VH 1984-04-25 Winnipeg

This topic has 3 voices, contains 2 replies, and was last updated by  jroundy 3725 days ago.

November 30, 2014 at 10:53 pm Quote #40345



Van Halen – Arena, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada 1984-04-25 Grey Cup Special!!!

Van Halen
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
April 25, 1984

Quality: B+


House of Pain
Bass solo
Jamie’s Cryin’
I’ll Wait
Keyboard solo
Everybody Wants Some!
Girl Gone Bad
Guitar solo
Pretty Woman
You Really Got Me
Ain’t Talkin’ ‘Bout Love

Notes: With the CFL Grey Cup championship football on today (Sunday, ESPN2, 3 p.m. PST) I thought I’d up a Van Halen show from the Great White North. This is a darn good recording for the time period. Unfortunately the first 30 mins or so are missing. Not sure why this is and don’t know the back story. But this is all I have ever seen circulate. Enjoy!

December 2, 2014 at 7:02 am Quote #40370


Holy Jesus!!! Love this thread title so exiting to wonder what the connection was for a split second.

So the show VH did there in Wiinepeg had nothing to do with Grey Cup back then. The threads just titled this way because of current timing coincidence and history sake. There’s a show advert for this concert. I’m too lazy to post it now I’m sure everyone here’s seen it anyways.

Gotta have this show don’t even care about sound I like hearing the bootlegs the first time no matter what just to hear it since it’s one I’ve never heard before.

Thanks a million!!! B-)

December 2, 2014 at 1:13 pm Quote #40380


Thanks for the heads up!

The poor folks play for keeps down here…They’re the living dead. Nobody rules these streets at night like Van Halen!!


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