Wolgang with Alter Bridge

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This topic has 4 voices, contains 3 replies, and was last updated by  Gilligan 4802 days ago.

January 18, 2012 at 2:36 pm Quote #1906


i think he’s pretty good on drums

January 18, 2012 at 3:03 pm Quote #1911


Thursday, January 6, 2011
Van Halen jams with Alter Bridge in Hollywood
Photo credit: LAWoman Photography

Cool news update on the Alter Bridge show from Tuesday night at the House Of Blues in West Hollywood: Van Halen was in the house and jammed with the band.

Wolfgang Van Halen sat in on drums for a song (see photo above) while Eddie watched the show from sidestage.

Artistdirect.com’s glowing review of the show noted, “For “One Day Remains,” Wolfgang Van Halen stepped behind [drummer Scott] Phillips’ kit while Creed touring guitarist, virtuoso Eric Friedman, ripped an impenetrable solo with [Mark] Tremonti.”

Friedman later posted to Twitter (@IEROCKII ): “My Mom sat next to Eddie Van Halen all night & had no idea who he was..hahah Classic. She got really embarrassed when she found out!”

A fan report on the AB forum site suggests Eddie was going to play, but didn’t bring his in-ear monitors.

No footage has surfaced yet of Wolfgang’s AB jam, but we’ll keep our eyes open and see what develops….

Slash also played with AB on Tuesday at the show — check the video out here.

Freidman posted a pic of a full group shot of Alter Bridge with guests Slash (center), Eddie Van Halen (4th from right) and Wolfgang Van Halen (2nd from right):

January 18, 2012 at 3:13 pm Quote #1913


I would have figured they would open for VH.

January 18, 2012 at 3:24 pm Quote #1916


Didn’t this happen months ago? It says 2011 on the article and I seem to recall seeing that picture last year. Plus, look at Eddie’s hair…?

Or are old posts from the old site trickling in? Sorry if I’m confused… :oops:


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