VH Oakland & San Jose shows

This topic has 17 voices, contains 44 replies, and was last updated by  TIM LUCAS 4589 days ago.

August 11, 2012 at 9:13 pm Quote #18120


So i finally got my Oakland and San Jose dvd’s in, watching the first dvd give’s me a lot of gliches in the footage and audio, i have more stuff he filmed ( Stevie Nicks) and those have the same glitches, very annoying watching

So i wait till the authored versions are available

You must have shows from a different filmer than I or whoever you got them from has a problem copying discs. I’m sittin here watchin San Jose and haven’t had any glitches of any kind video or audio. What type of glitches do you have in yours?

August 12, 2012 at 2:45 am Quote #18130


Videoman, i have glitches in sound and vision that start right after the beginning of the dvd. I also have dvd’s from Stevie Nicks he filmed and those have the same issue.
The filmer is White Wing. Maybe the copies are bad; got them in different trades from different traders.

August 12, 2012 at 3:08 am Quote #18133


Videoman, i have glitches in sound and vision that start right after the beginning of the dvd.I also have dvd’s from Stevie Nicks he filmed and those have the same issue.
The filmer is White Wing. Maybe the copies are bad; got them in different trades from different traders.

Kind of sounds like one of those deals where the DVD player doesn’t like certain DVD brands. Hard to say for sure…

August 12, 2012 at 5:28 am Quote #18134


I don’t have a clue, the burned dvd’s are Verbatins and TDK’s, mabey burned to fast? I’ll wait for the one you authored

August 12, 2012 at 9:56 am Quote #18139


I have a ton of White Wings shows and none have had glitches. I watched San Jose last night and had none. Guitard could be on to something. Almost every time I have had a problem with a disc someone sent me it was TDK. Or like you said burned to fast, who knows. Also there is a guy I trade with that it seems everything I get from him has flaws or glitches.

August 12, 2012 at 11:19 am Quote #18141


I have a ton of White Wings shows and none have had glitches. I watched San Jose last night and had none. Guitard could be on to something.Almost every time I have had a problem with a disc someone sent me it was TDK. Or like you said burned to fast, who knows. Also there is a guy I trade with that it seems everything I get from him has flaws or glitches.

The copies you sent me play just fine. Definitely great footage on it’s own but would also be a great multi cam if some footage exists from the floor. I love footage from this vantage point because you get to experience the awesomeness that is Alex Van Halen!

August 12, 2012 at 2:12 pm Quote #18152


i don’t think TDk has anything to do with it ,i use them sometimes and have never had a a problem with them,i have gotten a couple shows with glitches, maybe it is in the speed.

August 12, 2012 at 2:36 pm Quote #18155


Could be speed or even the burner itself. When my internal one started to go it would produce copies with video glitches. For about $50 each I bought 2 new external burners and haven’t encountered any issues since.

August 12, 2012 at 2:41 pm Quote #18156


At a record show today, I was interested in a VH DVD that I don’t have, so asked to see it. It was recorded on a TDK, and there was no audio. Also when trying to chapter forward thru the show, it froze up twice. Just sayin’.

August 12, 2012 at 2:44 pm Quote #18157


At a record show today, I was interested in a VH DVD that I don’t have, so asked to see it.It was recorded on a TDK, and there was no audio.Also when trying to chapter forward thru the show, it froze up twice.Just sayin’.

How is that Milwaukee show I haven’t been there in years?

August 13, 2012 at 6:56 pm Quote #18171


So i finally got my Oakland and San Jose dvd’s in, watching the first dvd give’s me a lot of gliches in the footage and audio, i have more stuff he filmed ( Stevie Nicks) and those have the same glitches, very annoying watching

So i wait till the authored versions are available

I think I know why you are having a problem with White Wing shows. He records from a camera to a stand alone DVD burner with a max bitrate of 9800 for video and 256 for audio – which takes the total over the 10K point. Some DVD players don’t like disks with a max total bitrate over 10K. So regardless of what brand the disks are burned on – you’re going to have problems.

I will solve this problem when I re-do these.

August 14, 2012 at 4:53 am Quote #18176


guitard: I think I know why you are having a problem with White Wing shows.He records from a camera to a stand alone DVD burner with a max bitrate of 9800 for video and 256 for audio – which takes the total over the 10K point.Some DVD players don’t like disks with a max total bitrate over 10K.So regardless of what brand the disks are burned on – you’re going to have problems.

I will solve this problem when I re-do these.

Great, thx a lot :mrgreen:

August 16, 2012 at 1:48 am Quote #18243


Is THIS the finished product or a different version, of what is supposed to be re-done by guitard?


August 16, 2012 at 1:57 am Quote #18245


Is THIS the finished product or a different version, of what is supposed to be re-done by guitard?



This is the one done by Guitard

August 16, 2012 at 12:36 pm Quote #18267


Downloading now…Thanks Guitard for another 2012 VH dvd!!!!Thank You for all who was involved in making this happen.


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