Topics › All Forums › General › The Corner Pub › Eddie Van Halen Collection on Letterman, 1985, 1995
November 19, 2022 at 7:15 am Quote #65946 | |
VOODOO (2379) | Late Night: 2. June 27, 1985. Eddie sits in with the band again as his wife Valerie Bertinelli guests with Dave. Later in the show Eddie performs “Panama.” Late Show: For those who haven’t seen this link before, here are the full recorded performances of Eddie on Dave Letterman, complete with commercial bumpers that weren’t fully aired nationally. The first appearance on Letterman was rebroadcast several years ago (I believe it was on the Trio channel) and they cut out several parts of Eddie’s performance, including the segment of Eddie playing the intro to Jump on the keys. On the ’95 appearance, they include the audio of the band jamming while they’re cut away for commercials. I think this is the most complete collection of Eddie on the David Letterman show out there and it’s in pretty decent condition, considering the earliest footage is over 35 years old. Don’t forget, you can save this video by adding 5s between youtube and .com (so this link would be ) and selecting the file type and resolution you want. Enjoy!! VOODOOQuote |
November 28, 2022 at 12:27 pm Quote #65973 | |
vhrob (1748) |
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