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March 17, 2013 at 1:27 am Quote #23659 | |
Gilligan (1518) | Kinda dumb article but relates to VH… sorta. Here’s the opening of the article: According to the “Hot for Teacher” lawsuit, 57-year-old Joseph Corlett turned in an assignment calling for students to write “raw things, a personal diary that maybe we wouldn’t want anyone to read.” Corlett chose a topic that has been a curious taboo for years, a student’s infatuation with their teacher. GilliganQuote |
March 18, 2013 at 7:30 am Quote #23664 | |
ron (11884) | Joseph Corlett wrote: No, I’ve never dropped a class yet, even Computer Aided Design where I earned my first “C” since resuming my college education in 2008. I’ll tough it out. From age twelve to thirty the male brain is clogged by sex. It’s a wonder we can think at all. About [struck: a decade ago] twenty years ago, I’ll be 56 in November of 2011, the fog began to lift. It was refreshing to have some spare in my brain to think about thoughts other than sex. Like dropping from a hundred time a dat to just 20. What a relief, but you don’t get wood at the titty bars anymore. Small tradeoff. I can’t believe I just wrote that but I did and it’s staying. I don’t give a fuck. It is what it is. I WILL NOT TEAR THIS PAGE. My first battle with the hot for teacher thing, aside from second grade, was fought in Composition I at Oakland Community College. She was blonde and attractive in the Meg Ryan kind of way which I usually don’t go for. (Fucking preposition at the end of that sentence, Fuck it) FOR WHICH I DO NOT GO? YEAH, RIGHT. I shouldn’t have taken her for Comp 2 but I couldn’t resist smart and pretty. I aced in both but that only encouraged me. Her skirt came unzipped in Comp 2 one day and her polka-dotted panties were exposed. I was a perfect gentleman and discretely told her to pull her sweater over. She smiled and thanked me. It is our delicious little secret. Then there’s Ms. Mitzelfeld, English 380. She walks in and I say to myself “Drop, motherfucker, drop.” Kee-rist, I’ll never learn a thing. Tall, blond, stacked, skirt, heels, fingernails, smart, articulate, smile. I’m toast but I stay, I’ll fuck up my whole Tuesday-Thursday class thing if I drop. I’ll search for something unattractive about her. No luck yet. Shit. The second worry was re-reading what I’ve previously written while drinking. It’s not as bad as I thought and I’m determined to keep the no-page-tear-out rule. I swear too much when I drink. Spanish was the first class I’d even dropped since resuming my college career. With hindsight, it was probably my lack of consistent practice, not the lip-ridiing mold, that did me in. Ginger or Maryanne? That’s the eternal male question based on the 60′s situation comedy Gilligans Island, where the glamorus [sic] actress and the buxom farm girl are marooned. When asked, my buddy George chooses Marianne without hesitation, while Tom pauses several seconds before selecting Ginger. I’ve always been a Ginger man myself but I think [struck: my Maryanne], Dr. Spearman, my Fiction teacher, may be my Maryanne as Mrs. Mitzelfeld is my Ginger. Dr. Spearman has dark hair and eyes and occasionall [sic] rests her hand across her pregnant belly. However, it is her relentless teaching style I find irresistable [sic]. I’ve heard sled dogs will [struck: mush] run themselves to an exhurtive [sic] death withot [sic] counteracting by their [struck: driver] musher. Wiping the sweat from her brow, Dr. Spearman would teach until she dropped were it not for the requisite break and stop times. She is hot, and not just from baking the bun in her oven. (TOO CLICHE?) When we’re alone after class, I politely told her I love her style. She admits to loving her job and appreciates my noticing. ronQuote |
March 18, 2013 at 8:00 am Quote #23668 | |
ron (11884) | |
March 18, 2013 at 5:10 pm Quote #23670 | |
Gilligan (1518) | Geez, that guy should be expelled for poor writing skills. That was awful. If this is what college students are producing these days… GilliganQuote |
July 23, 2013 at 10:43 pm Quote #28287 | |
ron (11884) | “Hot For Teacher” Lawsuit Dismissed By Court Rochester Hills (WWJ) — A judge has ruled in favor of Oakland University, dismissing a lawsuit by a student who was suspended after writing about his sexual attraction to a teacher. The Federal Judge says those words may be appropriate in a karaoke bar, but they don’t need to be tolerated by the university. He says there’s no violation of 57-year-old Joseph Corlett’s free speech rights. Corlett was suspended in 2012 after writing about his writing instructor. He titled his essay “Hot for Teacher.” Corlett now lives in Florida, and hasn’t commented on Tuesday’s decision. ronQuote |
July 25, 2013 at 3:43 pm Quote #28395 | |
kaloway (2025) | What a crock of shit. So he is instructed to write something raw, he does, it offends the reader, he gets suspended. Nice catch 22. Isn’t college supposed to be the time of furthering education? Nothing like stimulating a creative mind and then smashing the end result. This story pisses me off. kalowayQuote |
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