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This topic has 20 voices, contains 93 replies, and was last updated by rockphantom 3465 days ago.
July 28, 2015 at 5:32 pm Quote #47724 | |
rockphantom (202) | I plan to tape the Austin show. rockphantomQuote |
July 28, 2015 at 10:31 pm Quote #47736 | |
steecoe (1986) | I could not have been more open about my video recording in Chicago & no one gave a rats ass. I was on the aisle near an usher station and I was very blatantly recording video. No hassles from security, just drunks aplenty in front of me. steecoeQuote |
July 28, 2015 at 10:53 pm Quote #47737 | |
ron (11884) |
I recorded some video at Red Rocks with my point-n-shoot, but while doing so, motioned with my index finger on the controls of the camera like I was zooming in and out and snapping still shots, even though none of that was really happening. Dunno if security was watching that close, but I felt like I was throwing them off track, even though I probably wasn’t. ronQuote |
July 29, 2015 at 12:34 am Quote #47742 | |
guitard (7354) | Regardless of the stated policy (band, venue, or otherwise), the security in some venues don’t give two shits as long as you’re not bothering anyone. Of course, within the same venue there might be someone who would read you the riot act if they thought you were recording video. So I prefer an open filming policy to be well known and preferably made public at the band and/or venue website (which was generally the case at most of the 2012 venues). guitardQuote |
July 29, 2015 at 9:25 am Quote #47754 | |
VOODOO (2381) | They seem to be much more strict about recording this tour. There were signs all over outside Red Rocks saying, “NO Video recording. NO audio recording! Point and shoot cameras only!” VOODOOQuote |
July 29, 2015 at 11:03 am Quote #47761 | |
sickman (2382) | My guess is that in most cases they couldn’t care less if your are video taping with your point and shoot, but audio recording would not be allowed. A lot of bands, Van Halen included, audio record their shows, some for release others for record and probably don’t want another recording out there. It was stated that VH recorded all of the 2012 tour. I wish they would make those recordings available. I know Metallica has done it and so has Disturbed. It seems like it would be a great money maker for the bands to offer a download of tonight’s show using a code found on your ticket, or something along those lines. sickmanQuote |
July 29, 2015 at 1:18 pm Quote #47768 | |
VOODOO (2381) |
Multiple people have reported that even with cellphones and point and shoot cameras, they were shut down. It’s most likely going to be a combination of your location and the temperament of the nearest security detail that will determine whether or not you get shoot the whole show, unlike 2012, where everyone was free to shoot without any hassles. VOODOOQuote |
July 30, 2015 at 12:29 pm Quote #47796 | |
zr1fevr (155) | I had an aisle seat for the second LA show in 2012, and as soon as the show started & I hit record, one of the venue staff grabbed my arm & said you can’t record.. I screamed back yes I can & went about my business. He never said a word the next 2 hours. I think it’s luck of the draw, depends who is near you. There were so many security people up front at the San Bernadino show a couple weeks ago, I thought for sure I would be told to stop recording, never happened. If I knew I could record the whole PHX show, I would get a 4K camera. 2 months till then, I will see how things play out. zr1fevrQuote |
July 30, 2015 at 3:44 pm Quote #47807 | |
PhxHorn (54) | I”m also wondering about the policy for the Phoenix show. We now have a pretty good DSLR camera which would do a great job of filming the band if allowed. I’ve always had good luck getting my audio rig into shows. But Monday night at US Airways Center for Rush, it was very touchy. For the first time in over 20 years of going to this venue, they had metal detectors for everybody to pass through. I set off the beeper, and they scanned me with a handheld wand. In my two past experiences with wands, they were not set to very sensitive, and so my rig didn’t set them off. Monday night, the wand went off. I shrugged like I didn’t know WTF was going on, and the wand kept beeping, and finally the guard asked if I had a metal hip. It was like the cucumber scene from Spinal Tap. I nodded sheepishly, and she let me through. I was really starting to sweat, because they’d already scanned my ticket. I got a nice recording of the show, but that was too close for comfort. I haven’t been out to the Pavilion (where VH is playing) in years, so I don’t know how security works there these days. But it would be great if we could get some kind of official confirmation from VH management. PhxHornQuote |
July 30, 2015 at 3:54 pm Quote #47808 | |
guitard (7354) | |
September 15, 2015 at 1:56 am Quote #49417 | |
PhxHorn (54) | I’ll be at the Phoenix show at Ak Chin Pavilion, and will try to get audio. The Ticketbastard site says no cameras or recorders. I haven’t been to this venue in years, can anyone tell my about the security these days? Looks like it’s an outfit called TEAM Security. Do they use metal detectors or wands? I’m a little spooked after the almost having my rig found at the Rush show a few weeks ago, and would like to get this done right. If there are metal detectors, I assume the only way to get a recorder through is to bury it in a bag. If my wife was coming along, that would be easy–pile some tampons on top or whatever. But it’s just me and a buddy, so now it’s looking like I’ve got to use some sort of shoulder man-bag. PhxHornQuote |
September 15, 2015 at 2:15 am Quote #49419 | |
guitard (7354) |
The “no cameras or recording devices” is standard verbiage for all shows. It just depends on the security personnel at the venue whether you can shoot video or not. Sometimes it depends on a particular security person (the one closest to your seat). It’s really hit or miss – give it a try and hope for the best. But don’t leave your camera at home because there’s a chance security will be cool about it. The way to get your stuff in is to stow it in the crotch of your pants. They’re not going to pat you down there, and if a wand goes off, tell them you have had hip replacement surgery. If they act skeptical, start unbuckling your pants and say you’ll gladly drop your pants and show them the scars. Guaranteed – they will quickly tell you no need to do that – just go in and enjoy the show. guitardQuote |
September 15, 2015 at 12:25 pm Quote #49434 | |
zr1fevr (155) |
I will be there too, planning to videotape the show, assuming no issues getting the cam in the venue. I have a 7th row ticket, was going to try & get closer to have a better viewpoint to film from, but I might be better off being a little farther from the stage. I figure less chance of security giving me a hard time if I am blending in with my row. Kind of surprised to hear some people up front being told no videotaping recently. zr1fevrQuote |
September 15, 2015 at 2:23 pm Quote #49441 | |
rockphantom (202) | Here are details on the setup I plan to use to tape the Austin show. Church Audio CAFS (TINY stealth mics) Omni Mics – > Church Audio Ugly 2 Preamp (Gain setting +30db) -> Sony PCM-M10 (line in) I’m planning to keep the recording level of the M10 below 4. I’ll be on the floor near Wolf’s zone, though I plan to “upgrade” my seats if the opportunity presents itself. I recently taped Motley Crue in San Antonio using this setup and was very close to the bass amp. I want to make sure my VH recording doesn’t end up like my Crue master. Any advice would be appreciated. Thank You! rockphantomQuote |
September 16, 2015 at 10:02 pm Quote #49484 | |
rockphantom (202) | A master taper who I’ve known for years and who has taped VH several times in the 1990s suggested that I move to the back of the Austin360 amphitheater (SEC 107) in order to get a good capture of the 9/21 show. His concern is that since I’ll be on Wolf’s side of the floor, 4 rows back, WVH’s bass frequencies will overload my recorder. How dominant is Wolfgang’s bass in the live mix these days? I’m not thrilled about potentially giving up my fourth row seat in order to get a good capture. However, I’m taking my friend’s advice into serious consideration. Austin seating chart: Feedback from the veteran tapers of the group would be appreciated. Thank You! rockphantomQuote |
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