people selling bootlegs "cafe wah show"

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This topic has 7 voices, contains 8 replies, and was last updated by  sickman 4764 days ago.

February 23, 2012 at 9:27 pm Quote #5921


I recentley grabbed this dvd over on jamtothis and went to leave a comment and got into a debate over this.

Originally Posted by 80ties_Forever
It’s been up here for 3 days and yes it’s being sold everywhere by numerous morons:…dlr!-505047608…lr-!-505048474

I Offer and Ebay are loaded with dvd’s coming straight from the trackers.
It will just be a matter of time sites like JTT and Dime will be shut down as well.
To be honest, I hope they do.
This is not the way it’s meant to be.

Originally Posted by gatomike
You act like this is new so people should not share cause a couple of idiots sell and people buy.Bootlegs have been for sell on ebay before trackers and before ebay they were on sale at record stores and in magazines.With trackers less people buy because they can get them without paying and meet people to trade with.JTT and Dime are not the problem its ebay and ioffer and the people who buy the bootlegs and sell the bootlegs.

Also if you are comparing these to Megaupload very different situation.

by 80ties_Forever

Just the opposite of what you say is happening dude.
With trackers anybody can get everything without paying for them and offer them for sale right after it. Result: more people start selling with a much bigger customer potential because you can easily offer “your” product worldwide.
I have seen an increase in sellers lately. They offer anything coming from the trackers.
Without trackers there will still be people selling stuff but on a much smaller base and without the trackers you stop feeding the sellers. The only thing they can do is physical trading which makes it a lot less attractive then grabbing everything from the trackers.

Besides that I do think the situation is not much different from megaupload.
The wrong people make the money…..
It’s just a matter of time they will come to JTT and Dime, it’s the next step in this process and all the bootlegsellers have credit to that.

Taping shows and trading is fine as long as it’s not about the money. Well, it is now.

February 23, 2012 at 9:41 pm Quote #5922


I get his point but the whole “money” angle.There will always be people trying to make a profit off of bootlegs or bands not much we can do.Most people here have bought before but I bet because trackers and forums like these where you can meet other traders there is no reason to.

I really doubt also a few sellers are really cutting into how much VH is making this year or any bands.

I don’t condone selling but to not share on trackers or wish they did not exist because of sites like I offer and because Ebay does not follow its own policy is ridiculous.

February 24, 2012 at 4:03 am Quote #5952


I get his point but the whole “money” angle.There will always be people trying to make a profit off of bootlegs or bands not much we can do.Most people here have bought before but I bet because trackers and forums like these where you can meet other traders there is no reason to.

I really doubt also a few sellers are really cutting into how much VH is making this year or any bands.

I don’t condone selling but to not share on trackers or wish they did not exist because of sites like I offer and because Ebay does not follow its own policy is ridiculous.

Before I stumbled upon JTT back in 2007 I thought the only way to get bootlegs was to buy them. I probably had 15 or so CD/DVD before 2007. I now have over 250. Despite being a member of JTT and Dime for over 4 years I was only vaguely aware of this place until this year; it was through the tracker sites that I found this site.

February 24, 2012 at 9:13 pm Quote #6055


Are you really that surprised, Gator?
The version I authored is much better than Fletch’s/BTB (no distracting crazy Asian idiot) AND FULL show.
This is why I do it the old fashioned way – snail mail – instead of uploading my hard work ANYWHERE.


February 25, 2012 at 12:11 am Quote #6080


If all digital downloading disappeared tomorrow – it would have no effect whatsoever on people selling bootlegs. Sellers would go back to what they did before there were trackers: trade for shows via snail mail and then sell them.

February 25, 2012 at 12:34 am Quote #6081


If something is let out it’s let out.It will take a bit longer to reach sites like ebay or Ioffer but just cause it’s not up on a tracker does not stop people from selling once its getting traded around.Some of these sellers are fans and they still collect and trade so they no whats new and what to go after.

I remember when if you wanted a bootleg you pretty much had to buy it in the 90s or the infancy of the internet before trade sites were well known and trackers were all over I’m pretty sure sellers made way more back in the day.Just like the legit music market and DVD market.People know they can get stuff for free they are not gonna pay for it.

You can ask NYBC about how much they lose out on cause of that.

In the late 90s and early 2000s in the infancy of ebay way more bootlegs were up then currently.This was before ebay was as well known and less pressure was put on them for what people could sell on there site.


February 25, 2012 at 11:07 am Quote #6146


It’s the reason I don’t share 99% of my stuff anymore (esp. video). Lots of my stuff gets sold, so I just sit on it until a tour is long over and sellers have moved on to whatever is hot at the time.

February 25, 2012 at 1:37 pm Quote #6172


It’s the reason I don’t share 99% of my stuff anymore (esp. video). Lots of my stuff gets sold, so I just sit on it until a tour is long over and sellers have moved on to whatever is hot at the time.

Don’t let sellers keep you from sharing. This is just a hobby & since you aren’t selling shows, what difference does it make ?

When you turn on your stereo, does it return the favor?

February 25, 2012 at 10:41 pm Quote #6220


Look at it this way, because of torrents and good old fashioned snail mail look at how many of us have 500+ dvds in their collection. That is an awful lot of money that didn’t go to some asshole seller. Sometimes the best thing to do is get the word out that places like dime and others exist. The more people that know about it the less will spend $$$ on something they can get for free.


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