Anyone Know Ratt's Filming/Taping Policy?

TopicsAll ForumsThe Great Bootleg ForestOther ArtistsAnyone Know Ratt's Filming/Taping Policy?

This topic has 5 voices, contains 8 replies, and was last updated by  guitard 4312 days ago.

May 20, 2013 at 4:49 pm Quote #25674


Hey Guys,
I’m seeing RATT in a few weeks at a really cool club by my place. They don’t say anything when you shoot pictures or take video. I want to try to film the whole thing from the front of the stage like I did with Queensryche and Y&T. If u are interested in seeing a sample, go to youtube and type “Y&T Canyon Club 2013″ or Queensryche Canyon Club 2013. You will see examples. It’s under David Sell. Anyway, my question is does anyone know if RATT is cool with you filming them with one of those point and shoots or they don’t like it. Any info would be greatly appreciated. Thanks guys. By the way, both those Queensryche and Y&T shows, I shot the whole thing if interested.


May 20, 2013 at 7:02 pm Quote #25679


Not sure about their policy… but drove by Canyon Club yesterday and saw the billboard. Should be a good time!

May 20, 2013 at 8:16 pm Quote #25683


If you’re using a point-and-shoot and you’re at a club – you shouldn’t have any problems because you will be just another of dozens standing there with a point-and-shoot camera.

The one time I had a problem in this situation was a couple of years ago at an Overkill show when I literally stood just a couple of feet in front of one of the guitarists and after 30-40 minutes of never lowering my camera, he started giving me the stink eye. And a song or two later, he poked his finger into my camera lens. I just smiled and played it off. A song or two later, he took a piece of tape off of his mic stand and put it on my camera lens (no shit!) and I said “What’s up man?” (as in “What the fuck are you doing?). And he said, “Are you gonna do the whole show? Are you gonna do the whole show?” I lowered my camera, but kept it directed at the stage for the next song. He saw what I was doing and went back to one of the roadies and pointed me out. That’s when I took an emergency piss break and finished filming the show from the back of the club.

May 20, 2013 at 8:34 pm Quote #25685


OUCH MAN!!! What an idiot. What does he think u were going to sell it. “Get your Overkill show for $20.” If u see my Queensryche footage (especially,) I was literally inches (that’s right) inches away from Robert’s (Rudy’s brother) fretboard. Not one time was I told to stop. In fact Robert made a couple of funny faces into the camera, which I thought was cool. None of the guys had any issue of what I was doing. If they did, they didn’t make a stink about it. I’m just concerned about Stephen Pearcy and possibly Juan, who might not like it. The rest of the guys I don’t think would give me any problems. Thanks for the feedback Guitard.

May 22, 2013 at 10:34 am Quote #25726


At this point in their career you would think they would invite it. The more exposure that doesn’t cost them anything the better. Take a page from VH’s play book from the last tour. Invite people to film and put it up on line. Good luck with filming it, hope it turns out well for you.

May 22, 2013 at 10:26 pm Quote #25740


Thanks Sick. U make a good point.

May 23, 2013 at 12:15 am Quote #25741


Rhythm guitarist Derek Tailer putting tape on my camera lens.

May 23, 2013 at 2:51 am Quote #25747


If you’re using a point-and-shoot and you’re at a club – you shouldn’t have any problems because you will be just another of dozens standing there with a point-and-shoot camera.

The one time I had a problem in this situation was a couple of years ago at an Overkill show when I literally stood just a couple of feet in front of one of the guitarists and after 30-40 minutes of never lowering my camera, he started giving me the stink eye. And a song or two later, he poked his finger into my camera lens. I just smiled and played it off. A song or two later, he took a piece of tape off of his mic stand and put it on my camera lens (no shit!) and I said “What’s up man?” (as in “What the fuck are you doing?). And he said, “Are you gonna do the whole show? Are you gonna do the whole show?” I lowered my camera, but kept it directed at the stage for the next song. He saw what I was doing and went back to one of the roadies and pointed me out. That’s when I took an emergency piss break and finished filming the show from the back of the club.

Full on stuff Randy.
Nice and close.
It would be hard to film when they’re looking straight at you.
Especially when they are pissed off.
Still loving that EVH b- ray..
Thanks bro..

EDDIE’S fingers aren’t fingers they are muscle-powered pistons that hammer guitar strings to the fretboard with the force of a rivet gun”.

May 23, 2013 at 6:11 am Quote #25760


Here’s a full song from that Overkill show:


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