Topics › All Forums › The Great Bootleg Forest › Unofficial Live Audio Recordings › VAN HALEN – MONTREAL 1982(2CD + Ltd Bonus DVDR)
January 24, 2015 at 11:04 pm Quote #41842 | |
ron (11909) | |
January 25, 2015 at 8:58 am Quote #41846 | |
radikal (3892) | |
January 25, 2015 at 9:00 am Quote #41847 | |
sickman (2382) | |
January 25, 2015 at 9:05 am Quote #41848 | |
radikal (3892) | 【近日入荷】VAN HALEN – MONTREAL 1982(2CD + Ltd Bonus DVDR) plus Bonus 2CDR* Numbered Stickered Edition Only[ZODIAC 103] 数量: Live at Montreal Forum, Montreal, Quebec, Canada 27th October 1982 PERFECT SOUND(UPGRADE) ダイヤモンド・デイヴが最高に輝いていたツアーの最強音源がアップグレードしました! 類い希なるショウマン・シップでオリジナルVAN HALENのステージを牽引していた男、デイヴィッド・リー・ロス。ダイヤの異名を持つ彼が一番眩く輝いていたツアーといえば、「DIVER DOWN」に伴う“Hide Your Sheep Tour 1982-1983”ではないしょうか。天才エディ・ヴァン・ヘイレンによるギター革命の衝撃が薄れつつあった時代、半分近くがカヴァー曲で占められた「DIVER DOWN」は、彼のエンターテイナーとしての才能が一気にクローズアップされたアルバムでもありました。そのライヴ“Hide Your Sheep Tour 1982-1983”ではアルバムの大半の曲がプレイされ、押しも押されもせぬ“ザ・ビッグV”2枚目の看板として世界に名を轟かせたのです。 既発ではフェイドで始まっていた冒頭もカットインから入ったり、収録時間が長いことからもマスタークローンなのは明らかですが、何よりサウンドの鮮度の良さが段違い! 既発の時点で“サウンドボード”と勘違いされたことからも、録音の緻密さが分かろうというものですが、さらにその明度がグッと上がっている。既発では右チャンネルが極端にハイ落ちしていた「Ice Cream Man」も劣化なしです! 本作では、そこへさらに丁寧にデジタル・リマスタリング。いくつかの曲で瞬間的な欠けがあったり、音圧が途中で変わるなどの欠点はマスター起因ゆえに“無かったこと”にはできないのですが、その違和感を最小限に低減。大本マスターの鮮度はそのままに、その味わいをストレートに感じられる最高品質に仕上げたのです。 ★最初の50枚のみ、ナンバリング入りステッカー付でのリリースとなります。 Disc 1 (40:17) Disc 2 (42:53) David Lee Roth – Lead Vocals Eddie Van Halen – Guitars, Vocals ————————————————————————— ★ヴァン・ヘイレン「MONTREAL 1982」初回納品分には、同じ「DIVER DOWN」に伴う“Hide Your Sheep Tour 1982-1983”のプロショットDVDR「LARGO 1982」が特別に付属いたします。過去最高画質を誇るマスター・クオリティのプロショット映像です! VAN HALEN – LARGO 1982(Bonus DVDR) “Hide Your Sheep Tour 1982-1983”の代表作をマスタークオリティで蘇らせた「MONTREAL 1982」。そのリリースを祝うには、この映像しかないでしょう。そう、ご存じ「1982年10月12日ラーゴ公演」です! かねてより“Hide Your Sheep Tour 1982-1983”だけでなく、オリジナルVAN HALENでも屈指のプロショットとして君臨してきましたが、本作こそが過去最高の画質・音質バージョン。もし、オフィシャルでアーカイヴ映像集がリリースされるとしたら、そこにそっくり入れても違和感はないでしょう。 1. Intro. 2. Romeo Delight 3. Unchained 4. Drum Solo 5. The Full Bug 6. Runnin’ With The Devil Bonus Track David Lee Roth – Lead Vocals Eddie Van Halen – Guitars, Vocals PRO-SHOT COLOUR NTSC Approx.147min. Special Bonus DVDR for 1st set of “MONTREAL 1982″(ZODIAC 103) ★★特別企画 ★マスター発掘で生まれ変わったVAN HALENの大定番「MONTREAL 1982」。そのステッカー付き限定盤に限り、“Hide Your Sheep Tour 1982-1983”の極初期を収めた知られざるオーディエンス・マスター「CHARLOTTE 1982」が特別に付属いたします。 VAN HALEN – CHARLOTTE 1982(Special Bonus 2CDR) 有名な定番音源のアップグレード盤「MONTREAL 1982」。いち早くチェックしてくださる熱心なマニアの皆様には、“知る人ぞ知る”傑作音源の本作も、併せてお楽しみください! Disc 1 Disc 2 David Lee Roth – Lead Vocals Eddie Van Halen – Guitars, Vocals Special Bonus 2CDR for limited numbered stickered edition of “MONTREAL 1982″(ZODIAC 103) radikalQuote |
January 25, 2015 at 9:07 am Quote #41849 | |
radikal (3892) | Translated: radikalQuote |
January 25, 2015 at 9:09 am Quote #41851 | |
radikal (3892) | |
January 25, 2015 at 11:26 am Quote #41855 | |
VOODOO (2382) | |
January 25, 2015 at 6:11 pm Quote #41864 | |
KISSMAD (534) | “Hide Your Sheep Tour 1982-1983″. Genius Eddie Van Halen era there was fading impact of guitar revolution by, nearly half was occupied by the cover song “DIVER DOWN” was also the album that talent as his entertainer is at once close-up. The live “Hide Your Sheep Tour 1982-1983″ In the play the song of the majority of the album, press also pressed the unexpected causes also is “The Big V” to resound the second piece of the name to the world as a sign. This work, such “Hide Your Sheep Tour 1982-1983″ is the audience album “October 27, 1982 Montreal performances” that has reigned as the strongest board. Maybe of VAN HALEN mania you also, might too unfamiliar with this schedule, venue. In fact, this recording sound source which became the Omoto of its outstanding “EVERYBODY WANTS A VIRGIN” known as the “November 18 Hampton performances”. This time, I have to get the Kano tour masterpiece of master clone in its own route. “That?” EVERYBODY WANTS A VIRGIN “is? Not a sound board” who is sharp you think. As a result of re-listen in younger generation of clear sound, actually I was found that it was hyper audience recording! Or entered from even cut-in the beginning that it was not begin with a fade in the already issued, Duration but is clearly a master clone from the fact that long, uneven is above all the goodness of freshness of sound! From the fact that it has been misunderstood as “sound board” at the time of already issued, but is that try to find dense of the recording, further up the brightness with a jerk. In its outstanding right channel had been extremely high fall “Ice Cream Man” is also without degradation! In this film, even politely digital remastering there. Or there is some momentary lacking in song, although the drawback of such sound pressure changes on the way I can not to “never had it” to master due because of, to reduce to a minimum the discomfort. Freshness of Omoto master is intact, and I was finished with the highest quality you can feel the taste straight. From being Buchikamasa in sound hyper first time has accelerated, just ride The Big V to paste! Lightly cut vivid thing Eddie the rampage over the beat to fly! There only have been expected for many years sound board certified, it seems to pierce ear to fine picking. And, Tatamikakeru in midfield show new song group of “DIVER DOWN” is also great. Indeed it is 12 songs during the 9 songs of a largess be showcased, but increase the quotient strokes increasingly sharpness of Dave was placed on the variety of songs, unlimited you want just spear freely. In particular, “The Full Bug”, fast and feel the actor sore to change the tone of voice Colo among the tempo, shout sharp, blues harp solo also to burst. Large enthusiasm of the audience to respond to it also fiercely, it is enough to want to try asking CD over “I’m new? The No so much love?” (Laughs). Become a now but is hidden tend album in the shadow of the next album “1984″, indeed There are only records that have enjoyed the season of the US third place. Towards the ultimate masterpiece “1984″, VAN HALEN that started the sprint. Hear from this work is the diamond itself exactly shine and glare to try Kiwameyo vertices now. Big album many years of Ketteiban was further revived in vivid. Come and there be a trial! ★ Only the first 50 sheets, will be release in with numbering containing sticker. Disc 1 (40:17) Disc 2 (42:53) VAN HALEN – LARGO 1982(Bonus DVDR) Live at Capital Centre, Landover, MD. USA 12th October 1982 PRO-SHOT(UPGRADE) A masterpiece of “Hide Your Sheep Tour 1982-1983″ was revived in the master quality “MONTREAL 1982″. To celebrate its release, you will not only this video. So, you know, “October 12, 1982 Lago performance”! Not only “Hide Your Sheep Tour 1982-1983″ for some time, but has been reigned as professional shot one of the best even original VAN HALEN, what this work past the best picture quality and sound quality version. If you were to archive footage is released the official, would not be uncomfortable even if just like put there. Show that stage that unfolds in quality, to prove the “MONTREAL 1982″ wrote in commentary “tour that diamond was shining the best” of. Guitar as well, also songs from was devoted to entertainment “DIVER DOWN” is large amount of input, just “DIAMOND ON STAGE”. At the beginning of “Everybody Wants Some !!”, cry one shot, showing off the silhouette dance in dazzling flash, and boil the audience by simply issuing a Rerorero and disgusting tongue in MC. This shine, from soloed “Eat ‘Em and Smile Tour” and I think we can say that matchless people. Eddie has not drawn an inch by turning such a Dave beyond. You have passed a few years from right hand revolution, but always presence of guitar Giants that has been feeding the new technique is still outstanding. Even the figure is seen holding the double neck in the “Cathedral”, it would be this time unique. Also of the best part of solo time 10 minutes, of course, in was played in a long time “Somebody Get Me a Doctor”, such as “I’m So Glad” familiar with CREAM in the second half is included, is the highlight little arrangement also. Not only singer, is a performer, is the host, true value of Dave, which is also a dancer, also what you find that for the first time to see the video. Main to say “MONTREAL 1982″ is the real album of how vivid sound of the press 2CD, different again is like imagination that rush of this work on whether there have seen even once. About 30 minutes of interviews also added recording is to last, Duration 2 hours 27 minutes. Large volume Ketteiban of, please enjoy pleasing full stomach! 1. Intro. Bonus Track David Lee Roth – Lead Vocals Eddie Van Halen – Guitars, Vocals ★★ Special ★ large classic VAN HALEN was reborn in the master excavation “MONTREAL 1982″. Only the sticker Limited Edition, “Hide Your Sheep Tour 1982-1983″ audience master “CHARLOTTE 1982″ forced known that contains the very early will be attached special. VAN HALEN – CHARLOTTE 1982(Special Bonus 2CDR) Live at Charlotte Coliseum, Charlotte, NC. USA 17th July 1982 TRULY AMAZING SOUND That the present work has been recorded, “July 17, 1982 Charlotte performances”. “Hide Your Sheep Tour 1982-1983″ is a live, which is three performances eye. Let’s honestly confess. First, while in hand arrived master “neither name recognition, nor mean that topic. Anyway it …… Na What a roar” was playing while I think. However, the sound that has been ejected from the speakers, quite why cool audience sound. Of course Whatever “This is not to press!” In not as much as a, cracking sound rather than roar without any, also good balance of cheers and musical sound. Very easy to listen to, it is why such long strange Is this only of the recording had been stopped at a level that “people in the know”. And, the content is also interesting that the very early stage of the three-day tour. While it is performance full of hot air of start time, is tickled heart of groping feeling comes through in subtle. Of course, but is not VAN HALEN of veteran can not have any such thing Gachigachi playing …… nervous, not solidified a set list, then with or have different song order, “Jamie’s Cryin ‘” “is not Talkin ” Bout Love” is also coming, and so I suggests that traces of trial and error. Speaking of “Hide Your Sheep Tour 1982-1983″, it is the time to even look at the whole career will continue to change to top gear, and hit at a time when it began to convert to refine the momentum of the band. Moreover, this work tour of very early. Yet timing that fat goes well even doing what ride, all the 1st one day is also a challenge. Also a musician life, does not mean so there many times, it’s the live of large enhancement period. Precisely because such a time, it is a waste only large classic upgrade of peace of mind Quality “MONTREAL 1982″. By all means, you can either would you like to try also touched on the “one step-depth world” in this work. Disc 1 Disc 2 David Lee Roth – Lead Vocals Eddie Van Halen – Guitars, Vocals KISSMADQuote |
January 28, 2015 at 12:40 pm Quote #41982 | |
ron (11909) | |
February 6, 2015 at 12:32 pm Quote #42344 | |
rockphantom (207) | This looks like a reissue of “Everybody Wants A Virgin”. rockphantomQuote |
February 7, 2015 at 1:10 am Quote #42381 | |
Panamaniac (207) | Um, did anyone catch the price? Did I somehow slip into a different dimension? PanamaniacQuote |
February 7, 2015 at 7:30 am Quote #42387 | |
VOODOO (2382) |
3,800 Japanese Yen works out to $31.90 USD. VOODOOQuote |
February 7, 2015 at 10:07 am Quote #42389 | |
ron (11909) | |
February 8, 2015 at 1:04 am Quote #42419 | |
Panamaniac (207) | |
February 9, 2015 at 6:27 am Quote #42466 | |
Decatone (1440) | Looks like a guy in the Netherlands is selling it and two others as well both by Zodiac and one by Shades DecatoneQuote |
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