Topics › All Forums › Van Halen › A Different Kind Of Truth › GOT IT!!!
February 8, 2012 at 11:05 am Quote #3967 | |
evhua (1610) | I got it ! …1 deluxe… the only ordered from the store… and 5 standard copies for family and friends… I told ya I would have saved Italian economy with VAN HALEN ! AND NOW, LET ME TURN MY TECHNICS STEREO ALL THE WAY UP ! evhuaQuote |
February 8, 2012 at 1:15 pm Quote #3973 | |
vhroxu2 (1790) | I got mine from the local WalMart, last deluxe version available. They had several of the standard cd’s, no TShirt versions. Vhtrading member since 2004. vhroxu2Quote |
February 8, 2012 at 3:52 pm Quote #3985 | |
Vince G. (2262) | |
February 8, 2012 at 3:57 pm Quote #3987 | |
kaloway (2025) | Is anyone just sitting with their mouth open wondering…. Do I really have a NEW VAN HALEN album in my hands????? kalowayQuote |
February 8, 2012 at 4:10 pm Quote #3991 | |
King Edward (1953) |
Absolutely……I was just thinking that to myself earlier today…..I really like the music and can’t believe it is here. After all the speculating and rumors over the last 8-12 months (or even couple years) it is so great to have new music, not be disappointed or find myself scratching my head on some of the tracks like I did on VH III. (See New world, Once, How Many Say I ) King EdwardQuote |
February 8, 2012 at 4:32 pm Quote #3993 | |
slimbrspickins (337) |
Are you saying you were not hoping to see a reworked version of How Many Say I. slimbrspickinsQuote |
February 8, 2012 at 9:53 pm Quote #4014 | |
mrmojohalen (6500) |
It’s too bad that you couldn’t get the Deluxe Version with a Shirt. When you turn on your stereo, does it return the favor? mrmojohalenQuote |
February 27, 2012 at 3:21 pm Quote #6354 | |
BadassMOFO (5) | Got it (audio version) @ wallyworld and listened on the weekend. I was not surprised to see four tracks from their demo days with no credit given to Micheal Anthony for his basslines used on those tracks! Kudos to Mike for those. BadassMOFOQuote |
February 27, 2012 at 3:57 pm Quote #6358 | |
guitard (7354) |
Maybe Mike should sue them. guitardQuote |
February 28, 2012 at 11:35 am Quote #6436 | |
BadassMOFO (5) | |
February 28, 2012 at 12:26 pm Quote #6441 | |
eruption1962 (1369) | The way I understand it is that Ed laid down the intricate bass lines…and Wolf learned them in rehearsals. I don’t know that any of the bass on the album is (or isn’t) Wolf. On the flipside…I haven’t taken the CD outta my car since it got released…except to put in my own mix of VH classics…which I listen to a few times…and then back to ADKOT. Live? They need to drop The Trouble With Never…and replace it with Blood and Fire…which they played at The Forum…that song was made to be played live! I also wanna see Stay Frosty and Honeybabysweetiedoll work their way into the set. eruption1962Quote |
February 28, 2012 at 2:16 pm Quote #6451 | |
Jericho (914) | |
February 28, 2012 at 2:39 pm Quote #6453 | |
Gilligan (1518) | I like Stay Frosty but there’s no way in hell Dave could get all those lyrics out live – it’d be a disaster. They are messing up by not using Blood and Fire and stopping the show with the house lights on while Dave does his “look at all the people here tonight” shtick. I thought for sure that was the plan with that song. Great guitar solo too. GilliganQuote |
February 29, 2012 at 11:39 am Quote #6530 | |
dokkendude (3024) | |
July 14, 2012 at 7:01 pm Quote #17026 | |
Vince G. (2262) | Haven’t listened to VH’s “A Different Kind of Truth” in about a month, maybe a bit longer. Listening to it again here at the hotel through my Bose in-ear headphones, and it sounds just as fresh and exciting as the day it was released. Vince G.Quote |
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