New EVH Recordings Surfacing???

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This topic has 11 voices, contains 15 replies, and was last updated by  jroundy 4266 days ago.

June 18, 2013 at 11:59 am Quote #26590


This guy is posting some pretty cool stuff.

He has one that is supposed to be the outtakes of Eruption that is just an old instructional recording by, I believe it was Doug Marks. The other says it EVH solo from 10/1/1974 at Barnacle Bill’s Bar, but I’m not getting any audio from the video. I also don’t believe the “Fireworks” track is EVH.

June 18, 2013 at 1:03 pm Quote #26593


I think the solo he references as 10/1/1974 is in fact from the “Starwood Sensation” bootleg (1976). And the “1980″ one is from the 78 tour.

June 18, 2013 at 2:34 pm Quote #26600


I would bet my left nut that the first track “unreleased eruption outtake” is not EVH, sounds more like George Lynch, regardless its not EVH! :roll: The 1984 solo is cool, I did not go to Youtube to read the description, where ever its recorded the folks standing around are speaking spanish. perhaps somewhere in south america?

June 19, 2013 at 8:23 pm Quote #26670


I also don’t believe the first track (Fireworks) is Eddie. It is missing his swing thing in the playing if you know what I mean… and the guitar tone.
The delay effect used in the clip doesn’t sound right, it sounded too mid 80′s to me like during the hair band era. Someone can correct me on that…

June 20, 2013 at 1:20 am Quote #26679


redozzman: I would bet my left nut that the first track “unreleased eruption outtake” is not EVH, sounds more like George Lynch, regardless its not EVH! :roll: The 1984 solo is cool, I did not go to Youtube to read the description, where ever its recorded the folks standing around are speaking spanish. perhaps somewhere in south america?

Your left nut is safe and sound, that first track is definitely not EVH. VH didn’t play South America in 84, so that solo is from the U.S. The last one sounds like it’s from 78 or earlier to me… I know I’ve heard it before.

Resident dickhead. I will hurt your delicate feelings.

June 21, 2013 at 3:30 am Quote #26724


I’d say that the second clip is from 1984 Stockholm boot.

July 1, 2013 at 6:40 pm Quote #27417


Hey folks- newbe here. Interesting thread! I checked out the site and looks like he posted some new stuff that is definitely authentic. There’s 2 new vids:
Whiskey GoGo from 12/03/1976 : (I think I’ve heard this before) and
Van Halen Solo Outakes from 1984 (which I have NEVER heard before, but I’m almost certain these clips are EVH).
As for the “Fireworks” recording, I’m still undecided. It sounds like an old analogue to me, but it doesn’t match his style in 1979. IMHO it might, just might, be something from the early 80′s because I can hear some parts of some “Fair Warning” solo’s in there. Also, I remember when I was a kid hearing about the EVH and Randy Rhoads rivalries and that Ed said he could outplay RR with one hand etc… So it does sound like a les paul (notice no whammy dives) and it also sounds like what Ed would sound like if he were mocking RR. So for me the jury is still out. If this is true, must be some roadie posting. Also, looks like the poster is dutch?? I like the track though, even if it turns out to be not EVH.
One more thing, the 84 show is real and from the US, which IMHO were when EVH was at his peak. This one I’m sure is gunuine and from the last leg of the tour as the description says. I was at one of the last shows and this is how I remember Eddie in the “glory days” before van hagar. – I guess I’m giving away my age here :) Anyway, IMHO it’s the best clip I’ve heard yet from the 84 tour.

“All garbage is not necessarily trash”

July 1, 2013 at 8:00 pm Quote #27425


Jeff from VHND shot down the Eruption 2 recording. You can hear its not Ed.
Also the “Soundboard” stuff is audience recorded he said.

EDDIE’S fingers aren’t fingers they are muscle-powered pistons that hammer guitar strings to the fretboard with the force of a rivet gun”.

July 1, 2013 at 8:10 pm Quote #27426


Yeah, the live stuff is audience, but it’s pretty clean. After a few listens, it’s obvious that the “Fireworks” thing is definitely NOT EVH. Not his style and it’s not the speed. It’s more George Lynch’s style. Randy didn’t even play that way.

July 2, 2013 at 6:03 pm Quote #27465


voodoo: Yeah, the live stuff is audience, but it’s pretty clean. After a few listens, it’s obvious that the “Fireworks” thing is definitely NOT EVH. Not his style and it’s not the speed. It’s more George Lynch’s style. Randy didn’t even play that way.

Yeah, I think you’re right. Does sound a bit like George Lynch, I kinda forgot about him. He was always an Eddie imitator anyway IMHO. The pick sweeps give it away. Correct me if I’m wrong, but I don’t think EVH pick swept until Fair Warning – I think the Mean Streets solo had some. But he did do some out of the box stuff like the flaminco runs on “Could this be magic”. If anyone knows or has a recording of when EVH first pick swept I’d be curious to know.

Also, not to beat a dead horse, but the “eruption ii” poster actually put up something I think is authentic and I’ve never heard before- VH’s first radio play and interview on what sounds like a real radio station in 1976. Could be fake though, not sure but it kinda sounds like DLR talking.

“All garbage is not necessarily trash”

July 2, 2013 at 6:58 pm Quote #27474


I combined the two threads.

July 2, 2013 at 7:24 pm Quote #27478


CrazyHorse100: Yeah, I think you’re right.Does sound a bit like George Lynch, I kinda forgot about him.He was always an Eddie imitator anyway IMHO.The pick sweeps give it away.Correct me if I’m wrong, but I don’t think EVH pick swept until Fair Warning – I think the Mean Streets solo had some.But he did do some out of the box stuff like the flaminco runs on “Could this be magic”.If anyone knows or has a recording of when EVH first pick swept I’d be curious to know.
Also, not to beat a dead horse, but the “eruption ii” poster actually put up something I think is authentic and I’ve never heard before- VH’s first radio play and interview on what sounds like a real radio station in 1976.Could be fake though, not sure but it kinda sounds like DLR talking.

That’s the Rodney Bingenheimer interview. It’s been around for a long time. It was the first time they played “Runnin with the Devil” on the radio.

Also, from what I have heard from people who were there at the time, Ed and George were quite competitive and Ed was known to rip ideas from George quite a bit. I think they all did it.

July 2, 2013 at 9:21 pm Quote #27489


Eddie has never been much of a sweep picker, that’s not his style. I can’t think of one song where he goes even once from low E to high E and then back again from high to low.

July 4, 2013 at 5:10 pm Quote #27556


Revo11: Eddie has never been much of a sweep picker, that’s not his style.I can’t think of one song where he goes even once from low E to high E and then back again from high to low.

Actually, I just remembered the acoustic intro to “take your whiskey home”. I think it’s a full pick sweep/rake over the entire fretboard, but I’ve never heard him do it with the electric.

“All garbage is not necessarily trash”

July 6, 2013 at 11:09 am Quote #27607


No, there’s no sweep picking in Take Your Whiskey Home.


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