VH 2012-06-16 Phoenix Blu Ray (PhxHorn2)

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This topic has 23 voices, contains 113 replies, and was last updated by  PhxHorn 2517 days ago.

July 29, 2013 at 11:02 pm Quote #28544


Can someone please upload this for d/l again? I just got a BR burner so this would be great. I’ll burn a copy for dog town if I can get a copy.

December 14, 2013 at 11:47 pm Quote #31470


I would love to get a copy of this as well

June 16, 2014 at 7:33 pm Quote #36576


Has it really been two years since this show? That was the first multi-cam that I ever assembled, and I still watch it to this day. I had a lot of fun learning the software and putting it together, but not as much fun buying a new PC with the gears to handle the rendering task. Also not fun: syncing the 70 or so video clips to my audio track. But once they were synced up, choosing the camera angles was a blast. Considering the source material (one close-up angle and 2 far away ones, plus some Youtube fragments), it is surprisingly watchable. Nice to see some other Blu-Rays have surfaced since this came out. OK, I’m done fishing for compliments. Would be happy to put together the 6/9 LA show if enough sources ever surface.

June 16, 2014 at 7:43 pm Quote #36580


Thanks for all your great work..

EDDIE’S fingers aren’t fingers they are muscle-powered pistons that hammer guitar strings to the fretboard with the force of a rivet gun”.

November 30, 2014 at 12:39 am Quote #40342


I recently noticed that there is a new video source for the Phoenix 6/16/2012 show on Youtube, with some excellent 1080 footage of several tunes. I don’t think I could re-visit the DVD project again, having already done it twice. But I thought I’d post a link in case someone out there keeps track of this stuff.


January 11, 2015 at 7:39 pm Quote #41547


This looks awesome! Not sure how I missed this one, recently got a blu ray burner and looking for this… checked out Planet Rock Lossless site but no luck….. anywhere else where share rate is not involved to download this one? Thanks

January 13, 2015 at 8:11 am Quote #41584


bradleon: This looks awesome! Not sure how I missed this one, recently got a blu ray burner and looking for this… checked out Planet Rock Lossless site but no luck….. anywhere else where share rate is not involved to download this one? Thanks

Brad, I could snail-mail a copy over if that’s of any use to you?

January 13, 2015 at 1:47 pm Quote #41588


Sounds Good Dogtown… maybe we can do a small swap?

April 19, 2018 at 1:07 am Quote #58827


I was going through my PC the other day and realized that I’d never uploaded this show to Youtube. So I uploaded the Blu-Ray video clip in case anyone is interested:



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