INTERVIEW with Legend PUNKY MEADOWS and an ANGEL Radio Tribute 95.9 The Wrat

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This topic has 4 voices, contains 5 replies, and was last updated by  ekru 4020 days ago.

February 17, 2014 at 10:08 am Quote #33024


Anyone in the NY/NJ area able to record this and possibly upload the WAV or FLAC file?

I will be guest host with Keith Roth on 95.9 THE WRAT Sunday Feb 16 at 8:00 pm to 10:00PM Eastern time for an in depth INTERVIEW with Legend PUNKY MEADOWS and an ANGEL Radio Tribute on THE ELECTRIC BALLROOM 95.9 the wrat one of the Biggest ROCK radio stations in NJ.
If you are not in the NJ , NY area you can also go to the WRAT website and click listen live so all can check it out.This is a very special Dedication to the Amazing and Influential Guitarist PUNKY MEADOWS and in my opinion one of the best bands ever ANGEL.

February 17, 2014 at 10:35 am Quote #33027


February 17, 2014 at 10:38 am Quote #33030


LOL! Thanks, Ron. I read this and thought it was going to be on tonight. My bad…;)

February 17, 2014 at 10:59 am Quote #33031


Thanks for the links Ron/Voo. Is there any VH content in the interview?

February 17, 2014 at 12:51 pm Quote #33035


Part 2 – 3:22 mark they talk about Cafe Wha? and about VH playing there in 2012 very briefly.

There’s only about 34 minutes worth of interview in the YT clips but the show was supposedly 2 hours. There isn’t any of their music included.

Interesting that around the 4:00 mark of Part 3 the guy is saying Gene came out to see them and loved them and also wanted him to join Kiss. I’m not familiar with Angel, so I pulled up a couple tracks on YouTube. Not all that impressed with them. These guys interviewing are really big fans of the band and of Punky himself, so they’re just falling all over him.

February 19, 2014 at 11:09 pm Quote #33150


voodoo: Part 2 – 3:22 mark they talk about Cafe Wha? and about VH playing there in 2012 very briefly.

There’s only about 34 minutes worth of interview in the YT clips but the show was supposedly 2 hours. There isn’t any of their music included.

Interesting that around the 4:00 mark of Part 3 the guy is saying Gene came out to see them and loved them and also wanted him to join Kiss. I’m not familiar with Angel, so I pulled up a couple tracks on YouTube. Not all that impressed with them. These guys interviewing are really big fans of the band and of Punky himself, so they’re just falling all over him.

Yeh, Voodoo — not all that impressive, Angel. Their logo was the coolest thing about them (same upside down as right side up). Punky was known for his lips + hair, NOT his playing (which was way below-average, as far as late 70′s Guitar Hero stats go). Saw them once … it was funny to me, even at 16. Chicks sure dug ‘em! … Their ‘Live Without A Net’ LP was okay …. Greg Giuffria was a mighty fine synth player; great solo “On The Rocks”. …


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