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May 18, 2013 at 10:47 pm Quote #25641 | |
Mink (2663) | This is the first site I signed up with after getting the internet. I lurked around for a short time before taking the plunge. I didn’t know what to pick so I just used my last name. Not very real original but it works I pretty much use it everywhere now. The only place it is different is at dime. Someone had already taken that username so I added the year I was born to make it Mink70. MinkQuote |
May 19, 2013 at 11:44 am Quote #25653 | |
evhua (1610) | |
May 19, 2013 at 12:45 pm Quote #25655 | |
Chris UK (2998) | Chris UK – well thats pretty obvious, but Osky as in Osky Productions was an old onomatopoaic word me and another local guitarist came up with in the mid 80s to describe something in music that is a bit ‘out’ or dissonant but in a good way as it makes you jump out your seat an enhances something more traditionaly structured and musical. When we heard something like this we used to shout OSSSSKKKK!!!!! Too much osk and your into free jazz territory not enough osk and things can get bland and boring. EVH is a very osky player particularly with his fill-ins harmonic squeals and his use of noise. Intruder is almost entirely osky, like sucking on a lemon, it builds tension which eventually is released when it segways into Pretty Woman and then you get the sugar. Dunno if that makes sense, but it did to us 30 years ago and it kinda stuck, to the point now where my wife will use it to describe how meals and drinks taste! Chris UKQuote |
May 19, 2013 at 8:36 pm Quote #25659 | |
VOODOO (2376) | Interesting thread! Mine started out as “VoodooKing”. Voodoo Queen was my favorite track from the ’77 demos and since I wasn’t going to call myself a Queen, I switched it to King. This was during the VH SneakerChat days before I joined the VHML. Once on the VHML, I shortened it to Voodoo and then, when “MULLY” made a stink about people not using all caps for his name, I started changing to VOODOO. For several years I added a little closing comment to the posts, such as, VOO(…explaining his username isn’t as exciting as he thought it would be)DOO. I’ve just kept the Voodoo nickname mainly in VH trading circles. Outside of this area, my username is ScottyG5150. VOODOOQuote |
May 19, 2013 at 10:00 pm Quote #25660 | |
VAiN (2777) | Everyone I know calls me ‘Vain’.. it’s short for Sylvain.. I’ve been going by Vain since the 7th grade. It just kinda stuck.. Resident dickhead. I will hurt your delicate feelings. VAiNQuote |
May 19, 2013 at 10:32 pm Quote #25661 | |
KISSMAD (532) | During 1996 I needed a new username. I always liked the website KissFreaks and I wanted a similar name because at that time I was a KissFreak. My first Kiss tour was the Kiss My Ass Downunder tour. So I took KISS and the first letters of My Ass Downunder and put them together. It seemed appropriate because I was a mad KISS fan but also mad at Kiss for the reunion tour. My username before KISSMAD was Kromax. Way back in the late eighties. There was about 3 of us who would get together and we put together a fictional heavy metal band. Everything was drawn in a sketch book. Almost every time we would meet, we would add to the sketch book. We would do everything a normal band would do. Go on tour, get groupies, release albums etc. I think we even wrote lyrics for songs. We needed a band name. I was a fan of chrome and the artist was a Max Headroom fan. Because I was a Kiss fan, I wanted chrome spelt with a K. So Kromax was born. I left the band, I can’t remember why and the band continued on without me. So there are more additions to the sketch book that I have not seen. I met up with the artist many years ago and asked about the sketch book but he long longer had it. KISSMADQuote |
May 21, 2013 at 3:28 pm Quote #25710 | |
kaloway (2024) | Thanks everyone for reinforcing what I have slowly begun to notice (and the reason for me starting this thread)….I’m the only idiot who can’t spell properly. kalowayQuote |
May 21, 2013 at 5:34 pm Quote #25715 | |
Gilligan (1518) | |
May 23, 2013 at 9:22 am Quote #25775 | |
Decatone (1440) | Feeling inspired by evhua’s reading between the lines all I could get was Sadly unoriginal mine is the name of my amp DecatoneQuote |
May 23, 2013 at 5:41 pm Quote #25780 | |
sbnitro (505) | My user name Is my Initials and the greatest racing fuel on earth nitro! Like they say gas Is for washing parts,alcohol Is for drinking,and nitro Is for racing! sbnitroQuote |
May 23, 2013 at 5:44 pm Quote #25781 | |
sbnitro (505) |
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