VH 1995-08-19 Toronto

This topic has 45 voices, contains 308 replies, and was last updated by  ron 961 days ago.

May 4, 2014 at 10:05 pm Quote #35641


dokkendude: you have private/ no tracker enabled right? in preferences you have to have checked Enable DHT little over an hour connected and it’s finished & seeding

I have used uTorrent for private torrents before; don’t know why it did not work this time. Anyway, it is working fine with Vuze. I am getting the super fast download speed of 30kB/s! Damn hotel Internet speed!

May 4, 2014 at 10:14 pm Quote #35643


30 kB/s?? What is that, like dial-up speed?

The poor folks play for keeps down here…They’re the living dead. Nobody rules these streets at night like Van Halen!!

May 4, 2014 at 10:14 pm Quote #35645


mcs5150: I have used uTorrent for private torrents before; don’t know why it did not work this fine. Anyway, it is working fine with Vuze. I am getting the super fast download speed of 30kB/s! Damn hotel Internet speed!

Well, if you want to watch some of it, choose which files you download, and start with the lowest numbered ones and work your way up. That’ll get you the show in broadcast order. All the files above the group of 1 GB files are the extra and bonus content.

As for the tracker, I didn’t really create it as a Private Torrent, as I didn’t want a changing IP address on my end to screw it up. So I gave it an external tracker, but not one that lists torrents publicly. (if that makes any sense) ;)

Public wifi spots (like a hotel) typically partition off a segment of their bandwidth for guests to use, and limit it so that guests cannot suck down all their bandwidth and diminish what the hotel needs the bandwidth for its other operations.

May 4, 2014 at 10:25 pm Quote #35648



There is also FTP available if anyone has probs with torrent ..Just PM me for access


May 4, 2014 at 10:29 pm Quote #35650


uTorrent is not working for me and DHT Enable is checked.
It’s all good… I’m grabbing it from Guy’s FTP. Thanks :)

May 4, 2014 at 10:31 pm Quote #35651


ron: Well, if you want to watch some of it, choose which files you download, and start with the lowest numbered ones and work your way up.That’ll get you the show in broadcast order.All the files above the group of 1 GB files are the extra and bonus content.

As for the tracker, I didn’t really create it as a Private Torrent, as I didn’t want a changing IP address on my end to screw it up.So I gave it an external tracker, but not one that lists torrents publicly. (if that makes any sense) ;)

Public wifi spots (like a hotel) typically partition off a segment of their bandwidth for guests to use, and limit it so that guests cannot suck down all their bandwidth and diminish what the hotel needs the bandwidth for its other operations.

I will not have a chance to watch it for a while, so I do not mind the slow download. Nonetheless, once again thank you Ron for all your work.

It is now up to 70kB/s!

May 5, 2014 at 2:06 am Quote #35654


vhrob: Discs to the folks I promised go out tomorrow am.Enjoy.


Thx a lot Rob, anything i can do for you?

May 5, 2014 at 6:59 am Quote #35656


Thanks to Ron and everyone else!

Stay Frosty

May 5, 2014 at 10:28 am Quote #35658


kite: Thx a lot Rob, anything i can do for you?

Yes there is something you can do for me and that is enjoy the show.

Cheers brotha


vhtrading member since 2000

May 5, 2014 at 10:45 am Quote #35660


I wonder how many non members will get in on this since you posted the link publicly?

Sometime in the next week, I’ll be deleting the torrent file from my Dropbox, so the link will be dead. Those that downloaded the torrent file can keep it alive as long as they want, but I’ll be deleting the project from my hard drive and moving on to the next one soon.

May 5, 2014 at 11:16 am Quote #35661


Ron, huge thanks for sharing this excellent show for us all to enjoy – it looks fantastic. Also, thoroughly enjoyed all your updates on the project in this thread :mrgreen:

May 5, 2014 at 5:44 pm Quote #35668

May 5, 2014 at 9:55 pm Quote #35691


steecoe: FrankM


May 6, 2014 at 1:32 am Quote #35702


vhrob: Yes there is something you can do for me and that is enjoy the show.

Cheers brotha


I will :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

May 6, 2014 at 1:03 pm Quote #35729


Thanks to all involved for this upgrade! Excellent work!


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