Ed's Steinberger guitar being restored

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This topic has 21 voices, contains 64 replies, and was last updated by  Cut2TheCrash 3348 days ago.

November 24, 2015 at 2:41 pm Quote #51021


And the talk of a Hagar come back…..

I’ve been speculating on this for a while now. I really believe it could be happening. Wolf is off doing the Tremonti thing and recording a solo album, Dave has vanished all together and supposedly has a new CD possibly being released soon, ChiFoo is no more, so Sam and Mike are just kicking back.

Van Halen have now done three tours, a new CD and a live release with Dave and they have really done a nice job of representing the back catalog on tour. The only logical thing they could do at this point is to bring back Mike and Sam, possibly do a new CD or rerelease that back catalog, remaster it, whatever, and head out and do a tour or two of all of the Hagar era music that hasn’t been played (well) since ’95. Sure Gary did some of the tunes, but the ’04 tour was abysmal and, even though I’m not a big fan of that era, I think it would be cool for Ed to do a tour to rightfully represent that catalog.

I’m not saying I’m encouraging it, but it makes perfect sense to me if this is indeed the current path. Then again, whenever I think something makes sense, I have to remember this is Van Halen we’re talking about here. ;)

November 24, 2015 at 3:27 pm Quote #51025


Ed has 7 Steinberger guitars why restore the 5150 one…
I’m not sure on ticket sales of the last tour but it sounds like the Dave reunion Tours are wearing off..
Even with the gems they added in the set…

EDDIE’S fingers aren’t fingers they are muscle-powered pistons that hammer guitar strings to the fretboard with the force of a rivet gun”.

November 24, 2015 at 4:56 pm Quote #51026


PT5150: Ed has 7 Steinberger guitars why restore the 5150 one… I’m not sure on ticket sales of the last tour but it sounds like the Dave reunion Tours are wearing off.. Even with the gems they added in the set…

The reunion tours didn’t wear off. On this last tour they played places that held upwards of 2-3 times more people than the 2012 tour and most places appeared pretty full from pictures I’ve seen on line. With or without new music VH are a nostalgia act at this point and as long as people here Van Halen are coming to their city they will buy a ticket and go see them.

As far as Sam returning I don’t see it happening right now. Last I heard Chickenfoot was somewhat back in business and they were writing new material. Plus Eddie seems to be in a good place in life and with Roth. Why fuck that up now. Sam has made no bones about how he feels about Eddie, from trashing him in his book to trashing on the band i n their current state anytime an interviewer asks him what he thinks of the tour. It’s always the same thing from him. He has had nothing good to say about Ed, Al, Dave or even Wolfgang.

I think it’s funny that just because the VHND releases BFM without vocals people think it’s an indication that Sam is back. The way I looked at it it was EVH’s way of saying Fuck You Sam, I’ll just strip your vocals out of the songs and put them back out for public consumption, for free. I know that isn’t what led up to it but that is another way of perceiving it.

To be honest I was talking to my wife last night about the possibility, the small chance and I hope I am wrong, that Dave is sick and maybe this last tour was his last. My reasoning behind it was firstly the Foo Fighters appearance where he was bald. Sure it could have been from any number of things or chemotherapy. Second, his solo spots in the last tour were all about VH nostalgia, looking back on the good old days with the band, not his own personal stories outside the band like in 2012. 3rd was the last few shows of the tour thanking Eddie for him being in the best rock band ever, having the best times of his life on stage with Eddie etc. And now all is quiet. I hope I am dead wrong about all of that.

November 24, 2015 at 5:36 pm Quote #51027


sickman: The reunion tours didn’t wear off. On this last tour they played places that held upwards of 2-3 times more people than the 2012 tour and most places appeared pretty full from pictures I’ve seen on line. With or without new music VH are a nostalgia act at this point and as long as people here Van Halen are coming to their city they will buy a ticket and go see them.

As far as Sam returning I don’t see it happening right now. Last I heard Chickenfoot was somewhat back in business and they were writing new material. Plus Eddie seems to be in a good place in life and with Roth. Why fuck that up now. Sam has made no bones about how he feels about Eddie, from trashing him in his book to trashing on the band i n their current state anytime an interviewer asks him what he thinks of the tour. It’s always the same thing from him. He has had nothing good to say about Ed, Al, Dave or even Wolfgang.

I think it’s funny that just because the VHND releases BFM without vocals people think it’s an indication that Sam is back. The way I looked at it it was EVH’s way of saying Fuck You Sam, I’ll just strip your vocals out of the songs and put them back out for public consumption, for free. I know that isn’t what led up to it but that is another way of perceiving it.

To be honest I was talking to my wife last night about the possibility, the small chance and I hope I am wrong, that Dave is sick and maybe this last tour was his last. My reasoning behind it was firstly the Foo Fighters appearance where he was bald. Sure it could have been from any number of things or chemotherapy. Second, his solo spots in the last tour were all about VH nostalgia, looking back on the good old days with the band, not his own personal stories outside the band like in 2012. 3rd was the last few shows of the tour thanking Eddie for him being in the best rock band ever, having the best times of his life on stage with Eddie etc. And now all is quiet. I hope I am dead wrong about all of that.

Maybe Dave has just accepted his voice is gone, and that he may retire. As far as shaving his head, I think he did it just to see how it would look, since he is losing much of his hair anyhow. Physically, he looked in the best shape since the ’07-’08 tour, so I doubt he is ill.

After all the things Sammy has said over the years, why would Ed ever want to work with him again.

The poor folks play for keeps down here…They’re the living dead. Nobody rules these streets at night like Van Halen!!

November 24, 2015 at 7:59 pm Quote #51030


Jeff posted this at links…..

Quote Originally Posted by Jeff Hausman View Post
I just read the last two pages in this thread, and see talk about that strange rumor of 2015…that VH was trying to sue Hagar to get him to stop playing VH songs in concert.

I think I solved this little mystery (for the most part) and want to share what I think. Here’s what’s probably the TRUTH about that bizarre rumor.

First, remember the day Sammy talked about that on Eddie Trunk? The very next day, a person tweeted Valerie Bertinelli and asked why VH are trying to prevent Sammy from playing VH songs in concert. Her immediate two-word answer tweeted to him was, “They’re not.”

And I can’t recall any time that Valerie said anything that I thought was a lie. Including her entire book, from what I can tell.

As for this rumor, I did some research on this because I was going to write a lengthly article on VHND about it, but just gave up because it would take a lot of time to do it properly, and I was too busy with other, more important work. But I’ll give the short version of the answer I came up with.

The one and only source for the rumor was that one time Sammy talked about it on Trunk’s show. But wait…we should first ask ourselves….did Sammy really say they were trying to sue him to get him to not play any VH songs at his concerts? The answer is, technically, NO he did not.

All Sammy really said was that they blocked him from playing a VH song on a TV show. Then Sammy went on about how they piss him off (in general), and gave the listener the feeling that they were trying to prevent him from playing certain songs (he gave the impression it was in concert, but never clarified that), and that he has every right to play whatever he wants, whenever he wants, etc. But he was very vague and never explained what his exact beef was, other than them trying to control what music he can play.

Most listeners would definitely come away thinking they were trying to do just that, but that’s definitely not exactly what Sammy said. Sammy sure made them sound spiteful and unreasonable, but, then again, you could only argue that IF they really were trying to prevent him from ever playing any VH songs in concert.

I found it very interesting when Trunk followed up on Sammy’s accusations a few days later on his show. This was the second time Trunk talked about it, and Sammy wasn’t present this time. Trunk was very delicately defending VH, saying that’s not exactly what’s going on. But Trunk was between a rock and a hard place, because he has a good relationship with Sammy (VH always declines being on his show, but Sammy agrees to be on his show, which means EVERYTHING to Trunk), and he totally appreciates that and would never want to burn his bridges with Sammy. I thought Trunk did a great job of very carefully clarifying that VH wasn’t trying to do that with Sammy, but all the while, he never came out and pointed the finger at Sammy for people getting the wrong idea in the first place. It took some guts to come out and defend VH very soon after Sammy attacked them on his show.

That’s about it. Legally, they would have had to grant Sammy permission to play a VH song on that specific show (Darryl Hall’s show), and they vetoed it. I see no evidence of anything else. That’s all that happened, as far as I can tell.

So, VH are apparently not trying to prevent Sammy from playing any VH songs on tour, and I never found any reason to think they ever did, either.

EDDIE’S fingers aren’t fingers they are muscle-powered pistons that hammer guitar strings to the fretboard with the force of a rivet gun”.

November 24, 2015 at 10:45 pm Quote #51032


Here’s the current Billboard Box Office list from this past month worldwide….

VH at #5 only Madonna, Kane West and Celine Dion above them….


November 25, 2015 at 3:05 am Quote #51034


I guess the one and only thing that I could add at this point would be this….. NOTHING and I mean NOTHING would surprise me with VH anymore. There used to be a day when I would say, “nah that’ll never happen” and they have proved me wrong every time. ha ha. Thats a good thing. Would I love to see Sam come back and play some of those awesome songs, sure…. matter a fact my dream would be to see Dave, Sam and Mike on stage with the band and have them do a half set (mixed up of course) with each singer and actually have them all get along. That would be the most ultimate VH experience ANY of us (except of course you Vain…. lol :) ) could possibly imagine. Will it happen? Probably not and no I don’t think it will but you know what? Nothing would surprise me anymore at this point with these guys. ha ha.

VH has been good to us over the years with both eras…. hell even Gary’s short lived era gave us some awesome songs (on tour of course the album sucked… lol) and we have seen the band at their best and worst but they are still always VH and keep us guessing. Either way I do honestly hope they have at least one more album and or tour left in them before they throw in the towel. Who will it be with?…… not a clue but I can guarantee no matter who its with I will be there to watch it. And back to the original concept of this thread…. yes the Steinberger GL2T guitar Ed ripped on for the 5150 and OU812 tours, is a freaking awesome little guitar and can do AMAZING things when put to the test and abused and no one other than Edward Fucking Van Halen can make it scream and squeal any better and I’d love to see him have one strapped over his shoulder again and see what Summer Nights sounds like again. Also I’d love to see him bring out the 5150 Kramer again too……

as always…. time will tell and while we wait, we can continue to live our lives in the past as far as VH is concerned and enjoy and cherish the classic studio and live stuff we all live off of for daily doses of oxygen…… :)

nuff said,


vhtrading member since 2000

November 25, 2015 at 8:37 am Quote #51037


As far as Sam returning I don’t see it happening right now. Last I heard Chickenfoot was somewhat back in business and they were writing new material.

I think it’s funny that just because the VHND releases BFM without vocals people think it’s an indication that Sam is back.

Satriani is out on tour right now, so I don’t see how they would be writing new material and I’m not basing anything solely on these songs being leaked/released. I just see all of the pieces of the puzzle out there. People have been commenting ever since ’07 to bring Sam and Mike back. There is a huge segment of fans that prefer the Hagar era over Roth era and, from a business standpoint, it would only make sense for them to recognize that back catalog and do a proper tour without Ed being the chemically altered mess he was back in ’04.

I agree with Rob. I never thought I’d see Roth back with VH and here we are three tours, a new CD and live set later. Never say never with this band. I’m not saying I have any information or that I KNOW this is going to happen. I just see the next 18 months as being a prime time for this to happen, should they decide to do it. I think Ed’s sobriety has allowed him to put a lot of the negativity and anger behind him and see that the music is what matters most. On the last tour, the Van Halens were on one side of the building and Roth the other. There isn’t any reason why they couldn’t do the same with Hagar. Think of all the shit that was spewed between Roth and VH and how many times they attempted to reunite with him over the past couple decades. It took Ed being clean to make it happen. I could see the same thing happening with Sam and Mike.

November 25, 2015 at 8:44 am Quote #51038


I am just grateful that he recognizes that his guitars are just as important as his music ….. I too hope he brings out the Kramer 5150 and the Steinberger

November 25, 2015 at 12:05 pm Quote #51046


vhrob: Would I love to see Sam come back and play some of those awesome songs, sure….matter a fact my dream would be to see Dave, Sam and Mike on stage with the band and have them do a half set (mixed up of course) with each singer and actually have them all get along.That would be the most ultimate VH experience ANY of us (except of course you Vain…. lol :) ) could possibly imagine.

Ha, yes.. I wouldn’t love it… There’s no way this happens with the egos involved all around. Not to mention, I firmly believe sam burned that bridge from the middle-out. Never again.

Resident dickhead. I will hurt your delicate feelings.

November 25, 2015 at 1:22 pm Quote #51047


jroundy: After all the things Sammy has said over the years, why would Ed ever want to work with him again.

I find it interesting how some people focus on Sammy and the stupid things he has said. I’ll grant that Sammy has said and done some things that are unbelievable BUT Ed has too. Why would Ed ever work with Sammy again after what Sammy has said? How about why would Sammy ever work with Eddie again after what Eddie has said. They both have blame. Having said that, I too should not be surprised by ANYTHING that happens in the future. As Van Halen fans, we should all know anything is possible.

November 25, 2015 at 2:02 pm Quote #51048


Could this be as simple as Ed is fixing all his main guitars to hand his legacy over to Wolfgang and maybe a display in a museum or something of that nature ?

November 25, 2015 at 3:16 pm Quote #51049


Cut2TheCrash: Could this be as simple as Ed is fixing all his main guitars to hand his legacy over to Wolfgang and maybe a display in a museum or something of that nature ?

Ed “this guitar is as important to the music as the songs themselves…I want to play the guitar again people want to see the guitar…”

EDDIE’S fingers aren’t fingers they are muscle-powered pistons that hammer guitar strings to the fretboard with the force of a rivet gun”.

November 25, 2015 at 6:41 pm Quote #51056


PT5150: Yup cool stuff Rob….You still got that guitar?? Like your Sammy era VH songs, your correct some awesome songs there…

Cool shirt Rob!

November 26, 2015 at 8:49 pm Quote #51070


@Roth_Army: @GregRenoff From someone I trust implicitly, DLR’s contract with VH ended upon completion of the tour. Also, no contact btwn VH/SH/MA. Yet.

EDDIE’S fingers aren’t fingers they are muscle-powered pistons that hammer guitar strings to the fretboard with the force of a rivet gun”.


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