Six-String Heroes BOOK by Neil Zlozower (2009)

TopicsAll ForumsGeneralThe Corner PubSix-String Heroes BOOK by Neil Zlozower (2009)

This topic has 3 voices, contains 4 replies, and was last updated by  Chris UK 824 days ago.

December 3, 2022 at 3:16 pm Quote #66016


Does anyone have this?
I was wondering how many pages of EVH were in it.
I’ve seen 2 different covers for it:

When you turn on your stereo, does it return the favor?

December 5, 2022 at 8:45 am Quote #66018


I’ve seen that book before too almost pulled the trigger and bought it.
But I find it hard to believe that since Neil wrote it any pictures of Ed wouldn’t
already be the same ones that are in the other books he’s put out specifically on him
and the band. Maybe not but my guess. I don’t see him putting rare pictures in that book,
but not including them in the other ones he’s already done.


vhtrading member since 2000

December 5, 2022 at 11:31 am Quote #66019

Chris UK

Yes I have it. There are 6 pages of Eddie containing;
one close up colour pic spread over 2 pages live with the b&w Frankie circa 1978
one page of quotes about him
one page b&w pic of him posing with the sawn up Destroyer
one page colour pic of him live 1978 with the b&w Frankie
one page colour pic of him live 1981 doing the ‘flying Eddie’ with the red+b&w Frankie
Its a great book fab pics and covers a wide variety of guitarists and has some interesting quotes from various players too.

December 5, 2022 at 7:09 pm Quote #66023


Thanks Chris ! Good to see you post. Hope you are doing well. :)

When you turn on your stereo, does it return the favor?

December 12, 2022 at 6:07 am Quote #66039

Chris UK

mrmojohalen: Thanks Chris !Good to see you post. Hope you are doing well. :)

Yes I’m doing OK thanks….don’t often visit here these days just occasionally drop in to see if any new CVH vids have emerged although I dont hold out much hope now unless Al and Wolfie get down in the vaults and put something out.


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