Topics › All Forums › The Great Bootleg Forest › DVDs / Unofficial Live Video Recordings › What's Up With The NYCBC DVDs ?
This topic has 16 voices, contains 78 replies, and was last updated by r_pinnington 4537 days ago.
September 10, 2012 at 7:57 pm Quote #18947 | |
looselucy (76) | |
September 10, 2012 at 8:57 pm Quote #18948 | |
ron (11881) | As long as you’re curious about those, I’m curious about the Soundcheck DVDs. I chipped in back on May 10th. It’s been 4 months. I know that Dean has had a really hard go of it with the accident, but some kind of regular update and progress would be nice. ronQuote |
September 10, 2012 at 9:39 pm Quote #18949 | |
kaloway (2025) | |
September 10, 2012 at 9:46 pm Quote #18950 | |
ks34vh (2126) | Lets hope Dean gets us some updates, I chipped in as well for the original batch of stuff in probably March. I wish him well first, but some updates would be nice. Laughing at the Days Garbage Through Loud Volume, This is “Laughing At Reality”.. VHT Member since 2001 ks34vhQuote |
September 11, 2012 at 1:56 am Quote #18957 | |
mcs5150 (1099) | The last update (July 30) was Dean was going to mail them to sickman and he was going to burn and post the DVDs. Whether sickman has received the DVDs I do not know. mcs5150Quote |
September 11, 2012 at 7:02 am Quote #18963 | |
sickman (2382) | I haven’t gotten anything yet. I do have all the names and addresses of people that are supposed to get these shows but I don not have all the shows. I do however have what has been torrented at JTT or Dime so if any of you who contributed to Dean, but cannot do torrents, want to let me know I will send you what I have. sickmanQuote |
September 11, 2012 at 11:46 am Quote #18969 | |
jroundy (1418) | Just curious, but which of the NYCBC DVDs haven’t been re-authored and or torrented? The DC show was torrented, the sound checks were torrented, some re-authored by BTB and torrented. The poor folks play for keeps down here…They’re the living dead. Nobody rules these streets at night like Van Halen!! jroundyQuote |
September 11, 2012 at 12:07 pm Quote #18970 | |
mcs5150 (1099) |
The ones that were bought for distribution here that have not been torrented and we are waiting for are: Mohegan, Boston, Montreal, Toronto, and Atlantic City. mcs5150Quote |
September 11, 2012 at 3:20 pm Quote #18977 | |
zr1fevr (155) | I contributed also. I also sent him my 3 masters I shot on blu ray since he missed out on being able to attend these shows. He was gonna send me 3 dvd’s I needed in return, 2 1/2 months later, nothing. I have pretty much given up on receiving anything, may need to set up some new trades with someone else. zr1fevrQuote |
September 11, 2012 at 3:29 pm Quote #18978 | |
eruption1962 (1370) | Hey guys… Sorry to have flaked for awhile…a LOOOOOOOOOOOONG while…but all that has changed! I got a clean bill of health a couple weeks back…and am now back to work! Look for everything to work itself out before week’s end! I will also note here when everything ships! D… eruption1962Quote |
September 11, 2012 at 4:01 pm Quote #18979 | |
mcs5150 (1099) |
That is good news about your health! Regarding the DVDs, if nothing is sent to me in the next few days I will be unable to receive them (usually takes 1-2 weeks to reach me from the US) as I would have moved to China. If you cannot burn and ship them to me by Friday can you PM me and we can work something out? mcs5150Quote |
September 11, 2012 at 7:28 pm Quote #18986 | |
eruption1962 (1370) |
WTF are you bringing this up here for!?!?!? We just talked about this on DIME! First of all, I already sent you one set…and now you’re getting another! I also explained that everything was put away and I’d have to dig it out…which I did! They’re burnt (again) and will go out this week! eruption1962Quote |
September 12, 2012 at 5:05 pm Quote #18996 | |
kaloway (2025) | |
September 13, 2012 at 2:49 pm Quote #19010 | |
eruption1962 (1370) | The shows are off to SICKMAN…all NYCBC shows PLUS the soundchecks PLUS the DC show that FoppaFan filmed… eruption1962Quote |
September 13, 2012 at 2:51 pm Quote #19011 | |
eruption1962 (1370) |
…and since you HAD to make our business everyone’s business… here’s your fucking tracking info… 03112550000347448562 ENJOY! eruption1962Quote |
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