for the work that they do – and not enough appreciation for this service – making a rare show available.

Heck – omahaswine – if you want a trade in return for your Omaha show – contact me, I don’t have my list ready yet, it hasn’t been updated in a decade but if I have something you need, I’d happily trade for the omaha show. If not – I’d appreciate having this show either way.

August 8, 2014 at 10:20 pm Quote #37770



There’s very little reward for the work that they do – and not enough appreciation for this service – making a rare show available.

I film shows, author them, release them, and if someone says thank you–fine. If they don’t say anything–that’s fine too. I’m not looking for anything in return. I don’t have anything that’s rare – because I release it all.

I’m not suggesting everyone (or anyone) should have the same attitude I have. But I am suggesting that to expect anything in return is a losing proposition, so the best thing is to not expect anything.

August 9, 2014 at 10:46 am Quote #37776


I had a feeling that someone would bring up that rant. That was about a Roth show not this one. And it was Oryo and BTB. I don’t want others to miss out because of 2 people. 2004 Omaha has NEVER been on DVD before. I had a change of heart. Shawn aka “vhlive” is gone. I offered it to a couple people in trades but one guy wasn’t interested and the other guy wanted to give cash for the exclusive. I told him I didn’t want cash and just wanted to trade. All that old stuff is under the bridge. Heck its been 10 years since this was filmed. I’m getting too old for this and gunna cut way back on the filming so Guitard I don’t expect anything in return. I met a couple of cool people on this site so I just want to give back.
I don’t know how to upload so if my guy doesn’t come through, would someone be willing to upload it to Dime if I mail you copies? LMK.

August 9, 2014 at 10:59 am Quote #37777


If you need someone to share it, I could throw it in my Dropbox, since that seems to be the prerferred method of sharing these days. Many people don’t want to torrent.
I hear you about having a change of heart.

You get older and realize this stuff isn’t the end of the world. It’s a concert. It’s music. It’s an archive, a snapshot of the band. It’s supposed to shared and be fun. Cool of you to let it out.

August 9, 2014 at 12:30 pm Quote #37781



I had a feeling that someone would bring up that rant. That was about a Roth show not this one. And it was Oryo and BTB. I don’t want others to miss out because of 2 people.

Just so you know, Oryo and BTB are well respected members in good standing here at VHT. A friendly word of advice – think whatever you want about them – but it would probably be best to not talk negatively about them here at VHT.


I had a change of heart. All that old stuff is under the bridge.

That’s good to hear.

August 9, 2014 at 3:24 pm Quote #37793


Just saw your message – I’d be happy to dropbox it. I just PMed you my address. :)

August 9, 2014 at 3:32 pm Quote #37795


I saw them 3 times on this tour. Omaha, Moline and Minneapolis. This was by far the best of the shows if memory serves me properly.

August 12, 2014 at 11:54 pm Quote #37954


Is this being shared or torrented yet? Just curious. :)


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