Translation needed

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This topic has 4 voices, contains 4 replies, and was last updated by  redozzman 3049 days ago.

October 15, 2016 at 6:21 pm Quote #54431


Got this note in a package from Japan.

Can anyone translate it? Thanks.

October 15, 2016 at 6:27 pm Quote #54432


Is there such thing as Japanese Cursive Writing ? :mrgreen:

When you turn on your stereo, does it return the favor?

October 15, 2016 at 7:02 pm Quote #54434


ron: Got this note in a package from Japan.
Can anyone translate it?Thanks.

“Mr. Date.
Glad to had a good time with you. Thanks!
I’m looking forward to doing something together with you again one day.
It was nice to see them and Eakblath(?) at the same gig because the tickets were so cheap.

ron finally got a Japanese family name.

October 15, 2016 at 11:37 pm Quote #54437


“Eakblath” would be “Sabbath” I’m guessing. (The note came with some VH items, one of which was this poster) Thanks!

October 19, 2016 at 11:08 am Quote #54454


Where is Lee King Snatch when you need him…….


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