Sammy cool VH statement…

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This topic has 1 voice, contains 1 reply, and was last updated by  PT5150 3441 days ago.

September 22, 2015 at 11:01 pm Quote #49681


If someone could upload it that would be great I’m on my phone..
Here’s the link.

EDDIE’S fingers aren’t fingers they are muscle-powered pistons that hammer guitar strings to the fretboard with the force of a rivet gun”.

September 22, 2015 at 11:05 pm Quote #49682


@sammyhagar: I can’t believe it all started 30 years ago, it’s been a beautiful wonderful ride. I’m proud of all…

EDDIE’S fingers aren’t fingers they are muscle-powered pistons that hammer guitar strings to the fretboard with the force of a rivet gun”.


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