VH Using Old Ideas

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This topic has 20 voices, contains 22 replies, and was last updated by  PT5150 4774 days ago.

February 8, 2012 at 7:44 pm Quote #4006


I’ve had two complete listens to the new disc now. I’ve gotta say I like it all, but I’m far more “happy” with the reworked demos. She’s the Woman, Outta Space, Big River and Beats Workin’ are my faves so far. Blood and Fire has their best radio hit single potential in my humble opinion. So for these ears, I’m glad they raided the vaults – it’s just what I needed! The seemingly complete new ones are gonna take a few more listens I guess. And that’s not to say I’m disappointed, this thing rocks awesomely!

February 8, 2012 at 8:21 pm Quote #4007


After several spins, I have to say my favorites so far are Big River, You & Your Blues, and She’s The Woman. And it just dawned on me one of the reasons why…Wolf’s bass. That kid is smokin’ on this CD! Some people have bitched about the production, but I think it’s mixed nicely.

I love this CD so much it’s not funny…I don’t know what more a Roth-era VH fan could ask for. I think all the band members are “straight up aces”! :) You got old tunes reworked beautifully, brand new tunes that are awesome, Roth’s lyrics are some of his all-time best. I’ve had this thing spinning constantly since I 1st got it. Can’t wait for summer to really crank this up in the car!

Vhtrading member since 2004.

February 9, 2012 at 5:50 am Quote #4066


let’s hear all the old ideas put into new records…if all the ideas are like ADKOT… please, put out the music… no rush.. I mean, one record every 6 months :-)

that would be fine for me :-)

February 9, 2012 at 6:11 am Quote #4068


The old stuff is working well for me …I’m just waiting for a really good recorded audio boot as I’m not liking the glossy mastering to the old stuff on the new album, the new I can live with :-D
This is going to sound weird but everytime I listen to the old stuff on the new album the guitar and bass sound more buzzier/distorted? than the newly written stuff almost as if this was all recorded at a different time or location? longshot, like as if the old stuff was done at 5150 some time back and the new stuff somewhere else :-?

February 9, 2012 at 8:39 am Quote #4083


I love the album. In the end, to me that is all that matters.

February 9, 2012 at 11:28 am Quote #4100


Sammy who? seriously?? The REAL Van Halen has been on hiatis since 1984…and came back with a reunion tour in 2007!!!

Why settle for a can? When you can drink straight from the bottle….
By the Bottle….
BTB Productions

February 9, 2012 at 11:30 am Quote #4101


This album is getting better and better with each listening.

February 16, 2012 at 4:05 am Quote #4805


Not that I care but I wonder what music came from these sessions??

I think its great they use old demos and song samples.

Gary Cherone second album.
The band, with Gary Cherone on vocals, recorded a follow-up to the poorly received Van Halen III that was never released. Working titles of tracks known to exist are;[9]

“Left for Dead”
“River Wide”
“Say Uncle”
“You Wear it Well”
“More Than Yesterday”
“I Don’t Miss You…Much”
“Love Again”
“Comfortably Dumb”
“Miss You Much”
“From Here, Where Do We Go?”
“Rock & Roll Cliche”
“I Want Her Anyway”[10]

To date, none of these tracks have leaked from the Van Halen archive. However Cherone released a track called “Left for Dead” on his Tribe of Judah project. Also, in 2008 Extreme, recorded “Comfortably Dumb” on their album Saudades de Rock.

[edit] David Lee Roth Sessions
Between 2000 and 2001 the band tried to make a record with David Lee Roth on vocals but none of the sessions were successful and no material was released.[11] To date no track names or information has been mentioned by the band. In an interview to Burrn! in 2006, Michael Anthony has admitted having copies of some of the material. He said: “For the most part it was actually pretty good. I don’t think Ed would ever let it out though. I’ve got some demo stuff at home, they didn’t even really want me to take any stuff home but I ended up with some stuff at home anyway. I’d never do anything behind the other guys’ backs with any of it so it’ll just sit in my box in the archives and maybe one of my grandkids or grandkid’s boyfriends will put something out one day (laughs) or steal it (laughs).”[12]
Dweezil Zappa confirmed the band were working with Roth in January 2001 and they had six completed tracks.[citation

EDDIE’S fingers aren’t fingers they are muscle-powered pistons that hammer guitar strings to the fretboard with the force of a rivet gun”.


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