How Much Do You Watch The Dvds?

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This topic has 11 voices, contains 15 replies, and was last updated by  unchainedheart 4771 days ago.

February 16, 2012 at 10:48 pm Quote #4906


This might have came up on here before but it came up on Mepage a few months ago which is a Metallica site like this.I was suprised how many people over there don’t even watch there dvds or just a few songs and thats it.I admit I have probably 1000 dvds through snailmail and torrent.I watch my favorites multiple times but most I watch at least once especially whats on my list so I know of errors or quality.Sometimes I get stuff in from snailmail or torrent but its not what I thought it was so I don’t waste my time or even keep it listed.But I would say I watched about 80 percent of what I have and 25 percent of that multiple times.sure I do it while making dinner sometimes or on the internet or other stuff.I was just so suprised how many people just collect to collect and then list stuff as NT or RT and just hoard stuff they don’t even watch it over there.Also I watch 95 percent or more of proshots.I understand though with torrents and snailmail is easy to get ahead of yourself.I’m lucky I live with my fiance and its been over 3 years and she is busy enough with her young son and we have a good enough relationship I can get my dvds in and NFL when I’m not working without her fliping out.

February 16, 2012 at 11:30 pm Quote #4911


I watch dvds everyday and it always depend on how i feel like watching. I watch every dvd that comes in from trade, but some i will not watch completely – but I do check every song to see if it’s working good. I watch more Van-Halen than anything else and I watch them everyday. Feels goooooooooooood :mrgreen:

February 17, 2012 at 12:16 am Quote #4918


This is why I am EXTREMELY selective about what I download anymore. Unless I am sure I am going to watch it – I don’t download a show. So I probably only download a a few shows a month.

This is also partly why I don’t upload as much as I used to. Why bother doing all the work that goes into filming, authoring, and uploading a show when you know that the vast majority of people who download it will never watch it?

February 17, 2012 at 7:35 am Quote #4941


When I started I collected as much as possible of bands I liked or even somewhat liked. I also would get shows that I thought friends and family would like. But life got more demanding over the years and the time I could spend watching dvd’s really decreased. I probably went from getting 20 shows a month to 4 or 5. I’ll admit I do have shows I never even watched, or if I did it was 1 or 2 songs.

I have a feeling that will change though this year as a lot of my favorite bands are touring this year, not to mention Van Halen.

February 17, 2012 at 8:06 am Quote #4943


I’m like Randy, I find myself getting more and more selective with the things I collect because I just don’t have time to watch/listen to everything, and not enough room to store it all. I don’t collect audience-recorded videos or audio, unless it’s something really unique or is from a show that I personally attended.

February 17, 2012 at 11:40 am Quote #4954


I have (4) 3TB external hard drives full of shows…both DVD and flac files…and I’m working on my 5th now! I don’t watch everything I d/l…unless it’s VH! I’ve got more than 250 Metallica DVDs alone…and I’ve only seen maybe15-20 of them! Certain shows become your go-to after awhile! The rest gather dust…or get packed into apple boxes and stored in the garage!

February 17, 2012 at 11:48 am Quote #4956


I only d/l Van Halen and try to watch/listen to as much as possible. Of course, sometimes life gets in the way…

February 17, 2012 at 11:59 am Quote #4957


when I started heavy collecting about 10 years ago I watched every one. I downloaded and traded for about 15 – 20 bands and every show I could get my hands on. Today, I might download one or two a month…and only something I really need. Then I would just watch and delete. Totally jaded!!

Why settle for a can? When you can drink straight from the bottle….
By the Bottle….
BTB Productions

February 17, 2012 at 12:15 pm Quote #4959


Cant watch everything I have. It’s just too much stuff. Alot of times I’ll throw the DVD’s in and just have them on as background noise.

February 17, 2012 at 5:33 pm Quote #4988


I watch and listen to all of the Van Halen shows I get. Some of them I watch alot. I’ve converted some for the ipod and watch them from time to time, depending on the era or tour I want to see. I don’t watch all of every disc I get, however I do check them all out to see what they’re like. Some of the audience shot videos can be a little rough to sit through so they don’t get heavy rotation. I’ve also become more selective over the years, but I still like to collect probably more than I can watch.

February 17, 2012 at 7:53 pm Quote #4992


A few people have mentioned audience vs proshot. I actually prefer a well shot audience vid with nice audio over a proshot. I like that the flow of an audience video over a proshot. The proshot (most of the time) isn’t natural. It’s controlled, might be missing songs, might have songs in the wrong order, etc. The audie shows you exactly what happened.

February 17, 2012 at 9:39 pm Quote #4994


Agreed. While I like the sterile feel of a pro shot…a great aud shot is better…the BTB VH ’04 (shameless plug) comes to mind. I always said The band should hire us (the fans) to shoot their videos!!

Why settle for a can? When you can drink straight from the bottle….
By the Bottle….
BTB Productions

February 17, 2012 at 10:07 pm Quote #4997


A few people have mentioned audience vs proshot.I actually prefer a well shot audience vid with nice audio over a proshot.I like that the flow of an audience video over a proshot.The proshot (most of the time) isn’t natural.It’s controlled, might be missing songs, might have songs in the wrong order, etc.The audie shows you exactly what happened.

Not to mention the camera cuts are sometimes too fast. Rock AM Ring shows come to mind. Just as you get focused on the scene the camera changes and changes and changes again. I agree, some of the best boots are audience filmed. There was a Janes Addiction show from 2010 I think that I watched a few times. Great audience shot and nice sounding audio.

February 17, 2012 at 10:22 pm Quote #5000


sickman: Not to mention the camera cuts are sometimes too fast. Rock AM Ring shows come to mind. Just as you get focused on the scene the camera changes and changes and changes again.

I don’t even get focused before the camera angle changes again. I’ve got to the point where I don’t even bother downloading Rock Am Ring or WDR shows anymore, except for the occasional old-school band that they film using the traditional filming style (Robin Trower show from last year comes to mind).

February 18, 2012 at 12:08 pm Quote #5071


I’m the same way, fellas…..I’ll take a well shot aud recording with nice audio over a pro shot practically every time. Except for VH, and in that case I usually want it all. :mrgreen:


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