Bad News For Demonoid Users?

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This topic has 6 voices, contains 7 replies, and was last updated by  frankm 4485 days ago.

August 2, 2012 at 2:45 pm Quote #17776

August 2, 2012 at 3:11 pm Quote #17780


oh well,i think i’ll have to delete the torrent i was on for weeks,that sucks

August 2, 2012 at 5:57 pm Quote #17785


This happens with them from time to time. I think the last time they were down for about 2-3 months a couple years ago. It will be back.

August 2, 2012 at 8:42 pm Quote #17793


That sucks!!!!They will be back sometime….

August 6, 2012 at 4:33 pm Quote #17910


Looks like Demonoid was BUSTED and they’re looking for a US Connection…

November 13, 2012 at 7:07 am Quote #20371


Looks like it may be on it’s way back.

As of Monday, well-known BitTorrent tracker Demonoid is back online. Three months ago, the tenacious tracker was chased out of its Ukrainian host, likely under pressure from American authorities. It may also have been driven offline due to a denial of service attack.

According to the IP address linked to the tracker, the new host appears to be physically located in Hong Kong. The website, meanwhile, remains down.

TorrentFreak points out that in previous closures, Demonoid’s tracker appeared before its website came back online, indicating that the site’s return may be coming soon.

“In 2007 and 2009 Demonoid suffered similar downtime episodes and at the time the tracker reappeared several weeks before the site,” TorrentFreak wrote.

As we noted previously, the United States Trade Representative mentioned Demonoid by name (PDF) on its Notorious Markets List in a government report dated December 2011. That report also noted that the site’s administrator had been arrested “recently” on the authority of the Mexican attorney general—the admin has reportedly been operating out of Mexico.

November 13, 2012 at 9:57 am Quote #20372


Thats not going to matter if you read this,2817,2411190,00.asp

ISP Piracy Warnings Launching Within Weeks
Chloe Albanesius By Chloe Albanesius
* October 19, 2012 02:47pm EST

The “Copyright Alert System,” which will provide notices to consumers if their ISP suspects there is illegal downloading going on, will start “in the coming weeks,” according to the group behind the system.

“Over the course of the next two months, each participating ISP expects to begin rolling out its version of the CAS,” according to the Center for Copyright Information, but an exact date for launch will be up to the ISPs involved.

The CAS was first announced in July 2011. Many ISPs already provide warnings to users if sketchy behavior is detected, but the Copyright Alert System is intended to provide a standardized approach that all ISPs will use. Going forward, users will get a notice if they are suspected of illegal downloading. If they ignore that message, the ISP might resort to pop-ups or redirecting to special websites that display the alert. If those too are ignored, the ISP will turn to “mitigation measures,” which could include throttling or requiring someone to review educational materials.

The Center for Copyright Information (CCI) said today, however, that it will not result in the loss of a customer’s Internet service. “Contrary to many erroneous reports, this is not a ‘six-strikes-and-you’re-out’ system that would result in termination. There’s no ‘strikeout’ in this program,” the organization said.

According to the CCI, Internet users told them that they would benefit from a “rules of the road” for the Web. “We understand that it is not always clear on the Web what is legal and what is not,” CCI said this week, so the group plans to update its website soon with information about “legitimate services to access the content they want.”

The CCI also stresed that it hired tech expert Stroz Friedberg to review the MarkMonitor system that is used to detect incidents of illegal downloading. “Stroz Friedberg has completed its initial review of MarkMonitor’s methodologies and found that the system is accurate and works properly,” CCI said.

Friedberg will also review how the ISPs match the IP addresses associated with illegal downloads to its subscriber accounts. “Those reviews are underway and will be completed before each ISP begins sending alerts under the CAS,” CCI said.

ISPs will be made aware of the illegal downloading via a notice from a copyright holder or its representative. Participating ISPs include AT&T, Cablevision, Comcast, Time Warner Cable, and Verizon.

“We’ve been working hard behind the scenes to make sure that the system is thorough and consumer friendly,” CCI concluded. “We think we’ve achieved that goal, and we’re ready to begin this next phase.”

November 13, 2012 at 1:13 pm Quote #20373


ISP Piracy Warnings Launching Within WeeksChloe Albanesius By Chloe Albanesius* October 19, 2012 02:47pm EST
“We’ve been working hard behind the scenes to make sure that the system is thorough and consumer friendly ,” CCI concluded. “We think we’ve achieved that goal, and we’re ready to begin this next phase.”

Am I the only person who laughed at the last sentence?


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