VH 2015-07-20 Red Rocks

This topic has 21 voices, contains 42 replies, and was last updated by  Vince G. 3011 days ago.

June 25, 2016 at 12:28 am Quote #53593


I created three versions: 2xDVD5, DVD9, and blu-ray. Dropbox links available on request (please specify which version you want when you PM me). I will, of course, upload this to Dime – but I’ll wait until people have a chance to download from Dropbox so they can jump on at Dime and increase their share ratios. However, if you have a share ratio at Dime that’s in good standing (above 1), please don’t jump on the torrent – let the people who really need the boost get the upload credit.

I got two unreleased angles and an unreleased audio recording that I used along with 3rdDayRocker’s 17 songs to make this. It’s a very enjoyable video. It doesn’t have a lot of tight closeup shots of Ed’s guitar playing (like at the Bristow show), but there are occasional closeups. The thing I really like about this is that Red Rocks is rather unique in that the seats start rising upward at a fairly significant incline from the front row on back. So even if you’re in the 5th row, you’re looking down on the stage from a short distance away – a view you don’t get at any other large venue (that I know of) – and this makes this video kind of unique.

The audio was really bass heavy (recorded in front of Wolf), but I was able to drop the bass way down and boost up the treble and I think it’s now sounding fairly even across the mix. Even though I significantly reduced the bass, it comes through the mix crystal clear and has great punch and snap to it – making it very enjoyable to watch Wolf do his bass runs.

Dave stretches out his mid-song talks quite a bit during this show, thus the longer than normal running time. Personally, I love hearing Dave go off on tangents the way he does. If you listen closely, however, you can hear a guy within ear shot of the mics complaining about it. And before the usual suspects beat me to it – Dave’s voice sounds like shit at times.


Van Halen
Red Rocks Amphitheater
Morrison, Colorado
July 20, 2015

video #1: (3rdDayRocker) Sony FDR-AX33 4K UHD camcorder; NTSC, 16:9 PAR, 29.97 fps; 3840×2160 resolution (first 17 songs)

video #2: (SP Productions) Panasonic HDC-SD90K camcorder; NTSC, 16:9 PAR, 29.97 fps; 1920×1080 resolution (missing first song and most of second song)

video #3: (SP Productions) Olympus Stylus 1S digital camera; NTSC, 16:9 PAR, 29.97 fps; 1920×1080 resolution (39 minutes total dispersed throughout the show)

audio: (SP Productions) internal mics –> Roland R-05 –> SD card; LPCM 1536 bit (tweaked using Sony Vegas Pro 13′s 10-band graphic EQ – by significantly decreasing the low end and moderately increasing the high end)

running time: 2 hrs 14 mins (full show)

1. Light Up The Sky
2. Runnin’ With The Devil
3. Romeo Delight
4. Everybody Wants Some
5. Drop Dead Legs
6. Feel Your Love Tonight
7. Somebody Get Me A Doctor
8. She’s The Woman
9. China Town
10. I’ll Wait
11. Al’s drum solo
12. Little Guitars
13. Dance The Night Away
14. Beautiful Girls
15. Women In Love
16. Hot For Teacher
17. In A Simple Rhyme
18. Dirty Movies
19. Dave’s rap
20. Ice Cream Man
21. Unchained
22. Ain’t Talkin’ ‘Bout Love
23. Ed’s guitar solo
24. You Really Got Me
25. Panama
26. Jump

June 25, 2016 at 2:37 am Quote #53595


Thank you so much and thanks to the tapers. All of your work is so greatly appreciated.

June 25, 2016 at 11:43 am Quote #53598


Looks like a good one. Thanks Randy!

June 25, 2016 at 4:06 pm Quote #53602


Very cool show. I like how close the audience is to the band. It was fun to watch Dave walk up to a woman and have her put her and on his heart during Romeo Delight. What’s the deal with Dave and beach balls though. He makes mention during the concert to have a ball passed forward. He’s done this in past shows as well. I believe Charlotte ’12 he did this. Kind of sucks the fun out of the atmosphere to me. At least for that moment. Anyway, just wondering. Thanks again Randy, I very much like this show. As well as all the others you put together. This is the greatest fan forum on the net!

June 25, 2016 at 5:38 pm Quote #53603


Another quick question. Does anyone know if these videos are getting to Rev Al? I know some of the previous tours he was obtaining some of the videos. Just wondering if he is still getting them. It would be pretty cool if he was.

June 25, 2016 at 6:34 pm Quote #53604


Yes he is

June 25, 2016 at 6:41 pm Quote #53605


I saw him at The Hollywood Bowl at the first show in the afternoon and gave him the shows released from 2015. He has everything released thanks to all the great folks at VH Trading

June 25, 2016 at 7:33 pm Quote #53607


cool! thanks Randy san!

June 25, 2016 at 7:49 pm Quote #53609


cabosanlucas139: I saw him at The Hollywood Bowl at the first show in the afternoon and gave him the shows released from 2015. He has everything released thanks to all the great folks at VH Trading

That’s awesome! Thanks for the info.

June 25, 2016 at 10:05 pm Quote #53610


Mink: What’s the deal with Dave and beach balls though.He makes mention during the concert to have a ball passed forward. He’s done this in past shows as well. I believe Charlotte ’12 he did this. Kind of sucks the fun out of the atmosphere to me. At least for that moment. Anyway, just wondering.

I was going to start a thread about this – because I wonder also. I’ve seen him say something during a show at least five times. On other occasions, he said it’s because of safety … something about someone injuring their eye. This time I think he said something about not wanting to share the stage (or spotlight?) with a beach ball. I will be perfectly honest – I hate them at concerts also. I recently did an Alice Cooper show where Alice’s road crew tosses out a bunch of big balloons and as the crowd bats them around, Alice stands at the front of the stage with a dagger and casually pops them whenever they get within his range.

June 25, 2016 at 11:08 pm Quote #53611


If anyone with a blu-ray burner gets this, let me know.

When you turn on your stereo, does it return the favor?

June 26, 2016 at 2:15 pm Quote #53621


Mink: What’s the deal with Dave and beach balls though.He makes mention during the concert to have a ball passed forward.He’s done this in past shows as well.I believe Charlotte ’12 he did this.Kind of sucks the fun out of the atmosphere to me.At least for that moment.Anyway, just wondering.

Maybe for some reason they bother Dave… I can’t imagine him saying anything like this back in the 80′s. Dave has seemed to get weirder as time passes.

The poor folks play for keeps down here…They’re the living dead. Nobody rules these streets at night like Van Halen!!

June 26, 2016 at 2:16 pm Quote #53622


Thanks to all involved in this show!!!

I guess I no longer need to download the show from YouTube now.

The poor folks play for keeps down here…They’re the living dead. Nobody rules these streets at night like Van Halen!!

June 27, 2016 at 2:04 am Quote #53626


Awesome, thank you Randy !!
Great to have the full show, the 4K Youtube video was glorious. Thanks to the tapers also.

June 27, 2016 at 6:07 am Quote #53628


cabosanlucas139: I saw him at The Hollywood Bowl at the first show in the afternoon and gave him the shows released from 2015. He has everything released thanks to all the great folks at VH Trading

Awesome stuff Brian…

Would love to be a fly on the wall at Al’s place or 5150 when they put one of these awesome Blu Rays on the big screen & watch….. :wink: :mrgreen:

EDDIE’S fingers aren’t fingers they are muscle-powered pistons that hammer guitar strings to the fretboard with the force of a rivet gun”.


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