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May 5, 2012 at 8:21 pm Quote #12690 | |
guitard (7354) |
In March 2011 I was in Iraq and while I don’t recall exactly what I told you at the time – there was no way I could work on anything as I was working 12+ hour days for six months straight without a single day off. When I came back from there, my brain was fried and I wasn’t interested in doing anything except relaxing. Sorry for not remembering to contact you. There is a general and widely accepted rule in internet forums: you NEVER repost private messages in the open forum without first contacting the person and asking if it’s OK. There is a reason why the first word in that description is “PRIVATE.” guitardQuote |
May 6, 2012 at 12:43 am Quote #12702 | |
bluntforcetrauma (188) |
I know you were in Iraq-you did contact me(and i know exactly what you said) as i stated you gave me the same reason, you were very busy.12+hours for some must be hard. Myself 24 hours a day 7 days a week is my work but to each his own. I was just stating that you mentioned the same thing that you were working a lot ” thats where i wrote about march 2011″, I got that post too, don’t remember the last time i had a chance to rest either. But i also see that if a private message is to be private then i would expect it to be more personal, then why would one ever send a private message. I don’t see anything in your message to me deems to be private. “Unthinking respect for authority is the greatest enemy of truth” I keep getting messages that people have sent you files,more than 2 people, say that they sent files to guitard, and you are saying that you are not doing anything. so i try to get a hold of those people to find the truth, so that is why i am asking–i am getting conflicting messages. bluntforcetraumaQuote |
May 6, 2012 at 1:55 am Quote #12705 | |
guitard (7354) | Why is it so hard to comprehend that on multiple occasions my work schedule has me working for longs hours seven days a week for several weeks (sometimes months) at a time? That’s just the way it is for me. Two times you happened to ask me to author shows while I was in the middle of one of these long stretches of work – and you act like I’m making excuses for not helping you.
I said I’m not doing anything?? Go back and read the private message I sent you (the one that you reposted in the open forum). I said: “I am in the middle of a long business trip and won’t be able to do any serious work on video projects until I’m done and I’ve already got a couple of projects in the queue. and Vandiego Dave is going to six shows and I already told him I’d do all of his shows” I clearly indicated that I have shows lined up to author and I’m going to start working on them as soon as my work schedule allows. So those messages you have been receiving in which people are telling you that they are sending me files — those are shows I already have in the queue. I’m not sure why you have to go around asking people what files they have sent me – you can just ask me directly. A month and a half or so back when you asked me to author some shows for you – I told you I couldn’t do them at that time – and I contacted another DVD author on your behalf to see if he would do your shows and he said he would. I put you two in contact with each other and assumed it was all taken care of.
Regardless of how unimportant or benign something seems to you – you should never assume it’s OK to repost private messages in the open forum without first asking the other person. guitardQuote |
May 6, 2012 at 2:06 am Quote #12709 | |
Wes (6118) |
When do you sleep? VHT Facebook Group: WesQuote |
May 6, 2012 at 3:59 am Quote #12721 | |
bluntforcetrauma (188) |
I usually get maybe 2 hours every 5 days. I stay up 5 days straight. Then maybe every 3 months there might be one day i can get some sleep. Just since this message here in florida it is 3:45am I have had to answer to children calling at night that need help. they also need help when they get up. I work with children with disabilities.So no i dont sleep,or even get the chance too.I have since 2010 just opened my own foundation 501(c)3 to aid children with disabilities with education and movement.I have been taking care of kids with disabilities for 17years. yeah the disabilities that kids cant roll, sit, eat, talk, walk or do anything for themselves. And no i dont get paid. Yep thats right i dont get paid for this, I have a regular job that works around the children’s schedule. I am a pediatric physical therapist and i see other kids at their homes. my foundation is hoping to get donations since it is a 501(c) 3 personal donations are accepted and company donations are accepted. so if your quote about when do i sleep was to mock then the quote goes” those who mock truly dont understand” So form me to even be able to afford a Van Halen show and especially VIP so that i can get a good recording because many have asked for a good recording and i am really trying to please them costs so much money. So you figure $1,300 for one concert plus recording then posting for your listening pleasure which i am happy to do because there are a couple that like the recordings. My foundation is at THEMOVEMENTSCHOOL.ORG all caps so one could recognize where the web page name begins, ( is one word ) its not updated web site as i made that myself also, i am working on getting a donate button and video links to show just how to help children with disabilities.I have created this new company and foundation and now breaking ground on a school all out of the ability to help others. so I would be thankful for every breathe, step, walk, talk you are able to do on your own as many have not gotten that chance yet–and there are those like myself that sees it that everyone should be given the chance and options that life offers.its alife endeavor to help those in need and to give of yourself. so now its 3:58 am in Florida–still awake for hours to come, so to put a bookend to this side–no I dont sleep.My job is to serve and to serve those in desperate need. So if you got time I need help with the school, which is going up, I need help with the kids and events, so anyone wanting to help others feel free to contact me. oh about ” not doing anything” I meant that you GUITARD (oh i used all caps is that another no no ) were not doing anything regarding the new crop of material that 3 others said they have talked to you about. its not about “anything” in general or the fact you are not doing anything in general i was referring to the subject of the recent files and shows that I and 3 others had spoken your name that might be doing shows. so the “not doing anything’ just refers to the material that was just recently discussed,it has nothing to do with your back log of work. There was confusion because others are saying that they gave you VH files for shows that happened in middle of April. And you say that your backed up. Those messages came after you said you were backed up. bluntforcetraumaQuote |
May 6, 2012 at 7:35 am Quote #12729 | |
src (1646) | |
May 6, 2012 at 10:56 am Quote #12737 | |
bluntforcetrauma (188) | thats the first mention of Oryo. There are many on here that can do it, lets hope someone would want too. a great mention indeed. bluntforcetraumaQuote |
May 6, 2012 at 11:58 am Quote #12741 | |
Wes (6118) |
That’s interesting. My oldest son (15yrs old) happens to be special needs. Diagnosed with Cerebral palsy, Autism, moderate retardation and Epilepsy since pretty much the day he was born. Most of this was caused from loss of oxygen to the brain, because he was born via emergency c-section, as the umbilical cord was wrapped around his neck 3 times. He spent the first 3 weeks of his life in ICU. Some of those days which we weren’t sure if he would live or die. I spent those 1st three weeks praying to God to let me switch places with my boy so he could live a normal life. But God said no and gave me a challenge, and I’ve accepted it. My son will need special care for the rest of his life and we are doing the best we can with it, taking it day by day the best we know how. Anyways, enough about my boring life…. VHT Facebook Group: WesQuote |
May 6, 2012 at 12:11 pm Quote #12742 | |
Wes (6118) |
Why not just author them yourself? No “mocking” intended here, I’m just wondering…. Like they always say: If you want things done right (or in this case, fast), you gotta do it yourself. VHT Facebook Group: WesQuote |
May 6, 2012 at 1:09 pm Quote #12747 | |
ron (11876) | |
May 6, 2012 at 1:12 pm Quote #12748 | |
bluntforcetrauma (188) |
true if you want it done right do it yourself–but if you saw any of my DVD author attempts you would want someone else. Although I do a lot of DVD authoring and make a lot of ” movies” about special needs and about my kiddos. I have made many DVD’s that have covered the kids life span. As you know your life is not boring its filled with duties well beyond a family can sometimes do, so thats why a good network of people who care is important. bluntforcetraumaQuote |
May 6, 2012 at 1:31 pm Quote #12749 | |
Wes (6118) | Well, thankfully my son gets all the care he needs. Plus, my wife is a RN at Phoenix Children’s Hospital….so her specialty is working with kids in need. But, I’ll send you a PM. I don’t want to jack this thread any further. Carry on fellas…. VHT Facebook Group: WesQuote |
May 6, 2012 at 5:39 pm Quote #12768 | |
mrmojohalen (6502) | Wow – We have some truly great human beings here at VHT, making the world a better place in their own way. Anyone who can get by on 2 hours sleep every 5 days is truly superhuman. After reading this thread, the words “This Is Only A Hobby” popped into my head. Suddenly, authoring a few dvds doesn’t seem so important. When you turn on your stereo, does it return the favor? mrmojohalenQuote |
May 7, 2012 at 11:35 am Quote #12808 | |
jroundy (1418) |
Two hours of sleep every five days sounds more like a machine. The poor folks play for keeps down here…They’re the living dead. Nobody rules these streets at night like Van Halen!! jroundyQuote |
May 7, 2012 at 1:05 pm Quote #12814 | |
sickman (2382) |
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