change track intonation: please help.

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This topic has 3 voices, contains 4 replies, and was last updated by  evhua 4647 days ago.

May 30, 2012 at 7:40 am Quote #14489


Dear buddies,

I need your help. In order to organize a karaoke night, I’m looking for a PC program that can change my favourite music intonation.

I tried a few programs like wave editor, but the result was horrible.

So considering your experience, I’m looking for a free pc program, that, once pasted my music file, with a simple, click , it can tune up or down the intonation, without

damaging the file itself. In this way, I’ll be able to put on a standard intonation, all my favourite Van Halen songs !

Can plese anybody help me ???

Thank you so very much.

Evhua t.p.w.

May 30, 2012 at 8:12 am Quote #14495


You could use Audacity. It’s not a simple click, but it is free.

With VH, the guitar and bass on the early records are all tuned down a quarter step. You can use the program to speed up or slow down the recording. You might want to work with it ahead of time so that you know how to do it:

Project > Import Audio (select VH song) > Select the whole song by clicking and dragging over the spectrum > Effect > Change Speed

After changing the speed, save the file to a new location so you don’t erase the original by doing the following: File > Export as WAV

You don’t have to save it if you don’t want to. You could just keep importing new songs all on the same screen and mute the ones you don’t want to hear. If you don’t mute, everything open will play at once. The alternative is to go to File > Open and open a new screen for each song.

Hope that helps.

“This hamburger don’t need no helper.” – DLR 5/17/15

May 30, 2012 at 11:36 am Quote #14509


Thank you so very much Wjamflan !!! thanks a lot !

May 30, 2012 at 12:53 pm Quote #14512



Try a program called Best Practice. It is free and easy to use… it might do what you wanted to do.

May 31, 2012 at 4:37 am Quote #14560


thanks a lot Tone !


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