Steve Rosen Interviews with Ed and Dave 1980 1982

TopicsAll ForumsGeneralVan Halen NewsSteve Rosen Interviews with Ed and Dave 1980 1982

This topic has 5 voices, contains 11 replies, and was last updated by  jroundy 4372 days ago.

March 25, 2013 at 11:38 am Quote #23792


I didn’t see anything posted here before. I can’t link to it on iTunes (but it is there for purchase) It’s a Steve Rosen interview CD with Ed and Dave from 1980. There are sound samples for each track (approx. 70-90 seconds per track). I never heard or saw this before. I have the brief 1979 interview clip with Ed and Steve, but not this one.

Also, I found this interview clip, but it says it’s not available in our country.

March 25, 2013 at 11:45 am Quote #23793


Same as the one on Amazon from back on ’07/08?

March 25, 2013 at 3:05 pm Quote #23796



I still say… the 1979 Steve Rosen w EVH interview is the SINGLE BEST video (audio) on all of Youtube! I mean hearing a young Eddie Van Halen unplugged just noodling around on the riffs from the upcoming VH2 album (at the time). It’s some great shit!

March 25, 2013 at 7:45 pm Quote #23799


I’d love to hear the interview with Dave & Ed.

If anyone outside the US is able to download, put it up on Dropbox or something. :)

When you turn on your stereo, does it return the favor?

March 25, 2013 at 7:57 pm Quote #23802


I’d love to hear the interview with Dave & Ed.

There are links to it in the first and second messages of this thread.

March 25, 2013 at 9:05 pm Quote #23805


Same as the one on Amazon from back on ’07/08?

Appears to be. I never saw it then either.

March 25, 2013 at 9:06 pm Quote #23806



I still say… the 1979 Steve Rosen w EVH interview is the SINGLE BEST video (audio) on all of Youtube! I mean hearing a young Eddie Van Halen unplugged just noodling around on the riffs from the upcoming VH2 album (at the time).It’s some great shit!

There are more unplugged Eddie segments in this one, too. This was just before the release of WACF and Ed was playing some of those riffs. Listen to the samples.

March 25, 2013 at 10:23 pm Quote #23808


ron: There are links to it in the first and second messages of this thread.

The first link only plays samples & it’s not worth paying $8.99 to $9.90 to download.

Like Voodoo said, the Deezer download is not available in our country

When you turn on your stereo, does it return the favor?

March 25, 2013 at 11:19 pm Quote #23810


mrmojohalen: The first link only plays samples & it’s not worth paying $8.99 to $9.90 to download.

It would be illegal for someone to purchase the interview and then freely share it with others here. You can support the artist (Steven Rosen) by paying for the interview, or just ask those that have, what’s on it. (the track names give some good hints)
You can also wait for a sale.

mrmojohalen: Like Voodoo said, the Deezer download is not available in our country

You didn’t ask about that interview, you wanted the one with Dave and Ed. :D
Use a web proxy for/from the appropriate country to access that site.

March 26, 2013 at 1:33 pm Quote #23832


mrmojohalen: The first link only plays samples & it’s not worth paying $8.99 to $9.90 to download.

I bought it last night. Well worth $9. Very entertaining to listen to. I love classic Van Halen.

March 26, 2013 at 5:12 pm Quote #23833


ron: It would be illegal for someone to purchase the interview and then freely share it with others here.You can support the artist (Steven Rosen) by paying for the interview, or just ask those that have, what’s on it. (the track names give some good hints)
You can also wait for a sale.

You didn’t ask about that interview, you wanted the one with Dave and Ed.:D
Use a web proxy for/from the appropriate country to access that site.

Thanks for your help on this one, Ron.

sheldon cooper photo:  bazingaaaaa_zps4b8febcc.gif

I’ve just discovered that this is available for free –

in a streaming format on Mr. Rosen’s MySpace page:

The first 5 tracks are ED & the next 5 tracks are DAVE.


When you turn on your stereo, does it return the favor?

March 26, 2013 at 11:31 pm Quote #23850


mrmojohalen: Thanks for your help on this one, Ron.

sheldon cooper photo:bazingaaaaa_zps4b8febcc.gif

I’ve just discovered that this is available for free –

in a streaming format on Mr. Rosen’s MySpace page:

The first 5 tracks are ED & the next 5 tracks are DAVE.


Sweet!! Thanks!

The poor folks play for keeps down here…They’re the living dead. Nobody rules these streets at night like Van Halen!!


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