Rare VH Footage..At 5150 & 1991 Tour with Baby Animals.

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This topic has 9 voices, contains 17 replies, and was last updated by  PT5150 4132 days ago.

November 17, 2013 at 4:53 am Quote #30922


Thanks to Van Halen.net for this Rare stuff.Looks like a BTB Production..
Dweezil Zappa captured the footage.
Which VH 3 song is Ed going through? Year To the Day??
Also love the 91 stuff Ed jamming AC/DC stuff with the Baby Animals..
Cool Rock’n Roll jam at the very end with VH and Baby Animals & Dweezil?..

EDDIE’S fingers aren’t fingers they are muscle-powered pistons that hammer guitar strings to the fretboard with the force of a rivet gun”.

November 17, 2013 at 6:18 am Quote #30924


that was awesome bro. Sounds like some new material that did not make III to me


vhtrading member since 2000

November 17, 2013 at 7:23 am Quote #30928


cleaning up the studio I found a bunch of stuff I forgot I had. This is a BTB/Mad Hatter production. This is NOT the full clip either! There is a interview with Ed I left out. I’m back and over the next few months ive got some amazing stuff coming. Including a faster ‘puter to chunk the multicam HD material from 2012! sit tight and enjoy this!

Why settle for a can? When you can drink straight from the bottle….
By the Bottle….
BTB Productions

November 17, 2013 at 7:50 am Quote #30929



Why settle for a can? When you can drink straight from the bottle….
By the Bottle….
BTB Productions

November 17, 2013 at 8:03 am Quote #30930


fletch: cleaning up the studio I found a bunch of stuff I forgot I had. This is a BTB/Mad Hatter production. This is NOT the full clip either! There is a interview with Ed I left out. I’m back and over the next few months ive got some amazing stuff coming. Including a faster ‘puter to chunk the multicam HD material from 2012! sit tight and enjoy this!


November 17, 2013 at 9:43 am Quote #30931


Thanks for your putting time and effort in tracking down the old footage and then letting us view it !!!

November 17, 2013 at 4:11 pm Quote #30935


I wonder if it is this guy interviewing Ed.
He has the Inside tshirt on and you can see a camera taking photos..Ed is wearing the same jacket.
I think it is for sure.

Here’s the page the photos are from.

EDDIE’S fingers aren’t fingers they are muscle-powered pistons that hammer guitar strings to the fretboard with the force of a rivet gun”.

November 17, 2013 at 5:43 pm Quote #30937


Yes, that short interview clip is from a very extensive interview that was conducted for ‘The Inside’ Van Halen magazine.

I had the opportunity to interview the band at 5150 just a year earlier, so I let Jon conduct most of this interview. I was on the couch next to him, and Brad was the one filming. Jon & I recorded audio of the interview for use in The Inside, and Brad recorded some video to possibly use on the band’s official website.

And just in case someone in the VH camp sees this footage, just know that I sure as hell didn’t leak this! I got a copy of the video from Brad, and I was told to never let it out, so I never did.
Jeff Hausman
Van Halen News Desk (VHND.com)
phone (623)266-3955

EDDIE’S fingers aren’t fingers they are muscle-powered pistons that hammer guitar strings to the fretboard with the force of a rivet gun”.

November 17, 2013 at 8:26 pm Quote #30942


Still hoping the BTB super-8 DVD release is still in the pipeline.

November 17, 2013 at 8:33 pm Quote #30943


Originally Posted by PT 5150
Cool Jeff must have been a great experience..
Did you get to see the whole band playing or just Ed playing various parts?
Just Eddie playing a bit of guitar on the couch in ’97. But in ’96, Ed & Al played me tapes of early demos of what became III, and all the while they were air guitaring & air drumming. It was fun.
Jeff Hausman
Van Halen News Desk (VHND.com)
phone (623)266-3955
Originally Posted by I Coulda Hada VH
Was this after the whole MTV awards debacle with Dave?
Yes. Oct ’96 & Dec ’97.
Jeff Hausman
Van Halen News Desk (VHND.com)
phone (623)266-3955
Originally Posted by I Coulda Hada VH
Did you ever feel the urge to ask them about that whole 3 or 4 month period where Sammy was out, Dave came back for the two “Best of” songs, and then Dave was out again?
ha ha… I can’t tell if you’re joking? Yes, we talked about that. In the original interview, Eddie really was venting about his frustrations with Sammy. Then, after it was transcribed, in hindsight, he wanted me to take a lot of his complaining out so that the interview would be more positive. So I did that.

Jeff Hausman
Van Halen News Desk (VHND.com)
phone (623)266-3955
Originally Posted by ZachenFoot
So Jeff, this begs the question:

1) How much different were the III demos to the actual album? Because I know early on, they had an actual producer.

2) Have you ever heard the post-III songs with Gary or are those dwelling at 5150?

I’m not looking for specific details, I just wonder what it was all like. Despite the terrible album, ’96-’99 was a very interesting time in VH Land. What I would do to hear both of the above.

These are great questions. The demos were pretty different! Some had Gary’s vocals, and many didn’t. It was all very HEAVY.

I only heard the demos just once. My first impression was, it was a damn heavy band, with some unknown guy singing over it. Sure, I was familiar with Extreme, and loved Extreme, but Gary’s voice didn’t make me think of Extreme. It was really weird hearing VH with some other guy singing. This was almost 2 years before III came out! What I heard was cool. A couple things stood out:

*One song had a 100% bass intro, and had very cool & very heavy bass throughout. It was very unique because of that. From then on, I always hoped it would end up on the album, but it definitely did not!

*When III came out much later, the only piece of music that I 100% recognized from my little “demo listening party” was “How Many Say I.” Now, that song irritates me as much as it does most people. HOWEVER, I really loved the demo!! The demo had NO vocals. Now, try to imagine that song with no vocals. Sure, I only heard it once, but I liked it. I think it’s the vocals and the harmonizing that ruin it for most people?

After the release of III, I talked with a person who owned the III demos. He said he loved the demos way more than the album. He thought it was pretty much ruined in production.

As far as the follow-up to III? What I think of as the “Three and a half” album? I never heard any of it, but I heard a couple people say it was much better and sounded more like traditional VH.
Jeff Hausman
Van Halen News Desk (VHND.com)
phone (623)266-3955

EDDIE’S fingers aren’t fingers they are muscle-powered pistons that hammer guitar strings to the fretboard with the force of a rivet gun”.

November 17, 2013 at 10:12 pm Quote #30947


This is great footage.. thank you for putting it out there…
Something for most of you to keep in mind – This is the guitar player that sam hagar says is a 1-trick pony. Sam hagar, the one who says that joe satch is better player because satch can mimic other great and innovative players.. Right. EVH rules.

Resident dickhead. I will hurt your delicate feelings.

November 19, 2013 at 4:51 pm Quote #30965


i am ssssoooooo tempted to sit on the rest of the interview!!!!!!!

i really dont want to mess up anything and that is why I let out the guitar playing part only!!! last thing I ever want to do is have someone else’s issues become my issues over this! so you have to respect that!!

Why settle for a can? When you can drink straight from the bottle….
By the Bottle….
BTB Productions

November 19, 2013 at 5:32 pm Quote #30967


The 5150 stuff is awesome Paul if there is any way it can be let out in a limited way that be great.But I understand your reservations.
How long does it go for??

EDDIE’S fingers aren’t fingers they are muscle-powered pistons that hammer guitar strings to the fretboard with the force of a rivet gun”.

November 19, 2013 at 7:21 pm Quote #30970


I can’t say…and I’ve thought about it….this would bring a lot of heat to me and honestly as a fan….I’m good. I have made lots of connections and I don’t want to screw things up. I think by letting that clip go its harmless….but the rest….isn’t worth what would happen. I don’t want to know what would happen….I just have a really weird feeling because I know for a fact other certain people have seen it and are very quiet…..so…..be happy with what I shared and I’m back to lurk mode for a bit. At least until I’m ready to let some other stuff out…

Why settle for a can? When you can drink straight from the bottle….
By the Bottle….
BTB Productions

November 19, 2013 at 7:26 pm Quote #30971


Concert footage is one thing…private conversations and certain things said that were not used in the article…bring a world of heat…I’m all set with that….

Why settle for a can? When you can drink straight from the bottle….
By the Bottle….
BTB Productions


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