WOLF playing Eruption on Bass.

TopicsAll ForumsGeneralVan Halen NewsWOLF playing Eruption on Bass.

This topic has 3 voices, contains 2 replies, and was last updated by  dokkendude 4691 days ago.

May 5, 2012 at 8:17 pm Quote #12689


I had it in the Wolf Esquire topic but dont know if people saw it.

The boy can play…..

Esquire exclusive.

At the Esquire photo shoot. WVH playing Eruption on bass.


EDDIE’S fingers aren’t fingers they are muscle-powered pistons that hammer guitar strings to the fretboard with the force of a rivet gun”.

May 5, 2012 at 9:40 pm Quote #12696


damnnnn on the bass no less..

May 6, 2012 at 8:38 am Quote #12730


Damn now I gotta go practice LOL nice job!


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