"Sacred Sin" DVD w/ New EVH Videos

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This topic has 4 voices, contains 4 replies, and was last updated by  Wes 4695 days ago.

April 17, 2012 at 6:17 am Quote #10905


The VH store is selling a 2DVD edition of “Sacred Sin”

* Two new songs by Eddie Van Halen, “Rise” and “Catherine,” both guitar instrumentals. The two-disc set contains three music videos for the two songs.
1) “Rise” video (5:03) shows Eddie playing his original red striped Charvel Strat! And contains imagery from the movie “Sacred Sin” (no nudity).
2) “Catherine” video (6:37) shows Eddie playing Eddie playing guitar (and drums!) in his famous 5150 studio, and also contains imagery from the movie “Catherine” (no nudity).
3) “Catherine – The EVH Studio Cut” video: (6:37) The entire video is exclusively Eddie playing guitar (and drums!) in his famous 5150 studio! This is some very cool collectable footage of Ed in the studio… and there isn’t much of that around!
* Eddie also contributed some transitional piano pieces that are sprinkled throughout the movie.
* (Eddie does not appear in the movie… he is only in the three music videos. The three music videos/songs are only available on this DVD, not on any CD or other release).”

Does anyone know whether the videos are new or is it the same stuff that is on youtube?

Here is the link:


April 17, 2012 at 6:25 am Quote #10907


It seems I am a few years behind the news :oops:

How have I not seen this before? Anyway, the “Catherine – The EVH Studio Cut” video is on youtube:


April 17, 2012 at 7:27 am Quote #10908


Yeah, don’t waste your money. The EVH songs aren’t that great and the porn is horrible. As far as the videos I am sure they are not new. I doubt that the EVH of today is proud of his work on a porn movie.

On a side note, I wonder if anyone ever won the franky guitar giveaway from the dvd. I think you had to crack some code or something.

April 17, 2012 at 7:30 am Quote #10910


One of the actors in the film, Marland Anderson, aka Sledge Hammer passed away this past Friday. It was on the local news.
More info http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/lanow/2012/04/porn-star-police-taser.html

April 17, 2012 at 10:21 am Quote #10923


I think you had to crack some code or something.

I think all Marland Anderson found was the crack.


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