An Open Letter To Van Halen: No More Table Scraps Please

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This topic has 26 voices, contains 56 replies, and was last updated by  JasonA 4787 days ago.

January 29, 2012 at 3:16 am Quote #2946


Mink, you’ve been one of the biggest VH fans on this site for many years, it’s refreshing to hear you say this. I’m hoping I fall in love with the new album, but I’m not overwhelmed so far. Hopefully this stuff grows on me, I’m seeing them in Oakland in June.

I actually agree with him on most parts.The Chickenfoot comparisons are inevitable.That’s going to happen either way.I’m hoping for a strong tour, but Dave’s dance moves and fucking overalls are troubling to say the least.Goddammit, I’m trying.I want to like it, but so far, not so much.I’ll wait until Feb 7th to pass further judgement.Sorry to sound so negative, I don’t mean to be.Just disappointed.

January 29, 2012 at 4:51 am Quote #2948


The comparison with CF… literally makes my ass laughing … the guy seems to stand in a supreme court …as the grand master of… nonsense.

I don’t care about his open letter.

I do care about the new record, and judging by the previews…well, it seems to be a kick ass record.

If then, the guy has a problem with “She’s the Woman,” “Bullethead” ..and other eventual “old” demos… well, it’s his problem.

An unofficial recording, it’s NOT AN OFFICIAL recording.

And by the way, if I heard “Ripley,” and then I hear “Blood and Fire,” you know what I think : “This song kicks ass! and I like it.”

I never judged any record before listening to it carefully. I have to listen first. Then I’ll tell ya what I think. (I did the same with CF…).

Finally: if the guy has to take out CF…just to make a statement, I would say this.

CF has nothing to deal to Van Halen, in terms of sound impact, creativity, and …groove.

Sammy proved that combining different good players, you don’t always reach perfection, especially when you stay 11 years with Van Halen reaching the top, in terms of selling records and popularity. Satriani is a very good player, can you ask yourself WHY he did not put out more cool riffs??? He has to defend his own carreer, putting out his own records… go listen to them, can you hear a difference?

One of the Van Halen songs ” Right Now” recorded in ’91, was actually written back in 1983. The Pleasure Dome riff, appeared on a sitcom back in 84/85. (is this old stuff, yes it is, but I never heard any complaints about it).

Edward Van Halen, declared many times that he had stuff “for at least ten f******* records…”

Now, the new record is coming out with 13 tracks… can you imagine… we still have at least nine other records to buy! :-)

Just listening to the previews of the four songs, I can tell you that these four pieces of 1 minute and 30 seconds worth both CF records ( that in terms of popularity and sales did not produce such a deep impact in music industry worldwide).

So… no way to write open letters…

VAN HALEN is back on track! Period. Shut up, and just listen.

January 29, 2012 at 5:00 am Quote #2949


I’m kind of in the same boat as Mink and Revo11. Out of the first three full songs I have heard I’m not all that excited about them. Tattoo has grown on me though. I listened to samples of the rest of the songs that were posted and am liking them more than the first three. Although I already liked songs such as Lets Get Rockin, Bullethead ect. If I only like six or seven songs from the CD (which from listening to the short samples I do) then I will be happy. I’m just totally excited to be having any new VH period!

January 29, 2012 at 5:04 am Quote #2951


By the way, that beard looks like ballsack pic is awesome!

January 29, 2012 at 2:12 pm Quote #3005


steecoe: Daves ass hairs prolly look like Sammy’s chin hairs :!:

Enough to make a goatee ? :mrgreen:

When you turn on your stereo, does it return the favor?

January 29, 2012 at 2:37 pm Quote #3007


If we had discussed them doing an old demo or took a poll a few months ago about it, our tongues would’ve been hanging out. There’s always one asshole in the crowd, and after 17 years without any new album, I’m not saying anything negative whether it stinks or not. I’m just glad they’re back.

Laughing at the Days Garbage Through Loud Volume, This is “Laughing At Reality”..

VHT Member since 2001

January 29, 2012 at 7:05 pm Quote #3024


If we had discussed them doing an old demo or took a poll a few months ago about it, our tongues would’ve been hanging out. There’s always one asshole in the crowd, and after 17 years without any new album, I’m not saying anything negative whether it stinks or not. I’m just glad they’re back.

I actually made a poll last year asking where we would rank Zero if it were an official album. When I last saw it, it was an upsidedown bell curve with equal votes putting it near the top and at the bottom. I’m trying to stay unspoiled, but just on the reviews and stuff I’ve read I can already tell I’m gonna like this better than 1984 and maybe Diver Down… Maybe, anyways! :mrgreen:

January 29, 2012 at 8:40 pm Quote #3030


Revo11: Mink, you’ve been one of the biggest VH fans on this site for many years, it’s refreshing to hear you say this. I’m hoping I fall in love with the new album, but I’m not overwhelmed so far. Hopefully this stuff grows on me, I’m seeing them in Oakland in June.

I think I agree with Mink too. Whereas I’m happy there will be a new Van Halen album, the small bits I have heard thus far aren’t thrilling me.

I think Tattoo was a poor choice for a first single but as I stated in another thread, Van Halen seems consistent in the fact that they have weaker tracks for the first single. I think every album since 1980 the first single hasn’t been one of my favorite songs.

I like She’s The Woman and the little bit I heard of Fire And Ice (or whatever that other song was). However, I must say I was a little disappointed to hear that two or three songs are basically demo tracks resurrected. Who knows maybe more are too.

I’m also a little frustrated with the fan base. There were people, some on this very site, who were posting comments saying this is the best thing ever … before they even heard anything at all.

This reviewer said, “Eddie Van Halen is the greatest rock guitarist of his generation” but this is completely overlooked and the reviewer is flamed because he dared to criticize what he had heard so far. I must admit he is a bit harsh with the second to last paragraph, where he is talking about the video, but I must admit I found some of Dave’s moves to be odd. The last paragraph (last sentence really) seems to be the one that would upset most people. The Chickenfoot comparison is there and likely always will be there but that shouldn’t diminish the rest of what he had to say. How some people have attacked this review and reviewer seems to me to be as harsh or harsher than his review. I think some people have lost their objectivity.

I have probably said too much and I’m sure I’ll be flamed but it is just my opinion.

January 29, 2012 at 10:03 pm Quote #3034


I think this thread should stay open so people can speak their minds,as long as there are no threats towards anyone else,from what i heard i dig She’s the Woman and fire and blood the most ,but i still want to hear the full album before i judge,now i don’t give a shit where the songs came from ,i’m just glad they got here,maybe if the guys can get along and play well together they will write more and better stuff on the next album,and yes if all goes well i think there will be another album,but damn for now lets just be thankfull we got a new album.

January 29, 2012 at 10:28 pm Quote #3035


I’ll bet that if M.A. were on this record, some of the naysayers would find a reason to like the new record more than they do. Like Guitard said before, Mike & Sam aren’t in VH anymore. Get over it & don’t use it as an excuse to bash the new album. (Actually, Mike & Sam still haven’t gotten over not being in VH anymore.) It wasn’t that long ago that there was a fuss over not having a new album,that it’s taking too long, a show was cancelled or TV show appearance never materialized. One of the great things about this site is that it is a positive place for VH fans to share live music & a common love for this band VAN HALEN. There are other VH related sites that encourage complaining for those that tend to repeat themselves. Steecoe said that this is a great time to be a VH fan. I agree & I find it very cool that we can share this great moment in time together.

When you turn on your stereo, does it return the favor?

January 29, 2012 at 10:32 pm Quote #3037


Michael Anthony Talks New Van Halen Album

“I don’t want to do anything. I just let it be… And, hey, it’ll be nice to hear some of those old songs again that I haven’t played in a long time”

January 29, 2012 at 10:38 pm Quote #3038


Michael Anthony Talks New Van Halen Album

“I don’t want to do anything. I just let it be… And, hey, it’ll be nice to hear some of those old songs again that I haven’t played in a long time”

Interesting – She’s The Woman was written before Mike was in the band.

When you turn on your stereo, does it return the favor?

January 30, 2012 at 7:57 am Quote #3050


This guy is a total asshat, nuff said. I like what I’ve heard so far and I would bet so have most VAN HALEN fans.

January 30, 2012 at 10:39 am Quote #3062


I wasn’t trying to sling shit or be negative in anyway when I made the statement that I agree with some of the article. I don’t want to make an arguement for Michael Anthony or any other ex member of Van Halen for that matter. The three songs that I’ve heard completely and the 90 second previews haven’t thrilled me. If the demo songs are weak then maybe there’s a reason they haven’t made it on any of the first eleven studio releases. That’s what I agree with. I don’t want to compare ADKOT to Chickenfoot, they are two different bands. This is my opinion on this collection of songs so far.

As for openly displaying my feelings here, I believe this is the only place where I am among people that have the same affection for this band as I do. I truely love this band. A day hasn’t gone by in the last twenty five years that I haven’t thought about, talked about, or just played Van Halen music. I like to talk to anyone about the band and related subjects. I like playing Van Halen songs on guitar. I collect any magazines or articles I can find on the band. Finding VHT was a revelation for me. I found a place to hang with people that have the same affliction I do. Van Halen. Kindred spirits so to speak. The greatest thing that sets this place apart from other related sites is the positivity. I don’t like reading all the hatred and band bashing.

I understand how some of my posts on the songs I’ve heard so far could be mistaken as hate or bashing, however, I’m just speaking openly about how I feel. I cannot in good judement say that I think these songs are the greatest thing I’ve ever heard. Am I glad they are putting out a new album? Absolutely! Am I glad they are going to tour behind it? Damn right! Do I think these songs are weak? As of now…sadly, yes.

For as long as I’ve been into this band, I’ve thought not only are they the best musicians with the greatest music. They were also the coolest bunch of guys around. Always setting the standards, not only musically, but personifying the image that everyone else had to follow. So the comment about my concern with Dave’s bib overall’s and soft shoe routine comes from that. I have trouble watching the front man for what I consider the worlds greatest band, hold his hands in the front pockets of his Handy Manny overalls with that silly ass hat on do a soft shoe. I understand that Dave can be a little wacky, and the power trio behind him balances it all out. In the past I think that is some of what made them great. My concern is “if” the new songs are weak and Dave is off in what ever place he goes to, the tour could become a mockery. And that frustrates me. Maybe I care too much and that’s why not liking the new songs is bothering to me.

Anyway, I just wanted to clear up where I’m coming from on all of this. I look forward further discussions and everything Van Halen releated.
Bottoms up!

January 30, 2012 at 10:40 am Quote #3063


This guy is a total asshat, nuff said. I like what I’ve heard so far and I would bet so have most VAN HALEN fans.

I agree 100% with you Sickman !


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