"No Trade" – time limit?

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This topic has 8 voices, contains 12 replies, and was last updated by  unchainedheart 3040 days ago.

November 3, 2016 at 5:12 pm Quote #54605


Say you got something in trade from someone else, and it’s a “No Trade” item.

Does that “no trade” have a deadline?

Can you trade it after a year? Two years? Five years? A decade? Never can trade it at all?

Should one try and get permission from the person you got it from if you wanna trade it after a certain amount of time? (assuming they can be located)

If it’s something that’s in the trading pool already, but your copy is marked “no trade”, then what?


November 3, 2016 at 5:30 pm Quote #54606


If you agreed to the “No Trade” rule I believe no matter what you have to stick to that. The only exception is if the person you got it from agrees for you to trade the item if you so desire.

November 3, 2016 at 7:36 pm Quote #54608


So Ron – How long have you had the Largo 81 & 84 shows ? :mrgreen:
Add this to the list – If you have a ‘no trade’ item, are you allowed to put it on your trade
list or even let anyone else know that you have it ?

When you turn on your stereo, does it return the favor?

November 4, 2016 at 8:53 am Quote #54619


mrmojohalen: If you have a ‘no trade’ item, are you allowed to put it on your trade list or even let anyone else know that you have it ?

I would say No. I know some people who do though. My problem would be that my “list” is the same as my “trade list”. I don’t have/keep two separate lists.

November 4, 2016 at 10:04 am Quote #54620


ron: Say you got something in trade from someone else, and it’s a “No Trade” item.

Does that “no trade” have a deadline?

Can you trade it after a year?Two years?Five years?A decade?Never can trade it at all?

Should one try and get permission from the person you got it from if you wanna trade it after a certain amount of time? (assuming they can be located)

If it’s something that’s in the trading pool already, but your copy is marked “no trade”, then what?


If it’s in the trading pool because the originator put it out there – then by all means – go ahead and trade it. Otherwise, I’d contact the originator and ask if it’s OK to trade it. As far as a timeline … I probably wouldn’t ever trade it. Having said that, I’d probably forget I even had it as I don’t do much trading anymore and I don’t go back and watch old shows very often unless I have them on a hard drive.

November 4, 2016 at 7:40 pm Quote #54628


I suppose you’re morally obligated to not trade it. But what “rule” says that someone can record a show and then dictate who is allowed to see/hear it or not? I would think once they share it to 2 or so people it’s gonna get out. And what loss is it to the taper if it does?

November 5, 2016 at 12:34 am Quote #54631


Gilligan: And what loss is it to the taper if it does?

I can give an example. There is a venue that I shoot video at that you virtually never hear about in trade circles except for the occasional audio recording (but never video). I’ve basically found a way to stealth video there that works really well. One of the keys to my success is that I have to film from a very specific spot – literally there is this one seat that for several reasons is perfect for stealthing and it’s a general admission venue so as long as I arrive early, I can always get that seat. I have yet to publicly release any of these shows because as soon as I do – I would worry that management there (and they are known for really being tyrants about cameras, people talking between songs, etc.) might decide to keep a close eye on the area where that seat is located (and they would only have to watch a very small section of seats).

November 5, 2016 at 2:27 am Quote #54636


guitard: I can give an example.There is a venue that I shoot video at that you virtually never hear about in trade circles except for the occasional audio recording (but never video).I’ve basically found a way to stealth video there that works really well.One of the keys to my success is that I have to film from a very specific spot – literally there is this one seat that for several reasons is perfect for stealthing and it’s a general admission venue so as long as I arrive early, I can always get that seat.I have yet to publicly release any of these shows because as soon as I do – I would worry that management there (and they are known for really being tyrants about cameras, people talking between songs, etc.) might decide to keep a close eye on the area where that seat is located (and they would only have to watch a very small section of seats).

Interesting example. I have to ask, have you filmed VH at that venue?

November 5, 2016 at 3:44 am Quote #54637


This venue gets some fairly well known artists – but it’s way too small for the mighty VH.

November 5, 2016 at 4:31 am Quote #54638


guitard: This venue gets some fairly well known artists – but it’s way too small for the mighty VH.

Thanks for answering.

November 5, 2016 at 12:32 pm Quote #54642


ron: Say you got something in trade from someone else, and it’s a “No Trade” item.

Does that “no trade” have a deadline?

Can you trade it after a year?Two years?Five years?A decade?Never can trade it at all?

Should one try and get permission from the person you got it from if you wanna trade it after a certain amount of time?(assuming they can be located)

If it’s something that’s in the trading pool already, but your copy is marked “no trade”, then what?


What if the person has passed away…. or is no longer involved in trading?

The poor folks play for keeps down here…They’re the living dead. Nobody rules these streets at night like Van Halen!!

November 7, 2016 at 7:01 pm Quote #54662


You probably shouldn’t trade it without asking the original trader, but then again, once it’s yours, it’s yours to do what you want with it.

Stay Frosty

November 9, 2016 at 1:55 am Quote #54669


ron: I would say No.I know some people who do though.My problem would be that my “list” is the same as my “trade list”.I don’t have/keep two separate lists.

Largo 81 & 84,don’t. Torture me, aarrghhh


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