B ( . Y . ) BS and even more B ( . )( . ) BS

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This topic has 39 voices, contains 190 replies, and was last updated by  ron 2640 days ago.

March 31, 2013 at 11:19 am Quote #23901


March 31, 2013 at 3:43 pm Quote #23908


Boob Story:

My infant son was at the hospital and he had to get some blood drawn. Because he was so young, the nurse said they would have to draw it from the top of his hand. A young woman shows up to draw the blood and I can’t help but notice she is not only really pretty – she was packing a rack of healthy D cup hooters. She directs me to sit down with my son on my lap. The plan was for me to hold him still while she drew the blood. Not surprisingly, my son didn’t like someone trying to stick a needle in the top of his hand – and he squirmed around like crazy and yelled and cried. The young lady tried unsuccessfully to stick him several times and that just made my son squirm all the more. It took a good five minutes before she finally got it. I felt bad because my son was obviously not enjoying any of this.

HOWEVER, all this time this young lady – who was wearing a loose fitting hospital shirt – was kneeling down directly in front of me leaning forward at the perfect angle for me to look straight into her shirt at that set of amazing hooters. I must have swallowed a half gallon of drool during that five minutes.

April 1, 2013 at 6:00 am Quote #23921


Ha ha Randy..Good one.
Hope your boy ok..

EDDIE’S fingers aren’t fingers they are muscle-powered pistons that hammer guitar strings to the fretboard with the force of a rivet gun”.

April 1, 2013 at 11:04 pm Quote #23946


This one works too….

“This hamburger don’t need no helper.” – DLR 5/17/15

April 2, 2013 at 1:04 am Quote #23949



This one works too….

Let me correct that for you: Those ones work too ~ !!

April 3, 2013 at 7:59 am Quote #23976


nice tits photo: NICE TITS LIDEA.jpg

nice tits photo: nice tits 1487510337_l.jpg

nice tits photo: nice boobies tits-7.jpg

nice tits photo: NICE TITS IMG_0095.jpg

April 3, 2013 at 8:01 am Quote #23977


nice tits photo: NICE TITS BigTitA11.jpg

nice tits photo: Asia Argento AsiaSmoulder.jpg

nice tits photo: peek a boob PeekaBoob2-1.jpg

April 4, 2013 at 7:38 pm Quote #24015


When you turn on your stereo, does it return the favor?

April 10, 2013 at 10:28 pm Quote #24133



Racy Texas Restaurant Chain Trademarks ‘Breastaurant’ Term

While Hooters, Twin Peaks, the Tilted Kilt and other chain restaurants that feature bodacious waitresses in skimpy outfits have been called “breastaurants” for years, the owner of the Texas-based Bikinis Bar and Grill is the first to make it official.

Doug Guller, CEO of ATX Brands LLC, which owns Bikinis Sports Bar and Grill, announced today he has trademarked the term “breastaurant” through the United States Patent and Trademark Office, meaning his company is the only one who can describe itself with the term.

“We’re really excited about receiving this federal trademark,” Guller said in a statement. “Our team has worked hard over the last seven years to offer a unique experience to our fans. It just further solidifies that Bikinis Sports Bar & Grill is America’s ONLY breastaurant.”

This isn’t the first time Guller has made a bold statement with his restaurant chain, which now also has locations throughout Texas, North Carolina and Oklahoma.

Last July, Guller purchased the abandoned town of Bankersmith, Texas, in Kendall County, two hours driving distance from Austin, off Craigslist and made plans to turn it into a seasonal tourist destination.

Guller said his broker found Bankersmith for sale on Craigslist, but would not disclose the seller’s identity or how much he paid for the unincorporated town. The deal was finalized last May, and Guller renamed the town “Bikinis” in honor of his restaurant.

The trademark is a major move in the “breastaurant” industry. As food franchises fight to stay afloat, there is a post-recession boom for restaurant establishments with added sex appeal.

Breastaurants are $1 billion-plus industry, and places like Twin Peaks, the Tilted Kilt, Bone Daddy’s and others are in a heated fight to knock the reigning breastaurant king, Hooters, off its throne.

During the height of the recession, Hooters led the pack, bringing in almost $1 billion a year in revenue. Now, with the competition catching on to the winning formula of busty waitresses serving hot wings and cold beer, Hooters’ sales declined 4 percent last year.

“Hooters should be very scared,” said Drew Neisser of Renegade Marketing Group. “The category can only grow so much. Tilted Kilt and the others are stealing Hooters’ customers.”

Twin Peaks, a sports bar and grill chain that advertises “Eats. Drinks. Scenic Views,” is like if Hooters had a mountain lodge. Waitresses serve appetites and egos while wearing red-and-black plaid cutoff shirts and short khaki shorts.

“We’re looking for well-rounded females who can deliver a great experience,” said Meggie Miller, the director of training and recruiting for Twin Peaks.

The chain, which had just seven locations in 2008, now has 31 locations across the country and plans to open two more a month through the end of the year.

Also competing is Canz, a New York-based roadhouse-themed sports bar that did what many would consider to be impossible. It successfully launched in the middle of the recession and the customers came flocking in.

“Our profits ranged a little over $2 million in our first year in 2008 and showed great signs of growth,” said Canz owner Tim Lorito.

Three restaurants later, Lorito said, the formula or sports, beer and, of course, lots of young ladies — waitresses wear tight black tanks and jean shorts — is working.

“I think being a great breastaurant goes hand in hand with being a great sports bar,” Lorito said. “I think the atmosphere that that creates gives us an advantage over any other of our competitors.”

The Arizona-based breastaurant, the Tilted Kilt, with its obvious Scottish theme, has nearly 80 locations nationwide with 12 more on the way.

“I mean, the girls are wearing a uniform which is appealing to the average guy but, again, it is very classy and clean-cut, as opposed to other competitors’ of ours,” said Nirav Patel, the owner of a Tilted Kilt in Hoboken, N.J.

The appeal for many is in the price: The average breastaurant meal costs $12.

Hooters, with more than 400 restaurants, dwarfs the competition but is clearly sagging. It has closed 35 locations in the last three years. Many former customers who used to give a hoot say the eye-popping staples that brought them into Hooters suddenly went flat.

But Hooters is fighting back, now pumping up all of its locations with a sleek new decor and expanded, healthier menus. Plus, there’s a new target customer in mind: Women.

It’s a group the competition also is wooing. Canz said only 65 percent of its customers are men.

“It’s not necessarily salads for women,” Neisser said. “It’s finding what a 24-year-old or 25 [-year-old] would consider really fun and a cool place for them to go.”

In a statement last month to ABC News, Hoosters said, “The restaurant model that others have dubbed ‘breastaurants’ is a moniker too shallow to define Hooters.”

ABC News’ Alexis Shaw contributed to this report

When you turn on your stereo, does it return the favor?

April 10, 2013 at 10:39 pm Quote #24135



P Diddy now has his hands and face (and probably other parts) rubbing all over that rack. If that’s not enough to ruin your f’ing evening then I don’t know what is.

April 11, 2013 at 12:03 am Quote #24136


April 11, 2013 at 6:32 am Quote #24137



That gives a whole new meaning to,


April 11, 2013 at 3:00 pm Quote #24145


NICE BOOBS photo: boobs nice.jpg

NICE BOOBS photo: Nice Boobs cowboys016428432.jpg

NICE BOOBS photo: Nice boobs 1 1229717539656.gif

April 11, 2013 at 3:06 pm Quote #24146


SEXY LINGERIE photo:  11030915299893.jpg

SEXY LINGERIE photo: sexy-blonde-in-lingerie sexy-blonde-in-lingerie.jpg

April 11, 2013 at 3:32 pm Quote #24147


I hereby nominate sickman to be the official porn czar of VHTrading.


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