TopicsAll ForumsGeneralThe Corner Pub20 YEARS AFTER " VAN HALEN 3 "

This topic has 4 voices, contains 6 replies, and was last updated by  mcs5150 2548 days ago.

March 27, 2018 at 3:58 am Quote #58608


Dear buddies,

after 20 years..it’s time to comment about VAN HALEN 3…

Many of you might say…” hey, it was the worst Van Halen album ever”… ok…

But going back at that time,..I remember I was waiting for that album…and in the end..I liked it.

VH III was exactly what and how Ed wanted to be. Period.

Gary did a great job, with his own voice… The problem is that you cannot pretend to hear Gary singing like Sammy…or Dave .

It was a good record to me, and the live performance was quite good, in my modest opinion…August 16th Holmdel New Jersey, PNC Art Bank Center..

Musically speaking, I really liked Without you , One I want, Fire in the hole, Dirty water dog, One, a Year to the day, How Many say I, Ballot or the bullet.

And by the way, I bought 2 copies…The official version, plus the special edition…( with no new music in it)..

…last but not least…the unreleased ” THAT’S WHY I LOVE YOU” is still one of my favourite VH leftovers ever ( along with Crossing over – from the Balance Album) .

I don’t know what do you think about VH3…but I still think it has some good songs in it.

March 27, 2018 at 10:43 am Quote #58609


you liked, “How Many Say I??” lol ha ha
well I agree with you on pretty much everything except that song lol
cool album for sure but HMSI……. eh… well… um I guess I could have done without that one lol I agree with you that the unreleased Thats Why I Love You was awesome and should have made the cut and ABSOLUTELY at least should have cut HMSI out lol. I also liked the version Mitch Malloy did of that song before Gary.


vhtrading member since 2000

March 27, 2018 at 2:00 pm Quote #58611


EVH is on FIRE one of the best performances ever i think!

boldly going nowhere

March 28, 2018 at 7:34 am Quote #58613


Thanks mjk2112 !!!

I would like to know if there’s a video of the HOLMDEL show..August 16th 1998…

March 28, 2018 at 7:41 am Quote #58614


evhua: Thanks mjk2112 !!!

I would like to know if there’s a video of the HOLMDEL show..August 16th 1998…

There is. It is a Osky Remaster from 2006.

March 28, 2018 at 11:22 am Quote #58615


..oh wow, gotta find a way to get it..

thank you so very much !

..should I check on youtube ?

March 28, 2018 at 7:26 pm Quote #58619


I have a copy on DVD (but don’t currently have a DVD player), so some people here certainly have it.


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