Van Halen 10/12/82 Largo DUAL LAYER Upload or "Hookup"?

TopicsAll ForumsThe Great Bootleg ForestDVDs / Unofficial Live Video RecordingsVan Halen 10/12/82 Largo DUAL LAYER Upload or "Hookup"?

This topic has 1 voice, contains 0 replies, and was last updated by  mdk7691 1540 days ago.

December 6, 2020 at 3:04 pm Quote #63173


In the process of remastering, re-editing, re-encoding, upgrading, etc. all of my videos and uploading them to YouTube, I discovered the copy I have of this has VOB files that are damaged and/or corrupted; …tried MPEG Streamclip, Handbreak, VLC Player and copy and pasting files. Nothing works. The problem? This version has the “biggest, best and ‘phatest’” sound quality than the Sinclair and BTB versions, if anyone hasn’t already noticed.
This is the last DVD and show I have left to complete.
If there’s anyone who can “hook me up” with a tested and checked dual layer DVD disc copy and/or upload this to the “interwebs”, I would greatly apprciate it! I have plenty of blank DVD discs in return, if need be.
Thanks, everyone!
Mikey’s YouTube channel

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