VH "The David Lee Roth Years" (New DVD)???

TopicsAll ForumsThe Great Bootleg ForestDVDs / Unofficial Live Video RecordingsVH "The David Lee Roth Years" (New DVD)???

This topic has 3 voices, contains 3 replies, and was last updated by  Blackmagic 4663 days ago.

June 3, 2012 at 2:40 pm Quote #14788


Saw this on Amazon .com today:

I was intruiged that the show Eddie (in the background) sitting and “possibly” playing a Music Man.
I know Overseas and Bootleggers get photos wrong on the Covers all the time,
and theres not much more to go on.

Anyone else have any idea on what this could be?
I’ve got an email into the seller.


June 3, 2012 at 2:46 pm Quote #14789


Looks like Ed is playing his b/w frankenstrat to me in that photo. I have no idea what the DVD is though….

June 3, 2012 at 6:02 pm Quote #14794

June 3, 2012 at 9:14 pm Quote #14802


I apologize Wes.
I saw a Bigger picture that Ron posted at the Links below, and he’s not sitting and it isnt a Music Man.
My Bad.
I received a reply from the seller, that basically said “sorry, all we know is what we put in the ad”



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