4DVDR Interview

This topic has 9 voices, contains 25 replies, and was last updated by  thismusicsux 1354 days ago.

October 12, 2015 at 9:18 am Quote #50440


I think I posted about this sometime ago but I want to revisit it.

Several years back, Lou put together a 4 DVDR set of interviews from 1978 to 1984, All the interviews were lossless (FLAC). Does anyone remember this 4 DVDR set? Does anyone have it available? I lost it in a hard disc crash and had not backed it up. If anyone has it and can dropbox it, I would be very grateful. I would also be willing to trade for it. Please let me know if you remember it and if anyone has a copy of it.

October 12, 2015 at 9:38 am Quote #50441


yeah I’ve got it

The Ultimate in Van Halen Vinyl

Proud Member Since the First Year– Both VHTrading and the Band

October 12, 2015 at 9:39 am Quote #50442


I would not be able to do anything till this thursday if thats alright with you.

The Ultimate in Van Halen Vinyl

Proud Member Since the First Year– Both VHTrading and the Band

October 12, 2015 at 1:36 pm Quote #50449


mikeyV: I would not be able to do anything till this thursday if thats alright with you.

Dude, that’s totally cool. I’m just thrilled to get it back. Just PM me or post. Like I said, Dropbox would be awesome but we can also trade discs if you want. Whatever is easiest for you. Thank you so much.

October 12, 2015 at 2:52 pm Quote #50450


I read about this set a few years back and I would love to get a copy as well. As Frank said, Dropbox, trade or torrent.

October 13, 2015 at 2:28 am Quote #50468


I’m going to try and do dropbox…my wife has an account. Never done it before so let’s give it a try. I will try and set it up this Thursday………let you know when its ready.

The Ultimate in Van Halen Vinyl

Proud Member Since the First Year– Both VHTrading and the Band

October 15, 2015 at 8:20 am Quote #50535


This was before my time on this site, but I’m extremely intrigued and hopeful that these interviews are new to me! Can anyone tell me more about these interviews – who was interviewed, when it was, etc etc, and if there’ll be a dropbox for this – i’d love to get in on it. :)


October 15, 2015 at 12:58 pm Quote #50543


you know last week I was cleaning up and organizing all my VH shit and I ran across all four in FLAC version. They were interviews from 78 or 77 through 84 on four discs………..and I’m sorry guys I have not found them. I know they’re here as I just seen them less than a week ago. My apologies, I will continue to look. I really am sorry. These were the discs from when they were orginally treed out moons ago.

The Ultimate in Van Halen Vinyl

Proud Member Since the First Year– Both VHTrading and the Band

October 15, 2015 at 1:02 pm Quote #50544


Hi Mikey – if you still have them in FLAC – I’d love to have them. :) audio is more than acceptable for me – especially lossless! :)

October 15, 2015 at 1:05 pm Quote #50545


mikeyV: you know last week I was cleaning up and organizing all my VH shit and I ran across all four in FLAC version.They were interviews from 78 or 77 through 84 on four discs………..and I’m sorry guys I have not found them.I know they’re here as I just seen them less than a week ago.My apologies, I will continue to look.I really am sorry.These were the discs from when they were orginally treed out moons ago.

No need to apologize, I hope you find the discs. I’ve waited this long, I can wait a little longer :) I recall the discs being treed, I’m surprised no one else has chimed in that they have the discs. Thank you for looking.

October 15, 2015 at 3:10 pm Quote #50550


mikeyV: you know last week I was cleaning up and organizing all my VH shit and I ran across all four in FLAC version.They were interviews from 78 or 77 through 84 on four discs………..and I’m sorry guys I have not found them. I know they’re here as I just seen them less than a week ago.My apologies, I will continue to look.I really am sorry.These were the discs from when they were originally treed out moons ago.

I know the feeling!

October 15, 2015 at 4:19 pm Quote #50553


that photo made me laugh out loud…………..thanks

The Ultimate in Van Halen Vinyl

Proud Member Since the First Year– Both VHTrading and the Band

October 15, 2015 at 7:16 pm Quote #50564


frankm: No need to apologize, I hope you find the discs. I’ve waited this long, I can wait a little longer :) I recall the discs being treed, I’m surprised no one else has chimed in that they have the discs. Thank you for looking.

I have ‘em !! I have ‘ em !! :mrgreen:

If my burner will allow me, I can send you the discs next week.

When you turn on your stereo, does it return the favor?

October 15, 2015 at 7:19 pm Quote #50565


Van Halen: The Interviews & More
4 DVD FLAC set
Liberated at diamonddavidleeroth.com, January 2006
All circulating interviews of all band members through 1985
All circulating EVH solo performances through 1985
Notes by Lou:
These are all of the circulating interviews, as well as some Eddie Van Halen solo stuff outside of VH, through 1985 before Van Hagar was formed. Prior to this release, I spent about 10 months trying to amass a “mother” compilation of everything Van Halen, mostly from FM radio, that took place away from the concert stage. A lot of people played a role in putting this together. They are as follows, in alphabetical order:
Rodney C.
Ron H.
Chris J.
Mark P.
Scott O.
Tim O.
Greg R.
Norm R.
Josh S.
Everything that came from Tim O. was transferred by Lou from his tapes which he lent me, except for the Miami 8/9/80 interview which he personally transferred.
Everything that came from Mark P. was transferred with a Sony tape deck>TDK standalone burner>CDR.
Everything that came from Greg R. was transferred by Lou with a Sony TC-WE635 tape deck>Sony RCD-W500C standalone burner>CDR
I cannot give precise lineage on everyone else’s efforts, other than that they gave me a rip from a silver, or transferred it themselves from their own tapes. Or in the case of Norm R., his own vinyls.
Finally, I ripped a handful of interviews from well-circulating CDR’s, for the purpose of rounding up everything in one place.
Below are how the files are spread across the discs. Each clip has the name of the person who gave it to me, as best as I can recall.
I sincerely apologize to anyone whom I have forgotten to credit for helping me out.
FLAC Fingerprints and shntool results are included on each disc.
Without further ado, here is all of the circulating audio that didn’t take place at a Van Halen concert:

Disc 1
xx/xx/xx Ed & Dave talking about recording 3 min. (ripped from “Pasadena Hilton” silver, Ron H.)
KROQ FM 12/14/76 Interview w/RWTD demo 6 min. (ripped from “Goldenwest Ballroom Deluxe”)
xx/xx/78 Van Halen I commercial 1 min. (Mark P.)
“Runnin’ With Van Halen” xx/xx/78 FM Radio Special 50 min. (Greg R.)
BBC Radio FM, Glasgow 5/18/78 DLR & AVH 35 min. (Greg R.)
6/xx/78 Japanese radio interview w/Mike 2 min. (Mark P.)
KZEW FM promo 7/1/78 Texxas Jam 1 min. (Scott O.)
London 10/22/78 FM promo 1 min. (ripped from “Live at the Rainbow Theater”)
KROQ FM 12/xx/78 Interview DLR & The Runaways 10 min. (ripped from “Goldenwest Ballroom Deluxe”)
“Rock Years Interview” xx/xx/79 FM 4 min. (Rodney C.)
Great American Int. w/Roth 4/xx/79 10 min. (Rodney C.)
KSJO FM San Jose, CA 4/7/79 25 min. (Mark P.)
KISW FM Seattle 4/19/79 & 4/4/80 interviews (rebroadcast) 24 min. (Greg R.)
Kalamazoo 5/2/79 concert report 3 min. (Greg R.)
Beton Show, Dutch Radio FM 6/xx/79 15 min. (Greg R.)
Radio One FM, AVH & DLR 6/xx/79 11 min. (Greg R.)
KZEW FM promo #1 6/9/79 Texxas Jam 1 min. (Scott O.)
KZEW FM promo #2 6/9/79 Texxas Jam 1 min. (Scott O.)
Amsterdam 6/15/79 FM Interview 31 min. (Greg R.)
“Profiles In Rock” FM xx/xx/80 23 min. (Greg R.)
KGON FM Portland 4/3/80 English & Dutch 29 min. (Greg R.)
WMMS FM Cleveland 4/xx/80 15 min. 1st gen (Mark P.)
Milwaukee 4/14/80 FM “Concert Watch” 10 sec. (Mark P.)
WABX FM Detroit 4/27/80 15 min. (Mark P.)
Geleen, Holland FM 5/25/80 4 min. (Greg R.)
Lou Garou Show, Paris FM 6/2/80 56 min. (Rodney C.)
SDR Germany int. w/DLR & AVH FM 6/10/80 10 min. (Rodney C.)
WIOT FM Toledo 7/11/80 int. w/Dave 12 min. (ripped from “Have You Seen Junior’s Grades?”)
Chicago FM Interview 7/29/80 8 min. (Greg R.)
WSHE FM Miami, FL 8/9/80 18 min. (Tim O.)
Hollywood, FL 8/9/80 FM promo 3 sec. (Scott O.)
“Innerview” Jim Ladd w/ DLR 9/21/80 45 min. (Mark P.)
WMMR FM Philadelphia “Rocktober” 10/xx/80 55 min. (Rodney C.)
KSJO FM San Jose 10/10/80 DLR 45 min. (Mark P.)
WLUP FM Chicago Roth plays DJ 10/27/80 18 min. (Mark P.)
WLUP FM Chicago Roth plays DJ 10/27/80 66 min. (rebroadcast) (Rodney C.)
Amsterdam TV Special 1981 9 min. (Greg R.)
BBC radio int. w/Dave 6/xx/81 50 min. (Rodney C.)
KGON FM Portland 6/9/81 4 min. (Greg R.)
WMMR FM Philadelphia 7/22/81 AVH & DLR 25 min. (Tim O.)
KLAQ FM El Paso, TX 10/7/81 int w/Alex 15 min. (Mark P.)
Disc 2
“Off The Record” (Pts. I & II) FM 1981 95 min. (Greg R.)
xx/xx/82 Innerview w/Jim Ladd, Series #24, Show #12 55 min. (pre-FM vinyl) (Norm R.)
xx/xx/82 Innerview w/Jim Ladd, Series #24, Show #13 55 min. (incl. “79th and Sunset”). (pre-FM vinyl) (Norm R.)
Fast Forward int. w/Roth xx/xx/82 TV 25 min. (Mark P.)
Liner Notes xx/xx/82 TV 8 min. (Mark P.)
“One Minute With…” (The Source) xx/xx/82 FM DLR 5 min. (Mark P.)
Rockline 2/12/82 FM AVH & DLR 43 min. (Mark P.)
Dutch Radio FM Interview, EVH & AVH 6/25/82 4 min. (Greg R.)
Birmingham, AL 7/22/82 FM promo 1 min. (Greg R.)
Louisville, KY 7/30/82 EVH & Jas Obrecht phone conversation (ripped from unknown gen CDR)
“Off The Record” 8/xx/82 Show #82-33 60 min. (pre-FM vinyl) (Norm R.)
Rockline FM 8/9/82 71 min. (Rodney C.)
San Francisco 9/14 & 9/15/82 FM promo 30 sec. (Mark P.)
Uniondale 10/18/82 FM promo & EVH breaks wrist news 4 min. (Mark P.)
Montreal 10/27/82 FM promo 1 min. (ripped from “Floor ‘em at the Forum”)
Nightwatch 11/27/82 TV w/DLR 15 min. (Mark P.)
“A Portrait In Platinum” (The Source) 12/xx/82 2nd gen FM 90 min. (Greg R.)
“Rolling Stone History” xx/xx/83 FM 10 min. 1st gen (Mark P.)
Montevideo, Uruguay FM interview 2/4/83 33 min. (Greg R.)
Inside Track w/ Lisa Robinson, FM, DLR 6/xx/83 45 min. (Greg R.)
Disc 3
US Festival 5/29/83 press conference w/Roth 3 min. (Mark P.)
US Festival 5/29/83 concert report FM edit (KRQR rebroadcast) 20 min. (incl. RWTD, Pretty Woman, YRGM/Happy Trails) (Mark P.)
xx/xx/84 “1984″ album promo 1 min. (Mark P.)
xx/xx/84 Casey Kasem introduces Jump as #1 song 2 min. (Mark P.)
WDIZ FM Miami station promo 1/xx/84 1 min. (Greg R.)
Inside Track w/ Lisa Robinson, FM, EVH 1/xx/84 45 min. (Greg R.)
Inside Track w/ Lisa Robinson, EVH & DLR 1/xx/84 32 min. (Mark P.)
Dutch Radio Interview, FM, AVH 1/11/84 6 min. (Greg R.)
Entertainment Tonight TV 1/17/84 w/EVH 4 min. (Mark P.)
Liner Notes 1/24/84 TV 10 min. (Greg R.)
Roanoke 2/4/84 FM promo 1 min. (Tim O.)
DLR BBC Interview 2/5/84 45 min. (Rodney C.)
Rockline Interview FM 2/20/84 70 min. (Mark P.)
Toronto 4/10/84 FM review of Detroit 4/5/84 4 min. (Greg R.)
Toronto 4/17/84 FM concert report 2 min. (Mark P.)
Montreal FM interview w/ DLR 4/19/84 35 min. (Greg R.)
CHOM FM Montreal promo 4/19/84 10 sec. (Mark P.)
DLR on Friday Night Videos 5/4/84 TV 11 min. (Mark P.)
San Francisco 5/9, 5/10 & 5/11/84 various FM 10 min. (Mark P.)
Amsterdam 5/26/84 NCRV FM Interview 33 min. (Greg R.)
Memorial Day Party (The Source) 5/30/84 FM 40 min. (Greg R.)
DLR on “Entertainment Tonight” 6/1/84 TV 4 min. (Greg R.)
Leicestershire, England 8/18/84 FM 24 min. (Greg R.)
Stockholm 8/25/84 FM, DLR int. 2 min. (Greg R.)
Stockholm 8/25/84 FM press conference 28 min. (Scott O.)
Stockholm 8/25/84 FM Michael Anthony 10 min. (Greg R.)
Nuremburg 9/2/84 FM Michael Anthony 7 min. (Greg R.)
“We’re An American Band” w/DLR FM 10/30/84 25 min. (Rodney C.)
“Legendary Performer” xx/xx/85 DLR 43 min. (Rodney C.)
Sweden, FM DLR 2/21/85 4 min. (Greg R.)
Disc 4
Bootlegger calling up a radio station, talking about a club days tape xx/xx/98 7 min. (ripped from “That’s All Folks” silver, Josh S.)
“In The Studio for Van Halen I” (1998) (Pre-FM silver>FLAC) (Josh S.)
“In The Studio for Van Halen II, WACF & Fair Warning” (1998) (Pre-FM silver>FLAC) (Josh S.)
“In The Studio for 1984″ (1999) (Pre-FM silver>FLAC) (Ron H.)
“Off The Record Classic” #00-04 (weekend of 1/22 & 1/23/00) (Pre-FM silver>FLAC) (Chris J.)
EVH performances outside of VH through 1985
xx/xx/78 “Get Away From You” (ripped from “That’s All Folks” silver, Josh S.)
EVH & The Pretenders, Pauley Pavilion, UCLA 2/14/82 8 min. (Greg R.)
EVH & Allan Holdsworth, The Roxy, Los Angeles 4/23/82 7 min. (Greg R.)
“Beat It” solo overdub xx/xx/83 (ripped from “That’s All Folks” silver, Josh S.)
“Starfleet” EP 4/21 & 4/22/83 vinyl>CDR (Norm R.)
“Seduction of Gina” soundtrack xx/xx/83 (Mark P.)
“Donut City” xx/xx/84 (ripped from “Sunset Sound” unknown gen CDR)
EVH w/John Waite xx/xx/84 10 min. (Scott O.)
EVH w/Michael Jackson, Dallas 7/13/84 TV 7 min. (ripped from “That’s All Folks” silver, Josh S.)
EVH w/Scandal 4/xx/85 FM 45 min. (Scott O.)
EVH & Cheech Marin, Malibu, CA 5/12/85 (Greg R.)

When you turn on your stereo, does it return the favor?

October 15, 2015 at 10:14 pm Quote #50573


mrmojohalen: 4 DVD FLAC set Liberated at diamonddavidleeroth.com, January 2006 All circulating interviews of all band members through 1985 All circulating EVH solo performances through 1985 Notes by Lou: These are all of the circulating interviews, as well as some Eddie Van Halen solo stuff outside of VH, through 1985 before Van Hagar was formed. Prior to this release, I spent about 10 months trying to amass a “mother” compilation of everything Van Halen, mostly from FM radio, that took place away from the concert stage. A lot of people played a role in putting this together. They are as follows, in alphabetical order: Rodney C. Ron H. Chris J. Mark P. Scott O. Tim O. Greg R. Norm R. Josh S. Everything that came from Tim O. was transferred by Lou from his tapes which he lent me, except for the Miami 8/9/80 interview which he personally transferred. Everything that came from Mark P. was transferred with a Sony tape deck>TDK standalone burner>CDR. Everything that came from Greg R. was transferred by Lou with a Sony TC-WE635 tape deck>Sony RCD-W500C standalone burner>CDR I cannot give precise lineage on everyone else’s efforts, other than that they gave me a rip from a silver, or transferred it themselves from their own tapes. Or in the case of Norm R., his own vinyls. Finally, I ripped a handful of interviews from well-circulating CDR’s, for the purpose of rounding up everything in one place. Below are how the files are spread across the discs. Each clip has the name of the person who gave it to me, as best as I can recall. I sincerely apologize to anyone whom I have forgotten to credit for helping me out. FLAC Fingerprints and shntool results are included on each disc. Without further ado, here is all of the circulating audio that didn’t take place at a Van Halen concert: Disc 1 xx/xx/xx Ed & Dave talking about recording 3 min. (ripped from “Pasadena Hilton” silver, Ron H.) KROQ FM 12/14/76 Interview w/RWTD demo 6 min. (ripped from “Goldenwest Ballroom Deluxe”) xx/xx/78 Van Halen I commercial 1 min. (Mark P.) “Runnin’ With Van Halen” xx/xx/78 FM Radio Special 50 min. (Greg R.) BBC Radio FM, Glasgow 5/18/78 DLR & AVH 35 min. (Greg R.) 6/xx/78 Japanese radio interview w/Mike 2 min. (Mark P.) KZEW FM promo 7/1/78 Texxas Jam 1 min. (Scott O.) London 10/22/78 FM promo 1 min. (ripped from “Live at the Rainbow Theater”) KROQ FM 12/xx/78 Interview DLR & The Runaways 10 min. (ripped from “Goldenwest Ballroom Deluxe”) “Rock Years Interview” xx/xx/79 FM 4 min. (Rodney C.) Great American Int. w/Roth 4/xx/79 10 min. (Rodney C.) KSJO FM San Jose, CA 4/7/79 25 min. (Mark P.) KISW FM Seattle 4/19/79 & 4/4/80 interviews (rebroadcast) 24 min. (Greg R.) Kalamazoo 5/2/79 concert report 3 min. (Greg R.) Beton Show, Dutch Radio FM 6/xx/79 15 min. (Greg R.) Radio One FM, AVH & DLR 6/xx/79 11 min. (Greg R.) KZEW FM promo #1 6/9/79 Texxas Jam 1 min. (Scott O.) KZEW FM promo #2 6/9/79 Texxas Jam 1 min. (Scott O.) Amsterdam 6/15/79 FM Interview 31 min. (Greg R.) “Profiles In Rock” FM xx/xx/80 23 min. (Greg R.) KGON FM Portland 4/3/80 English & Dutch 29 min. (Greg R.) WMMS FM Cleveland 4/xx/80 15 min. 1st gen (Mark P.) Milwaukee 4/14/80 FM “Concert Watch” 10 sec. (Mark P.) WABX FM Detroit 4/27/80 15 min. (Mark P.) Geleen, Holland FM 5/25/80 4 min. (Greg R.) Lou Garou Show, Paris FM 6/2/80 56 min. (Rodney C.) SDR Germany int. w/DLR & AVH FM 6/10/80 10 min. (Rodney C.) WIOT FM Toledo 7/11/80 int. w/Dave 12 min. (ripped from “Have You Seen Junior’s Grades?”) Chicago FM Interview 7/29/80 8 min. (Greg R.) WSHE FM Miami, FL 8/9/80 18 min. (Tim O.) Hollywood, FL 8/9/80 FM promo 3 sec. (Scott O.) “Innerview” Jim Ladd w/ DLR 9/21/80 45 min. (Mark P.) WMMR FM Philadelphia “Rocktober” 10/xx/80 55 min. (Rodney C.) KSJO FM San Jose 10/10/80 DLR 45 min. (Mark P.) WLUP FM Chicago Roth plays DJ 10/27/80 18 min. (Mark P.) WLUP FM Chicago Roth plays DJ 10/27/80 66 min. (rebroadcast) (Rodney C.) Amsterdam TV Special 1981 9 min. (Greg R.) BBC radio int. w/Dave 6/xx/81 50 min. (Rodney C.) KGON FM Portland 6/9/81 4 min. (Greg R.) WMMR FM Philadelphia 7/22/81 AVH & DLR 25 min. (Tim O.) KLAQ FM El Paso, TX 10/7/81 int w/Alex 15 min. (Mark P.) Disc 2 “Off The Record” (Pts. I & II) FM 1981 95 min. (Greg R.) xx/xx/82 Innerview w/Jim Ladd, Series #24, Show #12 55 min. (pre-FM vinyl) (Norm R.) xx/xx/82 Innerview w/Jim Ladd, Series #24, Show #13 55 min. (incl. “79th and Sunset”). (pre-FM vinyl) (Norm R.) Fast Forward int. w/Roth xx/xx/82 TV 25 min. (Mark P.) Liner Notes xx/xx/82 TV 8 min. (Mark P.) “One Minute With…” (The Source) xx/xx/82 FM DLR 5 min. (Mark P.) Rockline 2/12/82 FM AVH & DLR 43 min. (Mark P.) Dutch Radio FM Interview, EVH & AVH 6/25/82 4 min. (Greg R.) Birmingham, AL 7/22/82 FM promo 1 min. (Greg R.) Louisville, KY 7/30/82 EVH & Jas Obrecht phone conversation (ripped from unknown gen CDR) “Off The Record” 8/xx/82 Show #82-33 60 min. (pre-FM vinyl) (Norm R.) Rockline FM 8/9/82 71 min. (Rodney C.) San Francisco 9/14 & 9/15/82 FM promo 30 sec. (Mark P.) Uniondale 10/18/82 FM promo & EVH breaks wrist news 4 min. (Mark P.) Montreal 10/27/82 FM promo 1 min. (ripped from “Floor ‘em at the Forum”) Nightwatch 11/27/82 TV w/DLR 15 min. (Mark P.) “A Portrait In Platinum” (The Source) 12/xx/82 2nd gen FM 90 min. (Greg R.) “Rolling Stone History” xx/xx/83 FM 10 min. 1st gen (Mark P.) Montevideo, Uruguay FM interview 2/4/83 33 min. (Greg R.) Inside Track w/ Lisa Robinson, FM, DLR 6/xx/83 45 min. (Greg R.) Disc 3 US Festival 5/29/83 press conference w/Roth 3 min. (Mark P.) US Festival 5/29/83 concert report FM edit (KRQR rebroadcast) 20 min. (incl. RWTD, Pretty Woman, YRGM/Happy Trails) (Mark P.) xx/xx/84 “1984″ album promo 1 min. (Mark P.) xx/xx/84 Casey Kasem introduces Jump as #1 song 2 min. (Mark P.) WDIZ FM Miami station promo 1/xx/84 1 min. (Greg R.) Inside Track w/ Lisa Robinson, FM, EVH 1/xx/84 45 min. (Greg R.) Inside Track w/ Lisa Robinson, EVH & DLR 1/xx/84 32 min. (Mark P.) Dutch Radio Interview, FM, AVH 1/11/84 6 min. (Greg R.) Entertainment Tonight TV 1/17/84 w/EVH 4 min. (Mark P.) Liner Notes 1/24/84 TV 10 min. (Greg R.) Roanoke 2/4/84 FM promo 1 min. (Tim O.) DLR BBC Interview 2/5/84 45 min. (Rodney C.) Rockline Interview FM 2/20/84 70 min. (Mark P.) Toronto 4/10/84 FM review of Detroit 4/5/84 4 min. (Greg R.) Toronto 4/17/84 FM concert report 2 min. (Mark P.) Montreal FM interview w/ DLR 4/19/84 35 min. (Greg R.) CHOM FM Montreal promo 4/19/84 10 sec. (Mark P.) DLR on Friday Night Videos 5/4/84 TV 11 min. (Mark P.) San Francisco 5/9, 5/10 & 5/11/84 various FM 10 min. (Mark P.) Amsterdam 5/26/84 NCRV FM Interview 33 min. (Greg R.) Memorial Day Party (The Source) 5/30/84 FM 40 min. (Greg R.) DLR on “Entertainment Tonight” 6/1/84 TV 4 min. (Greg R.) Leicestershire, England 8/18/84 FM 24 min. (Greg R.) Stockholm 8/25/84 FM, DLR int. 2 min. (Greg R.) Stockholm 8/25/84 FM press conference 28 min. (Scott O.) Stockholm 8/25/84 FM Michael Anthony 10 min. (Greg R.) Nuremburg 9/2/84 FM Michael Anthony 7 min. (Greg R.) “We’re An American Band” w/DLR FM 10/30/84 25 min. (Rodney C.) “Legendary Performer” xx/xx/85 DLR 43 min. (Rodney C.) Sweden, FM DLR 2/21/85 4 min. (Greg R.) Disc 4 Bootlegger calling up a radio station, talking about a club days tape xx/xx/98 7 min. (ripped from “That’s All Folks” silver, Josh S.) “In The Studio for Van Halen I” (1998) (Pre-FM silver>FLAC) (Josh S.) “In The Studio for Van Halen II, WACF & Fair Warning” (1998) (Pre-FM silver>FLAC) (Josh S.) “In The Studio for 1984″ (1999) (Pre-FM silver>FLAC) (Ron H.) “Off The Record Classic” #00-04 (weekend of 1/22 & 1/23/00) (Pre-FM silver>FLAC) (Chris J.) EVH performances outside of VH through 1985 xx/xx/78 “Get Away From You” (ripped from “That’s All Folks” silver, Josh S.) EVH & The Pretenders, Pauley Pavilion, UCLA 2/14/82 8 min. (Greg R.) EVH & Allan Holdsworth, The Roxy, Los Angeles 4/23/82 7 min. (Greg R.) “Beat It” solo overdub xx/xx/83 (ripped from “That’s All Folks” silver, Josh S.) “Starfleet” EP 4/21 & 4/22/83 vinyl>CDR (Norm R.) “Seduction of Gina” soundtrack xx/xx/83 (Mark P.) “Donut City” xx/xx/84 (ripped from “Sunset Sound” unknown gen CDR) EVH w/John Waite xx/xx/84 10 min. (Scott O.) EVH w/Michael Jackson, Dallas 7/13/84 TV 7 min. (ripped from “That’s All Folks” silver, Josh S.) EVH w/Scandal 4/xx/85 FM 45 min. (Scott O.) EVH & Cheech Marin, Malibu, CA 5/12/85 (Greg R.)

THAT’S IT !!!!!!!!


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