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January 27, 2015 at 2:37 am Quote #41963 | |
Dutchie (1820) | I’ve got that single here somewhere. I’ve also got some of the Ltd Tins that were released at the time… Its not my favorite VH cd, but it sounds amazing. Too many ballads on it. The rockier songs are cool. DutchieQuote |
January 27, 2015 at 11:46 am Quote #41966 | |
VOODOO (2382) | I agree it was sonically solid. I’m surprised so many people dislike “Big Fat Money” but like “Feelin”. I always felt “Big Fat Money” was a classic example of throwing something unexpected in the mix, like “Could This Be Magic?”, “Big Bad Bill”, “Happy Trails”, etc. It’s one of the handful of Hagar tunes I can still listen to now. “Feelin’” is one of the many Hagar era tunes that I always skipped. The solo is cool, but I always thought that song was weak. “Don’t Tell Me” was an oddball song to me. Sometimes I liked it. Sometimes I didn’t. I don’t know why. I know Eddie liked to have segues between songs, but I thought “Strung Out” and “Doin Time” were a waste and didn’t add anything to the overall album. “Baluchitherium” was cool, but I don’t think it should have been on there over “Crossing Over”. I loved the nod to the old days with the intro to “Take Me Back”. VOODOOQuote |
January 28, 2015 at 8:22 pm Quote #41987 | |
Gilligan (1518) | I had pretty much given up on Van Hagar by this album so I’ve never even listened to the whole thing. I do like Amsterdam, from what I can recall from the video. There are several VH and DLR albums I’ve still never sat though – I’m probably missing out on some good stuff!? Someday… GilliganQuote |
January 28, 2015 at 8:55 pm Quote #41988 | |
kaloway (2025) | The album sounded ‘forced’ to me. We need an album, lets crank one out etc. The album has suck great potential but it is just missing the unity that the band lost at that time. kalowayQuote |
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