Chicago 1981 footage

This topic has 4 voices, contains 4 replies, and was last updated by  cabosanlucas139 1772 days ago.

April 28, 2020 at 7:57 pm Quote #61724


I’m sure we’ve all seen this precious (although very, very rough) 1981 footage from Chicago (7/10/1981 and 7/11/1981).
Well … a message on FB this week from the filmer and some info on that night — and maybe going back to the source tapes for better version!!?! 8-O I don’t think he posts here….

= = = = =
This VH footage was taken at both Chicago Shows on the Fair Warning tour. The reason we had more footage from night one is because Noel Monk busted us at the end of night two and chased us down. They destroyed the last roll that was still in the camera while the other rolls were stuffed in my underwear. He knew we shot more but we wouldn’t fess up. I’m pretty sure that Valerie B was the one that busted us from the side of the stage. You can see her in the footage. We also ran a cheap cassette recorder for the audio. It took forever to get that all done because we didn’t have shit to help us out and we didn’t know what the hell we were doing.

We also filmed VH again in Chicago on the Diver Down tour but I never got the ending beta tape because my buddy killed himself. That footage along with Iron Maiden at Chicagofest 1982 are gone forever. I need to dig up the Beta tape I have of this footage because it’s direct from the master and nothing like this shit quality here. For some young punks I think we did pretty good work :) Cheers! Be Well!!

= = = =


April 29, 2020 at 10:22 am Quote #61730



April 29, 2020 at 3:37 pm Quote #61731


voodoo: Wow!!

i know, righ?! Donthca love these O.G. gold mines that still popup 40yrs later ;-) not sure if the 81 source (Beta?) will be all that better, but anything helps!
and we’re probably spoiled by the 78/79 Fresno updates in recent yrs.

April 29, 2020 at 4:15 pm Quote #61732


thismusicsux: not sure if the 81 source (Beta?) will be all that better, but anything helps! and we’re probably spoiled by the 78/79 Fresno updates in recent yrs.

Hard part is finding a functional Beta machine anymore. I’ve got some Beta tapes, and two Beta machines, but neither works anymore, so the tapes sit. (nothing rare or unreleased, but potentially better quality)

May 3, 2020 at 8:27 am Quote #61758


I have an old Sony C9 Beta machine in my attic that worked when I stored it many years ago. Not sure if it still works.


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