Sammy webcasting 10-13

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This topic has 1 voice, contains 0 replies, and was last updated by  kite 4524 days ago.

October 5, 2012 at 7:34 am Quote #19617


Hi Redheads! We are going to try webcasting from the Bash again this year, so keep an eye out for updates as we try to bring the party online! Hopefully we won’t break the Cabo internet haha! Also, the Tahoe Wabo and the Island in Roseville, CA are both going to be throwing some bashes of their own on my birthday! Grab another Redhead and head down there on 10/13 for some live entertainment and fun… and you can be sure the Waboritas and Beach Bar Rum will be in good supply!

RECORDINGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:


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