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June 19, 2015 at 6:13 pm Quote #46092 | |
VAiN (2777) |
Gotcha.. thanks! Resident dickhead. I will hurt your delicate feelings. VAiNQuote |
June 19, 2015 at 8:48 pm Quote #46103 | |
JasonA (1125) |
Yes and no. FLACs are not really able to be played natively in iTunes, but you can convert losslessly from FLAC to AIF or ALAC and play those in iTunes. Get xACT to convert the FLACs. I don’t know about iTunes Match as I don’t use it. But even if you don’t listen to them at the full resolution, the 320k AAC files I made for my iTunes using the HDTracks as the source, sound better than anything ripped from CD, even the DCC gold disc. JasonAQuote |
July 10, 2015 at 2:15 pm Quote #46856 | |
ron (11881) | The rest of the classic six came out today on CD and LP. (digital tracks were already available) ronQuote |
July 10, 2015 at 3:01 pm Quote #46857 | |
JasonA (1125) | Barnes and Noble has the four CDs out today for $4.99 each Popmarket has a hot deal today on the 4 LPs for $70: JasonAQuote |
July 10, 2015 at 3:33 pm Quote #46858 | |
VAiN (2777) | I ordered mine.. looking forward to Fair Warning! Resident dickhead. I will hurt your delicate feelings. VAiNQuote |
July 10, 2015 at 3:49 pm Quote #46859 | |
ron (11881) | |
July 11, 2015 at 10:04 pm Quote #46912 | |
rockphantom (202) | I hope I don’t get banned from VHT for posting this… However, I have spotted the 24/192 FLAC version of the VH collection “in the wild”. Considering I have purchased the six pack multiples time in the past, I don’t feel excruciatingly horrible about illegally downloading the overpriced HD Tracks collection. If this set was $59.99 instead of $145, I would have purchased it on day one. Please don’t ask me how to download this set. All I will say is that I didn’t find it on any sketchy BT site! Peace! rockphantomQuote |
July 21, 2015 at 12:53 pm Quote #47343 | |
rockphantom (202) | I’ve just listened to the 24/192 HD Tracks FLAC release of Van Halen II on my FiiO X5II ( using my Phonak Audeo PFE 232 earphones ( I must state I have never heard classic Van Halen sound this good! rockphantomQuote |
July 21, 2015 at 2:04 pm Quote #47346 | |
JasonA (1125) | I just got Fair Warning and Diver Down remastered vinyl. So far I’ve only been able to listen to FW, but it sounds incredible. Mike’s bass is so much more pronounced. Like mentioned above, much better instrument separation. JasonAQuote |
July 22, 2015 at 1:54 pm Quote #47381 | |
Hide Your Sheep (14) |
I recently got those Japan mini-LP CDs too. They really did a nice job on the packaging for them. Even included a mini poster of Dave inside WCF. I’ve never understood why Warners has done such a crappy job with the packaging of the VH CDs here in US> I mean how hard is it to put together a nicer package if you’re going to re-release them again? Hire someone to write some new liner notes about just that album and that time in the band’s history (hell, I’m sure Greg Renoff would’ve been up to the task). Include some photos from that album period (calling Neil Zlozower wouldn’t be hard). I know Ed isn’t gonna give them any bonus tracks but at least the record company could do this stuff on their own without any help from Ed, Dave, Al or Mike (although I’m sure Mike would be more than happy to help). I don’t know. It’s frustrating when you see the care that goes into all these other bands reissues and we get pretty much nothing. Hide Your SheepQuote |
July 22, 2015 at 6:41 pm Quote #47395 | |
Mink (2663) | I totally agree about repackaging with extras. However, from a business stand point why would Warner Bros do anything to the discs when people will buy them anyway. They really don’t have to put much into them and get more profit that way. MinkQuote |
July 22, 2015 at 8:51 pm Quote #47398 | |
Hide Your Sheep (14) |
yeah but I think that’s totally true for the 2000 remasters. I think most of us replaced our original CDs with the 2000s. But this go round I think less people are shelling out for them. I’m a huge fan, have bought the albums in every incarnation through the years (even 8-track!!) but i’m just not interested in buying these. Now, if they had included something like expanded booklet I would’ve been a sucker and bought them. I think a lot of people seem to be in same boat. A lotta skepticism on whether they should. I think the only reason a bunch of VH fans bought them was cause B&N was/is selling them for $4.99. Shoot, I almost did for that price. But I held off….. Hide Your SheepQuote |
July 22, 2015 at 10:59 pm Quote #47403 | |
drjazz (71) | I’ve been looking for new ways to listen to our favorite recordings. I’m the guy who remastered the warner demos and many other boots listed on our This is what I came up with for best versions so far, and I’ve been comparing by what sounds best on multiple speaker sets, nothing else. 1st 3 albums – undecided, will get back to you. Fair warning – Japan forever young is absolutely amazing. The new 2015 remaster is distorted and bland compared to this. I’ve listened to it on multiple speakers, the new version is a mockery imo. On the forever young, The bass is tight and the balance is the best I’ve heard. Far better then the 2000 remasters as well. The 2015 is a waste of money! The forever young is a wet dream. Diver down – I’ve not yet heard the 2015 remaster. Until this point the 2000 remaster is best. I have the forever young and the target cd from 1987. The 2000 sounds best to me. Well balanced and remastered appropriately for the title. 1984 – the 2000 remaster is horrible. The original target version sounds very good and better than the 2000 remaster. However, I have to go with the new 2015 remaster on this one. It’s very clean, up front, and solid. Very good quality. It seems like a lot of time went into this one. I’ve not yet heard the Van Halen 1 version of this, but my speculation is that it will give the gold 1998 version a run for its money. 0U812 – the original and the forever young series are clearly different. I cannot pick a favorite. The forever young series has more bass, but not really for the better. I agree with previous statements that this album needs a remix. If I has to choose, I would go with forever young, but not by much. I plan on getting all of these versions, so I will do a complete analysis when completed. I hope you appreciate these opinions. VH forever! drjazzQuote |
July 22, 2015 at 11:08 pm Quote #47405 | |
drjazz (71) | |
July 22, 2015 at 11:30 pm Quote #47406 | |
guitard (7354) |
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